I love 游大学生活语言·翻译


2018-03-17  本文已影响23人  Jason外贸旅途




一. 第一次给客人打电话,客人不在?

Good morning, this is Mary, how can I help you?  早上好,我是Mary, 有什么需要帮忙的吗?

Hi, Mary, this is Jason from ABC company in China, may I speak to Mark, please? 您好Mary, 我是Jason来自中国的ABC公司,请问Mark在吗?

Sorry, he is not in the office right now.   不好意思, 他现在不在办公室。

When he will be back? 他什么时候回来?

I am not sure. Can you leave a message?   不确定,你能留个信息么?

No, thanks. he will be back tomorrow morning?   不了,谢谢。他明天早上回来么?  

Yes, you can call tomorrow morning.  是的,你可以明天早上打来。

OK, Thank you very much. it's very nice of you, Mary.  好的,非常谢谢,Mary, 你真好。

You are welcome.  不客气。

Thank you for your time, Mary, have a nice day. Bye. 谢谢你的时间,Mary,祝你度过愉快的一天,再见

Bye. 再见

二. 上次没找到客人? What should I do?  Keep moving!

Good morning, DEF company, how can I help you?


Hi, Mary, this is Jason calling again, how are you today?

Very good, how about you? 很好,你呢?

I am wonderful. It's very nice to hear your sweet voice again. 我很好,再次听到你的声音感觉很好。  

Haha, me, too. 哈哈,我也。

May I speak to Mark, please?  请问Mark在吗?

Mark is (very )busy at the moment.  Mark 现在很忙。

He sent me an Email (We met in Canton Fair last week), he knows me very well, I have something to talk to him, it is a little urgent, can you help me this time?  他之前有发过邮件给我,(我们上周在展会见过),他知道这个事情,我有事情跟他说,有点紧急,这次你能帮我么?

OK, hold on, please,I will put you through. 好的,我帮你转过去。

三. Key points: 如何巧妙通过前台客服联系到潜在客户的采购负责人?

1. 与前台搞好关系,记住前台客服的名字,夸奖对方的声音甜美,人好。

2. 强调与要找的人有过联系,包括邮件,展会见面。。。为了建立电话沟通。

3. 适当说有点紧急,为了达成通话,建立联系。



