[root@m161p114 sql]$ mysql -uroot -pmysql;
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 224
Server version: 5.7.34-log Source distribution
ShardingSphere gradle中的引入:
implementation 'org.apache.shardingsphere:shardingsphere-jdbc-core-spring-boot-starter:5.0.0-alpha'
* 逻辑表
drop table if exists `t_order_summary`;
create table t_order_summary (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-逻辑表' ;
create database gts01 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
grant all privileges on gts01.* to gts@’%’;
flush privileges;
create database gts02 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
grant all privileges on gts02.* to gts@’%’;
flush privileges;
use gts01;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_1`;
create table t_order_summary_1 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表02' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_2`;
create table t_order_summary_2 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表02' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_3`;
create table t_order_summary_3 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表03' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_4`;
create table t_order_summary_4 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表04' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_5`;
create table t_order_summary_5 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表05' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_6`;
create table t_order_summary_6 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表06' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_7`;
create table t_order_summary_7 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表07' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_8`;
create table t_order_summary_8 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表08' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_9`;
create table t_order_summary_9 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表09' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_10`;
create table t_order_summary_10 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表10' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_11`;
create table t_order_summary_11 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表11' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_12`;
create table t_order_summary_12 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表12' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_13`;
create table t_order_summary_13 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表13' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_14`;
create table t_order_summary_14 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表14' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_15`;
create table t_order_summary_15 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表15' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_16`;
create table t_order_summary_16 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表16' ;
use gts02;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_17`;
create table t_order_summary_17 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表17' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_18`;
create table t_order_summary_18 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表18' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_19`;
create table t_order_summary_19 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表19' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_20`;
create table t_order_summary_20 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表20' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_21`;
create table t_order_summary_21 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表21' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_22`;
create table t_order_summary_22 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表22' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_23`;
create table t_order_summary_23 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表23' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_24`;
create table t_order_summary_24 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表24' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_25`;
create table t_order_summary_25 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表25' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_26`;
create table t_order_summary_26 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表26' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_27`;
create table t_order_summary_27 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表27' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_28`;
create table t_order_summary_28 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表28' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_29`;
create table t_order_summary_29 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表29' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_30`;
create table t_order_summary_30 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表30' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_31`;
create table t_order_summary_31 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表31' ;
drop table if exists `t_order_summary_32`;
create table t_order_summary_32 (
order_id bigint comment '订单id' not null,
order_no int(11) comment '订单编号' not null,
customer_id int(11) comment '下单用户id' not null,
payment_method tinyint(4) comment '支付方式:1现金,2余额,3网银,4支付宝,5微信' not null,
order_amount int(11) comment '订单汇总金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
payment_money int(11) comment '支付金额 单位 分 此处为int,比bigint节约4个字节' not null,
consignee_name varchar(50) comment '收货人姓名' not null,
consignee_address varchar(100) comment '收货人详细' not null,
consignee_phone varchar(30) comment '收货人联系电话' not null,
express_comp varchar(30) comment '快递公司名称' not null,
express_no varchar(50) comment '快递单号' not null,
create_time timestamp comment '创建时间' not null default current_timestamp,
is_validate tinyint(4) comment '数据是否有效标识:1有效数据,2 无效数据' not null default '1',
update_time timestamp comment '最新更新时间' not null,
primary key(order_id)
engine = innodb
comment = '订单汇总信息表-分表32' ;
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.names: gts01,gts02
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.common.type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.common.driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.common.maxWait: 60000
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.common.initialSize: 5
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.common.minIdle: 5
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.common.maxActive: 20
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.gts01.jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.gts01.username: gts
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.gts01.password: mysql
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.gts02.jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.gts02.username: gts
spring.shardingsphere.datasource.gts02.password: mysql
#配置 t_order 表规则
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.actual-data-nodes: gts01.t_order_summary_$->{1..16},gts02.t_order_summary_$->{17..32}
# 配置分库策略
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.database-strategy.standard.sharding-column: customer_id
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.database-strategy.standard.sharding-algorithm-name: database_inline
# 配置分表策略
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.table-strategy.standard.sharding-column: order_id
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.table-strategy.standard.sharding-algorithm-name: t-order-inline
# 分布式序列策略配置
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.key-generate-strategy.column: order_id
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.key-generate-strategy.key-generator-name: snowflake
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.sharding-algorithms.database-inline.type: inline
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.sharding-algorithms.database-inline.props.algorithm-expression: gts0$->{customer_id % 2 + 1}
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.sharding-algorithms.t-order-inline.type: inline
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.sharding-algorithms.t-order-inline.props.algorithm-expression: t_order_summary_$->{order_id % 32 + 1}
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.key-generators.snowflake.type: snowflake
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.key-generators.snowflake.props.worker-id: 123
# 打开sql输出日志
spring.shardingsphere.props.sql.show: true
logging.level.org.springframework: debug
4. 数据测试
4.1 insert
public OrderSummaryEntity buildOrderSummary(int orderId) {
Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
int expressNo = random.nextInt(10000000) + 10000000;
OrderSummaryEntity orderSummaryEntity = new OrderSummaryEntity()
.setExpressNo("1001" + expressNo)
return orderSummaryEntity;
public void insertOrder(int orderId) {
OrderSummaryEntity orderSummaryEntity = buildOrderSummary(orderId);
public String randomInsertOneOrder() {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Random random = new Random(10000);
log.info("randomInsertOneOrder cost time :"+ stopwatch.stop());
return "success";
mysql> SELECT table_name,table_rows FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'gts01';
| table_name | table_rows |
| t_order_summary_1 | 3128 |
| t_order_summary_10 | 2971 |
| t_order_summary_11 | 2612 |
| t_order_summary_12 | 3030 |
| t_order_summary_13 | 2606 |
| t_order_summary_14 | 3070 |
| t_order_summary_15 | 2648 |
| t_order_summary_16 | 2164 |
| t_order_summary_2 | 3370 |
| t_order_summary_3 | 2741 |
| t_order_summary_4 | 3130 |
| t_order_summary_5 | 2847 |
| t_order_summary_6 | 3154 |
| t_order_summary_7 | 2847 |
| t_order_summary_8 | 2622 |
| t_order_summary_9 | 2909 |
33 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT table_name,table_rows FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = 'gts02';
| table_name | table_rows |
| t_order_summary_17 | 2900 |
| t_order_summary_18 | 2710 |
| t_order_summary_19 | 2708 |
| t_order_summary_20 | 3145 |
| t_order_summary_21 | 2794 |
| t_order_summary_22 | 2646 |
| t_order_summary_23 | 2380 |
| t_order_summary_24 | 2864 |
| t_order_summary_25 | 2423 |
| t_order_summary_26 | 3311 |
| t_order_summary_27 | 2248 |
| t_order_summary_28 | 2688 |
| t_order_summary_29 | 2332 |
| t_order_summary_30 | 2470 |
| t_order_summary_31 | 2826 |
| t_order_summary_32 | 3015 |
32 rows in set (0.00 sec)
4.2 select
public OrderSummaryEntity queryOrderById(long order_id) {
return orderSummaryDao.selectById(order_id);
public String queryByKey(String key) {
Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
Long orde_id = Long.parseLong(key);
OrderSummaryEntity entity = orderService.queryOrderById(orde_id);
log.info("通过key查询,走索引耗时:" + stopwatch);
return JSON.toJSONString(entity);
5.1 key-generators.snowflake.type 必须配置
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.key-generators.snowflake.type: snowflake
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.key-generators.snowflake.props.worker-id: 123
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.key-generate-strategy.column: order_id
spring.shardingsphere.rules.sharding.tables.t_order_summary.key-generate-strategy.key-generator-name: snowflake
但是个人理解,这个key-generate-strategy.key-generator-name应该是个name命名,实际上要通过key-generators.snowflake.type 生效。
2021-09-23 21:11:26.288 [geektime-study] [restartedMain] DEBUG [org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory] -Creating shared instance of singleton bean 'propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer'
2021-09-23 21:11:26.351 [geektime-study] [restartedMain] ERROR [org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication] -Application run failed
java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.spring.boot.util.PropertyUtil.v2(PropertyUtil.java:111)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.spring.boot.util.PropertyUtil.handle(PropertyUtil.java:75)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.spring.boot.registry.AbstractAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.registerBean(AbstractAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.java:50)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.spring.boot.algorithm.KeyGenerateAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(KeyGenerateAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.java:38)
at org.springframework.context.support.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.invokeBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessors(PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.java:311)
at org.springframework.context.support.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.java:142)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(AbstractApplicationContext.java:746)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicationContext.java:564)
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.refresh(ServletWebServerApplicationContext.java:145)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refresh(SpringApplication.java:754)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refreshContext(SpringApplication.java:434)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:338)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1343)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1332)
at com.dhb.gts.javacourse.week8.Starter.main(Starter.java:12)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at org.springframework.boot.devtools.restart.RestartLauncher.run(RestartLauncher.java:49)
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value bound
at org.springframework.boot.context.properties.bind.BindResult.get(BindResult.java:55)
... 24 common frames omitted
2021-09-23 21:11:26.353 [geektime-study] [restartedMain] DEBUG [org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext] -Closing org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext@52353625, started on Thu Sep 23 21:11:25 CST 2021
Exception in thread "restartedMain" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at org.springframework.boot.devtools.restart.RestartLauncher.run(RestartLauncher.java:49)
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException
at org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.rethrowRuntimeException(ReflectionUtils.java:147)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.handleRunFailure(SpringApplication.java:817)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:348)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1343)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:1332)
at com.dhb.gts.javacourse.week8.Starter.main(Starter.java:12)
... 5 more
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.spring.boot.util.PropertyUtil.v2(PropertyUtil.java:111)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.spring.boot.util.PropertyUtil.handle(PropertyUtil.java:75)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.spring.boot.registry.AbstractAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.registerBean(AbstractAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.java:50)
at org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.spring.boot.algorithm.KeyGenerateAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(KeyGenerateAlgorithmProvidedBeanRegistry.java:38)
at org.springframework.context.support.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.invokeBeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessors(PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.java:311)
at org.springframework.context.support.PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate.java:142)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors(AbstractApplicationContext.java:746)
at org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext.refresh(AbstractApplicationContext.java:564)
at org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.context.ServletWebServerApplicationContext.refresh(ServletWebServerApplicationContext.java:145)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refresh(SpringApplication.java:754)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.refreshContext(SpringApplication.java:434)
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.run(SpringApplication.java:338)
... 8 more
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value bound
at org.springframework.boot.context.properties.bind.BindResult.get(BindResult.java:55)
... 24 more
5.2 数据库建表语句最好用小写
Error updating database. Cause: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method mod() on null object
The error may involve org.dromara.hmily.demo.common.order.mapper.OrderMapper.save-Inline
The error occurred while setting parameters
SQL: insert into t_order (create_time,number,status,product_id,total_amount,count,user_id) values ( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
Cause: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method mod() on null object] with root cause
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method mod() on null object
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.NullObject.invokeMethod(NullObject.java:91) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoMetaClassSite.call(PogoMetaClassSite.java:47) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(CallSiteArray.java:47) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.NullCallSite.call(NullCallSite.java:34) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray.defaultCall(CallSiteArray.java:47) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.call(AbstractCallSite.java:116) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.call(AbstractCallSite.java:128) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at Script6$_run_closure1.doCall(Script6.groovy:1) ~[na:na]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[na:1.8.0_201]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) ~[na:1.8.0_201]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) ~[na:1.8.0_201]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498) ~[na:1.8.0_201]
at org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedMethod.invoke(CachedMethod.java:98) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at groovy.lang.MetaMethod.doMethodInvoke(MetaMethod.java:325) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.ClosureMetaClass.invokeMethod(ClosureMetaClass.java:264) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl.invokeMethod(MetaClassImpl.java:1034) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at groovy.lang.Closure.call(Closure.java:420) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
at groovy.lang.Closure.call(Closure.java:414) ~[groovy-2.4.19-indy.jar:2.4.19]
这个错误非常隐蔽,最终参考了github https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere/issues/8571