
2017-04-28  本文已影响76人  棋王chess

Pronouciation Practice Activities: A Resource Book for Teaching English Pronunciation (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)
Martin Hewings
Cambridge University Press


First, I wanted to report some of the pronunciation teaching activities I have used in over 25 years of English language teaching with students of many different nationalities and levels of ability, in the hope that other teachers might find some of them interesting and useful.
My second aim, then, was to offer a collection of pronunciation teaching materials that would provide ideas - and, I hope, inspiration - for teachers to go on to devise their own.
My third aim, then, was to write a book which provides a minimum of information about the details of English pronunciation (on the basis that interested teachers can refer to other more detailed sources for further information) but sufficient to make the activities comprehensible.




Introduction的部分,还针对“What is pronunciation?”这个问题,进行了详尽的分析。作者指出英语语音当中的几个特征:Sounds, Syllables, Words, Words in connected speech, strong and weak forms, Intonation, pronunciation and spelling.

Key terms: vowel, consonant, phoneme, minimal pair.

需要注意的是,要区分“vowel and consonant letters and vowel and consonant sounds

Key terms: syllable, consonant cluster.


vowel only (e.g. in a)

consonant+vowel (e.g. in me)

vowel+consonant (e.g. in eat)

consonant+vowel+consonant (e.g. in bag).


At the beginning of syllables, up to three consonant sounds are possible, as in string or split; while at the end, up to four consonants are possible, as in glimpsed (/-mpst/) and texts (/-ksts). These combinations of consonants are often referred to as consonant clusters.

Key terms: stress, stressed syllable, unstressed syllable, primary stress, secondary stress, main stress, stress shift, compound

但是,重音有时会出现转移的情况,例如Chinese这个词,重音在第二个音节,而在a Chinese company中,重音则转移到第一个音节上。
这里还可以参考American Accent Training一书对description phrases和set phrases重读规则的总结:


Words in connected speech
Key terms: citation form, connected speech.


First, when certain sounds come into contact at word boundaries, one or both of the sounds may change. In its citation form, the word *ten *is pronounced /ten/, but in It's ten past, influenced by the following /p/ sound, it will be pronounced closer to /tem/.
Second, sounds may be missed out. The citation form of looked is pronounced /lʊkt/ but in It looked bad the /t/ sound may be omitted completely, simplifying the consonant cluster /-ktb-/ and pronounced closer to /ɪt lʊkbæd/.
Third, in other cases, extra sounds are inserted. For example, the citation form of for in accents where /r/ is not normally pronounced at the end of a word (such as in south-east England) is /fɔ:/. However, in *for example *a /r/ sound is inserted between the words.

Strong and weak forms
Key terms: strong form, weak form

这部分提到了语法词(grammatical words),这些词的发音有强读弱读两种形式。



Key terms: intonation, tone unit, tone, tonic word, prominent word.


例如在“British English”中,“a falling-rising tone”可用来礼貌地表达不同意对方观点:

Pronunciation and spelling


A single written letter might have a number of different pronunciations in different words, a single sound might be represented by a number of letters or letter combinations in different words, and written letters may not have a directly corresponding pronunciation. For example, the letter f can be pronounced /v/ in of but /f/ in roof; the sound /ʃ/ can be represented by a variety of letters and letter combinations including s (sure), sh (shop), ch (machine) and sch(in the usual British pronunciation of Schedule); and the letter e is not sounded in the wordshowed.


David Crystal reports the widely cited figure that around 75 percent of English words are spelt according to a regular pattern. But he also notes that, **unfortunately, of the 400 or so words with irregular spellings, most are among the most frequently used in the language! **



在谈到教授发音的关键问题时,作者提出了一个老师和学生都会关心的问题:What model of pronunciation should I teach my students? 在学习者的角度,这也是一个“What model of pronunciation should I learn?”的问题。尤其是英语作为一门世界通用的语言,在母语国家和非母语国家,都演化出了不同类型的发音,或者说口音。到底该选取哪种发音作为模版来讲授,或者学习,作者认为,可以从下面这些问题着手:

最后一个问题,很有意思。北外的李晨老师在他的公众号谈“英语语音学与教”时,谈到Adrian Underhill的的著作Sound Foundations,并介绍了他的一些观点:


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