Day010  体育——经久不衰的超级碗(EP0209)

2018-02-09  本文已影响0人  danielyu小于


超级碗(Super Bowl)是美国的国家橄榄球联盟(National Football League)年度冠军赛,一般在每年1月最后一个或2月第一个星期天举行,当天被称为超级碗星期天(Super Bowl Sunday)。超级碗多年来都是全美收视率最高的电视节目,并逐渐成为一个非官方的全国性节日,所以也被称作“美国的春晚”。2018年2月4日, 第52届超级碗在美国明尼苏达落下帷幕。最终,费城老鹰队以41-33的总比分击败新英格兰爱国者队,捧得球队队史第一个超级碗冠军奖杯。就在比赛之前,还有许多人担心 NFL 已经辉煌不再:赛事收视率下降,球员身体状况不佳,还有裁判争议和重播问题。但是事实证明,不管 NFL 是否在走下坡路,Super Bowl 依旧火爆!



Still super at 52: Super Bowl

①-④ NFL面临的问题

① Many worry about the decline of America's National Football League(NFL).

② TV ratings【n. 收视率(rating /ˈreɪtɪŋ/ 的复数形式)】 are down.

③ There are serious concerns n. 担心 】about the health of players due to concussions【n. 脑震荡】.

Refereeing【vi. 作为裁判 n. 裁判】 controversies【n 争论,辩论】 and replay reviews【 重播;复看】 annoy fans—even the simple question of whether a ball was caught has become absurdly【adv. 极其】 befuddling【vt. 让人迷惑】.

⑤-⑧ 本届比赛双方以及广告商间的竞争

⑤ But all that will be forgotten on Sunday when the New England Patriots【新英格兰爱国者】 and Philadelphia Eagles【费城老鹰】 play in Super Bowl 52.

⑥ Ratings should be strong.

⑦ The Patriots have become one of the most famous franchises【n. (职业)球队;特许经销商】 in the world, beloved or hated by millions.

⑧ The television ads should be entertaining, as traditional rivals like Coca-Cola and Pepsi pay an average of $10m per minute of airtime【 n. 广告时间;节目播放时间】.

⑨-⑩ 如果爱国者队获胜的话将是第六次获得总冠军,不论如何Super Bowl 依然火爆

⑨ And if the bookmakers【n. 赌注登记人】 have it right作对的, Patriots quarterback【n. 四分卫】 Tom Brady and head coach Bill Belichick will win a record 新纪录 sixth Super Bowl together.

⑩ Whether or not the NFL is in decline, the Super Bowl is definitely not.


Super Bowl: 超级碗

NFL: National Football League 国家橄榄球联盟

AFL: American Football League 美国橄榄球联盟【已经与NFL合并】

ratings: n. 收视率(rating /ˈreɪtɪŋ/ 的复数形式)

concern /kənˈsəːn/: n. 担忧

concussion /kənˈkʌʃ(ə)n/: n. 脑震荡

referee /rɛfəˈriː/: vi. 作为裁判 n. 裁判

reply review: 重播;复看

absurdly /əbˈsəːdli/: adv. 极其

befuddle /bɪˈfʌd(ə)l/: vt. 让人迷惑

franchise /ˈfran(t)ʃʌɪz/: n. (职业)球队;特许经销商

airtime /ˈɛːtʌɪm/: n. 广告时间;节目播放时间

bookmaker /ˈbʊkmeɪkə/: n. 赌注登记人

quarterback /ˈk(w)ɔːtəbak/: n. 四分卫(橄榄球运动中各个位置中最重要的是四分卫(Quarterback),相当于进攻总司令,其个人表现通常会极大影响球队赢球与否)

Tom Brady 就是著名的四分卫


Philadelphia Eagles  &  New England Patriots
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