B20. APC Builder&B21. Web HM
B20 APC Builder
APC builder包含了用于构建Exasmoc控制器的以下功能。
有关的详细信息,请参阅“Exasmq Exarqe Builder操作手册”。
表B 20.1 APC builder
|功能| 可用的PC类型|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| |APC server(APC服务器) |APC client(APC客户端)| Web server(Web服务器)|
|Scheduler setting(计划设置)| 执行以下计划功能。・注册、删除、编辑应用程序; ・注册、删除、编辑应用程序;・应用程序执行顺序的排序;・应用程序的自动执行。|||
|APC Server settings(APC服务器设置)| 执行以下APC服务器设置。-注册需要连接的OPC服务器;- OPC安全设置;- Exaopc过程账户设置。|||
|APC Client settings(APC客户端设置)|| 执行以下APC客户端设置。- 注册需要连接的APC服务器。| 执行以下APC客户端设置。- 注册需要连接的APC服务器。|
START menu => Program => Yokogawa EXA => APC Builder

表B 20.2 APC builder菜单
|条目 |描述|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|File(文件) |
|Exit(退出) |关闭配置构建器。|
|Scheduler Settings(计划设置) |执行计划程序设置。|
|APC Server Settings(APC服务器设置) |执行APC服务器设置。|
|APC Client Settings(APC客户端设置)| 执行APC客户端设置。|

B21 Web HMI
Exasmoc / Exarqe视图可以使用Web浏览器(Internet Explorer 6/7/8)从任一PC访问APC Web服务器。APC Web服务器帮助APC服务器和Web客户端互相通讯。
Exasmoc / Exarqe R4.01 Web HMI提供的视图与上述APC客户端的相同。
表A 21:1 Web HMI
|名称| 描述|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Scheduler(计划)| “Scheduler view(计划视图)”显示在桌面区域上。|
|Task Trend(任务趋势) |应用程序的执行状态以趋势图的形式显示。|
|Controller(控制器) |系统开发了Exasmoc/Exare节点。当各个节点被选中时,将显示Exasmoc或Exarqe的“Control view(控制视图)”。|
|Trend(趋势) |显示“Trend View(趋势视图)”。|
|Message(消息) |系统开发了 Exasmoc/Exare节点。当各个节点被选中时,将显示Exasmoc或Exarqe的“Message view(消息视图)”。|
Document(文档) |系统开发了 Exasmoc/Exare节点。当各个节点被选中时,将显示Exasmoc或Exarqe的“Instruction Manual(使用说明书)”。|
B20. APC Builder
APC builder consists of the following functions for building Exasmoc controllers.
As to the detail, please refer to “Exasmoc Exarqe Builder Operation Manual”.
Table B 20.1 APC builder
|Function| Available PC type
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| |APC server| APC client| Web server|
|Scheduler setting| Following schedule functions are executed.・ Registration, delete, edit of applications ・ Registration, delete, edit of applications ・ Sorting of application execution order ・ Auto execution of applications |||
|APC Server settings |Following APC server settings are pr executed. - Registration of OPC server to be connected - OPC Security setting - Exaopc Process account settings |||
|APC Client settings ||Following APC client settings are executed. - Registration of APC server to be connected| Following APC client settings are executed. - Registration of APC server to be connected|
■ Operation
The APC builder is called as follows:
START menu => Program => Yokogawa EXA => APC Builder
■ View
View is different according to the type of APC station (APC server, APC client, Web server).
■ Description of items
Table B 20.2 Menu of APC builder
|Items |Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|File |
|Exit |Close the configuration builder.|
|Scheduler Settings |Executes the scheduler setting.|
|APC Server Settings| Executes the APC server setting.|
|APC Client Settings| Executes the APC client setting.|

APC builder should be called from user accounts having the administrative authority.
B21. Web HMI
Exasmoc/Exarqe views can be accessed from any PC using Web Browser (Internet Explorer 6/7/8). APC Web server.APC Web server makes APC server and Web client help to communicate with each other.
The views Exasmoc/Exarqe R4.01 Web HMI offers are equal to the above-mentioned APC client.
Table A 21:1 Web HMI
| Name | Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| Common part|
| Scheduler| "Scheduler view" is displayed on a desktop area.
| Task Trend| Execution status of applications is displayed as trend graph.
| Controller| The node of Exasmoc/Exare is developed. When each node is selected, "Control view" of Exasmoc or Exarqe is displayed.
| Trend| “Trend View” is displayed.
| Message| The node of Exasmoc/Exare is developed. When each node is selected, "Message view" of Exasmoc or Exarqe is displayed.
| Document| The node of Exasmoc/Exare is developed. When each node is selected, "Instruction Manual" of Exasmoc or Exarqe is displayed.