The Lion King (014)

2021-06-06  本文已影响0人  学陟

“What am I going to do with him? ”Mufasa said as he and Zazu began to make their way back to the top of Pride Rock.

“我该拿他怎么办呢?” 木法沙说道,并和沙祖回到荣耀石顶部。

“Well, here's a thought, ” Zazu said, not hesitating to offer up his dream solution.

“我有一个想法,” 沙祖说道,毫不犹豫地献上他的理想解决办法。

“Why not drag him away with your massive teeth and claws? ”


Mufasa tried not to laugh. It was no secret that the hornbill despised Scar. He wasn't sure if it was because of Zazu's loyalty to his king or the fact that Scar was so messy. Zazu despised disorder.


“What? ” Zazu said. “We both know he should have been expelled from the Pride Lands long ago.”

“什么?” 沙祖问道。“我们都知道他早该被逐出荣耀国了。”

Mufasa's smile faded. “He's my brother, Zazu, ” he said, shaking his head. “This is his home. As long as I'm king, that will never change.” No matter how difficult Scar makes it for me, he added silently.

木法沙的笑容渐渐消失。“ 他是我弟弟,沙祖,” 他摇了摇头说道。“ 这是他的家 。只要我还是国王,这一点永远不会变。” 无论刀疤对我多么棘手,他默默地补充道。


  1. hesitating 英 [ˈhezɪteɪtɪŋ] v. (对某事)犹豫,迟疑不决; 顾虑;
  2. offer up 英 [ˈɒfə(r) ʌp] (向上帝或神)奉献(祈祷、赞美);
  3. massive 英 [ˈmæsɪv] adj. 巨大的; 大而重的; 结实的;
  4. claws 英 [klɔːz] n. (动物或禽类的)爪,脚爪;
  5. drag 英 [dræɡ] v. (使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,拽,扯;
  6. because of 英 [bɪˈkɒz əv] conj. 因为,由于(说明);
  7. No matter 英 [nəʊ ˈmætə(r)] 不管,不论;
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