
2020-12-19  本文已影响0人  盗生一
    <select id="pageWithCustom" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.entity.PersonInfo">
        select pi.name as name,pi.age ,pi.person_id as personId,pi.gender_code as genderCode,pi.idcard as idcard
        from (select (to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - substr(IDCARD, 7, 4)) as age, a.*
        from Person_Info a) pi
            <if test="personInfo.key != null and personInfo.key!= ''">
                and (pi.name like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%' or pi.idcard like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%' or
                pi.current_address like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%')

            <if test="personInfo.lstAgeScope != null and personInfo.lstAgeScope.size() > 0 ">
                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstAgeScope" item="item" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"
                    ( pi.age &gt;= #{item.minAge} and pi.age &lt;= #{item.maxAge})

            <!-- 实有人口管理类别(SYRKGLLBDM)-人员类型统计 -->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.personManageType != null and personInfo.personManageType!= ''">-->
            <!--                and pi.person_manage_type = #{personInfo.personManageType}-->
            <!--            </if>-->
            <if test="personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList != null and personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList.size() > 0 ">
                and pi.person_manage_type in
                <foreach collection="personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index">
           <!--   <if test="personInfo.attentionTypeCode != null and personInfo.attentionTypeCode!= ''">
                  and (exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.attention_type_code=
                  #{personInfo.attentionTypeCode} and pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
            <if test="personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList != null and personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList.size()>0 ">
                and (exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.attention_type_code in
                <foreach collection="personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index">
                and pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
            <!--/*户籍地址_行政区划代码 省份统计*/-->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.nativeAdminAreaCode != null and personInfo.nativeAdminAreaCode!= ''">-->
            <!--                and substr(pi.native_admin_area_code,0,2) = #{personInfo.nativeAdminAreaCode}-->
            <!--            </if>-->
            <if test="personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList != null and personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList.size() > 0 ">
                and substr(pi.native_admin_area_code,0,2) in
                <foreach collection="personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index">

        <if test="personInfo.villageId != null and personInfo.villageId!= ''">
            and ( exists (select *
            from village_house h
            where village_id = #{personInfo.villageId}
            and h.owner_person_id = pi.person_id)
            or exists (select *
            from village_personhouserelation r
            where r.village_id = #{personInfo.villageId}
            and r.person_id = pi.person_id and (departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate) ) )

        <if test="personInfo.queryTenantList != null and personInfo.queryTenantList!= '' and  personInfo.queryTenantList == 3 ">
            and ( exists (select *
            from Village_Personhouserelation vph
            where (vph.departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate)
            and EXISTS (select *
            from VILLAGE_HOUSE vh
            where live_type = '4'
            and vph.person_id != vh.owner_person_id)
            and vph.person_id = pi.person_id))

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.mapper.PersonMapper">

    <select id="queryCountGroupByProvince" resultType="java.util.Map">
          select count(1) as COUNT, code as NAME
            from (select ( substr(pi.NATIVE_ADMIN_AREA_CODE, 0, 2)) as code,pi.NATIVE_ADMIN_AREA_CODE
                 Person_Info pi where pi.NATIVE_ADMIN_AREA_CODE is not null)
           group by code
           order by count(1) asc

    <select id="queryCountGroupByAge" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.entity.PersonInfo">
        select count(1) as PERSON_ID, age as NAME
          from (select (to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - substr(IDCARD, 7, 4)) as age
                  from Person_Info)
         group by age
         order by age asc

    <select id="queryCountGroupByAttentionType" resultType="java.util.Map">
        select count(pa.attention_type_code) as COUNT ,
               pa.attention_type_code as NAME
          from PERSON_INFO pi
          join Person_Attentionperson pa
            on pi.person_id = pa.person_id
         group by pa.attention_type_code
         order by count(pa.attention_type_code) desc
    <select id="pageWithCustom" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.entity.PersonInfo">
        select pi.name as name,pi.age ,pi.person_id as personId,pi.gender_code as genderCode,pi.idcard as idcard
        from (select (to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - substr(IDCARD, 7, 4)) as age, a.*
        from Person_Info a) pi
            <if test="personInfo.key != null and personInfo.key!= ''">
                and (pi.name like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%' or pi.idcard like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%' or
                pi.current_address like '%' || #{personInfo.key} || '%')

            <if test="personInfo.lstAgeScope != null and personInfo.lstAgeScope.size() > 0 ">
                <foreach collection="personInfo.lstAgeScope" item="item" open="(" separator=" or " close=")"
                    ( pi.age &gt;= #{item.minAge} and pi.age &lt;= #{item.maxAge})

            <!-- 实有人口管理类别(SYRKGLLBDM)-人员类型统计 -->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.personManageType != null and personInfo.personManageType!= ''">-->
            <!--                and pi.person_manage_type = #{personInfo.personManageType}-->
            <!--            </if>-->
            <if test="personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList != null and personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList.size() > 0 ">
                and pi.person_manage_type in
                <foreach collection="personInfo.queryPersonManageTypeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index">
           <!--   <if test="personInfo.attentionTypeCode != null and personInfo.attentionTypeCode!= ''">
                  and (exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.attention_type_code=
                  #{personInfo.attentionTypeCode} and pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
            <if test="personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList != null and personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList.size()>0 ">
                and (exists (select * from person_attentionperson pa where pa.attention_type_code in
                <foreach collection="personInfo.queryAttentionTypeCodeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index">
                and pa.person_id = pi.person_id))
            <!--/*户籍地址_行政区划代码 省份统计*/-->
            <!--            <if test="personInfo.nativeAdminAreaCode != null and personInfo.nativeAdminAreaCode!= ''">-->
            <!--                and substr(pi.native_admin_area_code,0,2) = #{personInfo.nativeAdminAreaCode}-->
            <!--            </if>-->
            <if test="personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList != null and personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList.size() > 0 ">
                and substr(pi.native_admin_area_code,0,2) in
                <foreach collection="personInfo.queryNativeAdminAreaCodeList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" index="index">

        <if test="personInfo.villageId != null and personInfo.villageId!= ''">
            and ( exists (select *
            from village_house h
            where village_id = #{personInfo.villageId}
            and h.owner_person_id = pi.person_id)
            or exists (select *
            from village_personhouserelation r
            where r.village_id = #{personInfo.villageId}
            and r.person_id = pi.person_id and (departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate) ) )

        <if test="personInfo.queryTenantList != null and personInfo.queryTenantList!= '' and  personInfo.queryTenantList == 3 ">
            and ( exists (select *
            from Village_Personhouserelation vph
            where (vph.departure_date is null or departure_date >= sysdate)
            and EXISTS (select *
            from VILLAGE_HOUSE vh
            where live_type = '4'
            and vph.person_id != vh.owner_person_id)
            and vph.person_id = pi.person_id))

    <select id="queryAllRelationById" resultType="com.gxhj.safecommunity.person.vo.RelationVo">

        <if test="relationType.size > 0">
            select pi.person_id as id, pi.name, pi.gender_code as sex, pi.IDCARD as idcard, pr.relation_name as
            queryType, 0 as dataType
            from person_info pi right join person_relation pr on pi.person_id = pr.sub_people_id
                and pr.main_people_id = #{id}
                and pr.relation_name in
                <foreach collection="relationType" item="item" separator="," open="(" close=")" index="">

        <if test="type.contains('04')">
            <if test="type.contains('04') and relationType.size > 0">
                union all
            select v1.person_id as id, p.name, p.GENDER_CODE as sex, p.IDCARD as idcard, '04' as queryType, 0 as
            from VILLAGE_PERSONHOUSERELATION v1 left join person_info p on v1.person_id = p.person_id
            exists ( select v2.house_id from VILLAGE_PERSONHOUSERELATION v2
            where v2.person_id = #{id} and v2.house_id = v1.house_id and (v2.departure_date is null or v2.departure_date
            >= sysdate))
            or exists ( select v3.house_id from village_house v3 where v3.owner_person_id = #{id} and v3.house_id =

        <if test="type.contains('05')">
            <if test="type.contains('05') and (relationType.size > 0 or type.contains('04'))">
                union all
            select pi5.person_id as id, pi5.name, pi5.GENDER_CODE as sex, pi5.IDCARD as idcard, '05' as queryType, 0
            as dataType
            from PERCEPTION_VISITOR pv5 left join person_Info pi5 on pv5.visitor_person_id = pi5.person_id
            exists ( select v2.house_id from VILLAGE_PERSONHOUSERELATION v2 where v2.person_id = #{id} and v2.house_id =
            pv5.access_house_id and (v2.departure_date is null or v2.departure_date &gt;= sysdate))
            or exists ( select v3.house_id from village_house v3 where v3.owner_person_id = #{id} and v3.house_id =

        <if test="type.contains('06')">
            <if test="type.contains('06') and (relationType.size > 0 or type.contains('04') or type.contains('05'))">
                union all
            select v.vehicle_id as id, v.license_plate as name, '' as sex, '' as idcard, '06' as queryType, 1 as
            dataType from vehicle_info v
            where v.person_id = #{id}
        <if test="type.contains('07')">
            <if test="type.contains('07') and (relationType.size > 0 or type.contains('04') or type.contains('05') or type.contains('06'))">
                union all
            select vh.house_id as id, v.ADDRESS_NAME || vh.CODE as name, '' as sex, '' as idcard, '07' as queryType, 2
            as dataType
            from VILLAGE_HOUSE vh left join village_info v on vh.village_id = v.village_id
            where vh.owner_person_id = #{id}



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