Idea Keymaps

2018-04-07  本文已影响0人  鬼王丶

Main menu

Mac OS X 10.5+ Eclipse(Linux/Win) Remark
      Preferences... ⌘ , Ctrl+Alt+S 全局设置
      Project Structure ⌘ ; Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S 項目設置
      Class... ⌘ O Ctrl+Shift+T Go to Class
      File... ⌘ ⇧ O Ctrl+Shift+R Go to File
      Symbol... ⌘ ⌥ O Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N Go to Symbol
      Go to next/previous editor tab ⌃ ←/⌃ →
      Line/Column ⌘ L Ctrl+L Go to line(row:col)
      Recent files popup ⌘ E Ctrl+E 最近打開的文件
      Declaration ⌘ B F3 進入類的方法
      Type Declaration ⇧ ⌘ B/⌃ ⇧ B 方法返回類型
      Implementation(s) ⌘ ⌥ B Ctrl+T 實現接口方法的類
      Super Method ⌘ U
      File Structure ⌘ F12 Ctrl+O
      Call Hierarchy ⌃ ⌥ H Ctrl+Alt+H 方法被調用關係
      Last Edit Location ⌘ ⇧ ⌫ Ctrl+Q 最後一次編輯的位置
   Edit -> Find
      Add Selection for Next Occurrence ⌃ G Alt+Y 選取相同字符
      Select All Occurrences ⌃ ⌘ G Ctrl+Alt+Y 一次性選取相同串
   Code -> Completion
      Basic (U) ⌥ . Alt+. 代码补全(提示)
      SmartType (U) ⌥ ⇧ . Alt+Shift+.
   Code -> Folding
      Collapse ⌘ - Crtl+NumPad -/Ctrl+- 代码块折叠
      Expand ⌘ +/⌘ = Crtl+NumPad +/Ctrl+= 代码块展开
      Collapse All ⇧ ⌘ - Ctrl+Shift+= 折叠所有
      Expand All ⇧ ⌘ +/⇧ ⌘ = Ctrl+Shift+- 展开所有
      Fold Selection / Remove region ⌘ . Ctrl+. 代码块折叠/展开
      Fold Code Block ⇧ ⌘ . Ctrl+Alt+. 代码块折叠

Editor Actions

Mac OS X 10.5+ Eclipse(Linux/Win) Remark
Delete Line (U) ⌥ D Ctrl+D 刪除行
Delete to Line End (U) ⌃ ⌦ Ctrl+Shift+Delete 刪除光標至行尾
Delete to Line Start (U) ⌃ ⌫ 刪除光標至行頭
Start New Line ⇧ ⏎ Shift+Enter ,無視光標
Start New Line Before Current ⌥ ⌘ ⏎ Ctrl+Shift+ Enter 在上新起一行,不管光標位置
Join Lines ⌃ ⇧ J Ctrl+ Shift+J 合併行

