HKU 选课分析
1 . Image processing and computer vision [COMP7502]
To study the theory and algorithms in image processing and computer vision. Topics include image representation; image enhancement; image restoration; mathematical morphology; image compression; scene understanding and motion analysis.
2. Pattern recognition and applications [COMP7504]
To study techniques in pattern recognition. Topics include statistical decision theory; density estimation; dimension reduction; discriminant functions; unsupervised classification and clustering; neural network; hidden Markov model; and selected applications in pattern recognition such as characters and speech recognition.
3. Visualization and visual analytics [COMP7507]
This course introduces the basic principles and techniques in visualization and visual analytics, and their applications. Topics include human visual perception; color; visualization techniques for spatial, geospatial and multivariate data, graphs and networks; text and document visualization; scientific visualization; interaction and visual analysis.
4. Deep learning [COMP7606]
Ethical implications of deep learning and its applications will be covered first and the course will focus on how deep neural networks are applied to solve a wide range of problems in areas such as natural language processing, image processing, financial predictions, game playing and robotics. Topics covered include linear and logistic regression, artificial neural networks and how to train them, recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks, deep reinforcement learning, and unsupervised feature learning. Popular deep learning software, such as TensorFlow, will also be introduced.
5. Cluster and cloud computing [COMP7305]
This course offers an overview of current cloud technologies, and discusses various issues in the design and implementation of cloud systems. Topics include cloud delivery models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS) with motivating examples from Google, Amazon, and Microsoft; virtualization techniques implemented in Xen, KVM, VMWare, and Docker; distributed file systems, such as Hadoop file system; MapReduce and Spark programming models for large-scale data analysis, networking techniques in hyper-scale data centers. The students will learn the use of Amazon EC2 to deploy applications on cloud, and implement a novel cloud computing application on a Xen-enabled PC cluster as part of their term project.
6. Introduction to unmanned systems [COMP7308]
To study the theory and algorithms in unmanned systems. Topics include vehicle modelling, vehicle control, state estimation, perception and mapping, motion planning, and deep learning related techniques.
7. Quantum computing and artificial intelligence [COMP7309]
This course offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary fields of quantum computation and quantum AI. The focus will lie on an accessible introduction to the elementary concepts of quantum mechanics, followed by a comparison between computer science and information science in the quantum domain. The theoretical capability of quantum computers will be illustrated by analyzing fundamental algorithms of quantum computation and its potential applications in AI. Finally, the ethics of quantum computation and the potential impact of quantum computers on society will be discussed.
8. Computational intelligence and machine learning [COMP7404]
This course will teach a broad set of principles and tools that will provide the mathematical, algorithmic and philosophical framework for tackling problems using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). AI and ML are highly interdisciplinary fields with impact in different applications, such as, biology, robotics, language, economics, and computer science. AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs, while ML refers to the changes in systems that perform tasks associated with AI. Ethical issues in advanced AI and how to prevent learning algorithms from acquiring morally undesirable biases will be covered.Topics may include a subset of the following: problem solving by search, heuristic (informed) search, constraint satisfaction, games, knowledge-based agents, supervised learning, unsupervised learning; learning theory, reinforcement learning and adaptive control and ethical challenges of AI and ML.Pre-requisites: Nil, but knowledge of data structures and algorithms, probability, linear algebra, and programming would be an advantage.
9. Smart phone apps development [COMP7506]
This course aims at introducing the design issues of smart phone apps. For examples, the smart phone screen is usually much smaller than the computer monitor. We have to pay special attention to this aspect in order to develop attractive and successful apps. Various modern smart phone apps development environments and programming techniques (such as Java for Android phones and Swift for iPhones) will also be introduced to facilitate students to develop their own apps.
I. Topic in artificial intelligence [COMP7809]
Selected topics in artificial intelligence that are of current interest will be discussed.
II. Topic in multimedia computing [COMP7807]
Selected topics in multimedia computing that are of current interest will be discussed.