Catti 二级-04汉译英主干的确定
1. 名词
Imbalance in global development has widened.
2. 动词不定式结构/-ing分词
e.g 求和平、谋发展、促合作已经成为各国人民的普遍愿望和国际社会的共同追求。
To promote peace, development and cooperation has become the shared aspiration of people across the word and the common pursuit of the international community.
Promoting peace,development and cooperation has become the share aspiration of people across the world and the common pursuit of the international community.
1. 注意主谓搭配,警惕“伪主语”(无主句)---处理方式:
1. 唐朝出现了真正意义上的中国传统园林建筑。
Traditional Chinese Garden architecture in the real sense first appeared in the Tang Dynasty.
2. 中国历代都用黄色来装饰皇宫、寺庙,还有皇帝的龙袍。
Over the dynasties,yellow has been used to decorate royal palaces,,temples,and in the dragon robes of the the emperors.
3. 秦始皇墓地发掘出数十万兵马俑军队和马匹。
Hundreds upon thousands of the terra cotta armies and horses were found at the burial site of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.
tens upon thousands of …数万的hundreds upon thousands of …数十万的
millions of…数百万的 terra cotta armies兵马俑
4. 东亚许多国家都使用筷子。
Chopsticks are commonly used in many East Asian countries.
5. 元宵节一到,街上、房子、商店都挂着红灯笼。
When the Lantern Festival comes,red lanterns can be seen in the streets,in each house,and stores.
1. 载入航天、探月工程、超级计算机、高速铁路等实现重大突破。
manned spaceflight 载人航天 lunar exploration 探月工程
supercomputer 超级计算机 high-speed railway
Major breakthroughs have been made in manned spaceflights,the lunar exploration program,supercomputers and high-speed railways.
2. 生态文明建设扎实展开,资源节约和环境保护全面进步。
Solid steps have been taken(已发生,延续) to promote ecological progress,and comprehensive progress has been made in resource conservation and environmental protection.
take solid steps 扎实展开 make comprehensive progress 全面进步
2. 注意主题突出-改变中式翻译
1. 中国古典园林的规模大小不等。-中国古典园林大小不等在规模上。
Chinese classic gradens vary greatly in size.
2. 川菜的辣味很有名。-川菜很有名在辣味。
Sichuan cuisine is famous for its hot/spicy flavor.
3. 中国庭院的布局独具一格。
The Chinese courtyard is unique in its layout.
The Chinese courtyard is laid out in a unique way.
Europe is confronted with a severe sovereign debt crisis,the United States continues to face sluggish job and property markets,Japan is plagued by weak economic growth, while emerging markets and developing countries suffer from mounting inflationary pressure.
is plagued by.. 用……来烦扰人,用……来折磨人
plague with doubts and fears充满怀疑和恐惧
is confronted with 面临
suffer from 遭受
3. 注意句子平衡
1. 粮食安全、能源资源安全、网络安全等全球问题更加突出。
Some global issues are becoming moe acute such as (定语后置)food security,energy and resource security and cyber security.
2. 上海品种繁多的小吃、糕点和手工艺品、纺织品、会使您感到满意。
You will be satisfied with (被动语态) a wide variety of snacks,cakes,handicrafts and textiles(of Shanghai).
3. 霸权主义、强权政治有所上升。
There are (存在结构) signs of increasing hegemonism /hɪˈdʒemənɪzəm/ and power politics.
4. 注意主语一致
e.g 《差不多先生传》张培基 英文译文
He arrived at railway station unhurriedly,only to find the train already gone,because he was two minutes late.
3. 苏州和杭州是中国园林艺术的代表,人称“人间天堂”。
参考一:Suzhou and Hangzhou represent China’s gardening architecture and are know as “paradise on Earth ”.(用and 连接)
二、Suzhou and Hangzhou, represent China’s gardening architecture,are know as “paradise on Earth”.(用同位语连接)
三、The cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou represent China’s gardening architecture,(which are) known as “paradise on Earth”.(用人称连接)
一.Since pines live longer other trees,they are seen as the symbol of longevity.
二Pines,living longer than other trees,are seen as the symbol of longevity.
1. 汉译英中句子主语的形式
2. 汉译英中句子主干的确定
3. 无主句的处理方式
4. 处理无主句的要点,包括主题突出、句子平衡、主语一致。