Against mosquitos 防’蚊’之战的真相 ‖日
文/Qi小雨 {105/365}【原创首发】图/Diana
生活总是在无意中发现那些 ‘意外’和‘预料之中’, 会有更多的真相显露出来的!

Finally I have screened my door to keep out mosquitos this afternoon upon I have received the material which I ordered from online…
It is 3rd year ever since I live in this flat, why I didn’t do it earlier?
It is a small funny thing as I always think the mosquitos come into the room from French window, and especially I kept many plants on the very tiny balcony. I use to search online and try to find some simple way to keep mosquitos out, however, there was nothing good come up, the window is too big for screen unless give an additional window, that could be too costly.
So, I was suffering and fighting with mosquitos for past year, until last week I closed the door for processing my class one afternoon, then that evening the room is quite without troubles from mosquito … then I noticed the main ‘entrance’ for mosquitos is door side but balcony…..
Life is always like this, the truth is discovered accidentally like many cases disclosed recently. I believe there are more ‘truth’ will come up soon!
The fixing isn’t a hard work but somewhat is a time consuming thing, specially I first time make it. Once you mastered how to do the job that is always by the end of work.
It is always funny once you have some DIY activity …
write on DD 3rd May 2019

文/ Qi 小雨 于2019.05.03