课程笔记 | 奶爸的英语教室 | 《英语弱读连读》5. 虚词何时
2017-01-05 本文已影响0人
1. 表示并列或对比(重读)
- It's either you or me who must go.
- It's my fault, not yours.
- He travels to and from New York several times a month.
2. 表示强调(重读)
- It was me who did it.
- it was she who was to blame.
3. 在句尾(强读不重读)
- What are you looking at?
- Who are you waiting for?
- Where did he come from?
- That was the only solution I could think of.
- Where are you going to?
4. 在非重读音节和人称代词之间(强读不重读)
- I've been waiting for you.
- I'm looking at him.
1. 元音弱化
- /æ/弱化为/ə/:an,am,and,as,at,have,has,had,can,shall,that,than
- /ʌ/弱化为/ə/:but,us,does,must,some
- /ɒ/弱化为/ə/:was,from,of
- /u:/弱化为/ə/:do,to,you(/jə/只在美国语音中使用,英国标准语音中很少使用)
- /ʊ/弱化为/ə/:should,would,could
- /ɔ:/弱化为/ə/:your,for
- /ɜ:/弱化为/ə/:her,were
- /ɑ:/弱化为/ə/:are
- /ɪ/弱化为/ə/:will
- /e/弱化为/ə/:them
- /eə/弱化为/ə/:there
2. 长元音缩短但音质不变
- /i:/缩短成/i/:the,he,she,me,we,be
- /u:/缩短成/u/:you
3. 省略
- 省略位于词首的/h/:he,him,his,her,have,has,had
4. 省略元音,辅音成为音节的主体
- from /frm/,them /ðm/,shall /ʃl/,can /kn/,some /sm/,than /ðn/
5. 省略辅音和元音
- and /ən,nd,n/