
2020-10-28  本文已影响0人  橄榄树上结果果

“Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3). The joke always goes, if Moses is so humble, why would he write that about himself? Usually, someone rolls his eyes, and another person chuckles, but let’s investigate this verse a little more. What made Moses so humble? There are many reasons. He was a prince who sacrificed his position to become a humble shepherd; he initially denied the position of power that God assigned him at the burning bush; he constantly gives credit to God instead of himself.

However, one moment truly rises above the rest. That moment came after the golden calf. Moses had gone through the most challenging trial of his life of standing up to Pharaoh and forcing his hand. He had to inspire hope in thousands of people and lead them out of Egypt, trusting in God the whole time. He then approaches God on Mount Sinai, experiencing the Divine Presence for forty days. When he descended the mountain, he witnessed the people he delivered worshiping an idol.

After setting the people back on the path, Moses must return and face God. Any normal person would have just given up. Still, despite all the hardships and difficulties, when God offered Moses a fresh start as the father of all future generations, Moses declined the offer, refusing to leave until God saved his people once again. Moses willingly laid down his pride in order to do what he knew was right. This night, as we welcome Moshe Rabbeinu into our sukkahs, may we petition God for that same humility to stand up for what is right no matter what.

       “摩西为人极其谦和、胜过世上的众人。 (民数记12:3)”这个笑话总被提及,如果摩西真的如此谦卑,为什么他要这样写自己?通常人们都是捉刀代笔(一个人使眼色,另一个人笑。),但是让我们来仔细探究这节经文。什么使得摩西如此的谦卑?当然有很多原因,首先是他牺牲了自己埃及王子的身份变成一个牧羊人,其次,他拒绝了上主在燃烧的荆棘中给予他的权力地位,最后,他信靠的是上主而不是他自己。











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