circuit No. regconition
思路 1. 去除在纯线号尾部打多个空格后写其他与纯线号无关的内容
2. 在上面基础上去除在纯线号尾部打括号的内容
3. 对一些省略circuit mark的线号进行circuit mark的添加,利用固化cirmk及输入cirmk
4. 对一些合写线号的字符串进行处理 这种情况如:P12A,13A~13F
先将字串据comma seperate,
找到common part,如上例中的P
(defun TLST_REFINE(lo_str_list cirMk /
asclastlst seq tlst_tmp)
;full name: text list refine
;arg: pure string list . circuit mark
;return: pure string list ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun rem_sufprefix(strx / ax)
;full name: remove the suffix not necessary
;input: str. output: str.
(setq ax (cdr (member 32 (reverse (vl-string->list strx)))))
(if (member 32 ax);32->space
(setq strx (vl-list->string (reverse ax)))
(if (setq ax (cdr (member 40 (reverse (vl-string->list strx)))));40->(....
(setq strx (vl-list->string (reverse ax)))
(setq strx (vl-list->string (vl-remove 32 (vl-string->list strx))))
(defun merge_CM_if_not(cirMk lo_str_list / i_slt feature_CM)
;full name: merge circuit mark(with cable No)if it has not
;input: circuit mark . line no string list
(setq feature_CM "#L#*,#L@*,#E#*,#E@*");for circuit mark feature in lighting diagram
(setq feature_CM (strcat feature_CM "," cirMk "#*" "," cirMk "@*")); append the feature for other diagram
(foreach strx lo_str_list
(if (and (not (wcmatch strx feature_CM)) (wcmatch strx "#*"))
;if the string not fit for above pattern, remain the string satisify "#*" pattern
(setq lo_str_list (subst (strcat cirMk strx) strx lo_str_list))
(setq lo_str_list lo_str_list)
(defun disperselo_in_lst (lo_str_list /
add_lst strlt_tmp orgstr
punc str2 alen
root add_lst_i)
(setq add_lst (list "start!"))
(while add_lst
(setq add_lst nil)
(foreach lostri lo_str_list
(if (vl-string-search "," lostri)
(progn (setq strlt_tmp nil);save the merge cable no string to strlt_tmp(temperary string list)
(setq orgstr lostri) ; orginal string
(while (setq punc (vl-string-search "," lostri));return of "," start from 0
(setq strlt_tmp (cons (substr lostri 1 punc) strlt_tmp)) ;substr start from 1
(setq lostri (substr lostri (+ punc 2)))
(setq strlt_tmp (reverse (cons lostri strlt_tmp)))
(setq strlt_tmp (mapcar 'rem_sufprefix strlt_tmp))
(setq str2 (cadr strlt_tmp)) ; "str2" prepare for extract the common part (include cirmk) and append this to every str in list
(if (and (not (wcmatch str2 "*~*")) (not (wcmatch str2 "* *")));
(setq alen (strlen str2))
(setq alen (min (vl-string-search "~" str2) (vl-string-search " " str2)))
(setq root (substr (car strlt_tmp) 1 (- (strlen (car strlt_tmp)) alen)));get the common part
(setq lo_str_list (subst (car strlt_tmp) orgstr lo_str_list));replace the merged cable no string in list with the first new string
(setq add_lst_i (mapcar '(lambda (str)(strcat root str)) (cdr strlt_tmp)));append the afterward string with the common part
(setq add_lst (append add_lst add_lst_i))
(if (/= add_lst nil)
(setq lo_str_list (append lo_str_list add_lst))
(setq lo_str_list lo_str_list)
(setq lo_str_list (mapcar 'rem_sufprefix lo_str_list))
(setq lo_str_list (merge_CM_if_not cirMk lo_str_list))
(setq lo_str_list (disperselo_in_lst lo_str_list))