Dear John day-3
2017-11-08 本文已影响0人
講了John 在海邊的時候衝浪的時候遇到了Savannah,並且衝到海裡幫她撿錢包。就是John 和Savannah開始相遇。
為了感謝John,Savannah邀請了他加入他們,並且跟他在沙灘上肩并肩地走一起漫步。他們分享了一些他們的經歷,比如說John 為什麼在加入軍隊,Savannah為什會來到這裏~他們有點惺惺相惜的感覺吧~
Q1:Because of Savannah's smile and laughe maked John feel genuiness and warmth.
Q2:Savannah invited him to join them and walked with him.
Q3:They were friends .And Randy liked Savannah, Susan wanted to get them together.
Q4:Here for vocation but no all ,they were volunteers and came here to bulid a couple of house.
Q5:Savannah wanted to help the austistic child like Alan.