The Museum!
旁白:Peppa and her family are going to the museum.
佩奇:Daddy, What is a museum?
爸爸:It's a place full of interesting things that are very old.
佩奇:Older than you?
爸爸:Yes, even older than me.
佩奇:Really old.
妈妈:There is one room full of things that belonged to kings and queens from long ago.
佩奇:I want to see the king and queen's room!
爸爸:And there's another room with a real dinosaur.
乔治:WoW! Dine-Saw!
兔小姐:Hello, Mummy Pig!
妈妈:Hello, Ms. Rabbit
兔小姐:How many tickets, please?
妈妈:Two adults and two children.
兔小姐:And a dinosaur!
旁白:Peppa wants to see the room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago.
旁白:But George wants to see the real dinosaur.
妈妈:Don't worry, George. We will see the dinosaur next.
妈妈:Peppa, these are all the things that the queen had a long time ago.
妈妈:This is the queen's special chair. It's called a throne.
佩奇:It's beautiful!
妈妈:This is the queen's dress.
佩奇:It's so pretty!
妈妈:Look, Peppa. This is the queen's golden crown.
佩奇:WoW! What lovely things!
佩奇:Mummy, where is the queen's television?
妈妈:They didn't have television then.
佩奇:No television! But they did have computers?
妈妈:No, they didn't have computers, either.
佩奇:What did they do all day?
佩奇:Mummy, if I was the queen, I would eat as much cake as I wanted.
旁白:Peppa imagines being a queen.
佩奇:Mmmmm... delicious!
妈妈:Is there anything else you would care for, Queen Peppa?
佩奇:Yes! More cake, please!
妈妈:Of course.
爸爸:Come on, everyone.
佩奇:Coming, Daddy!
佩奇:Daddy! I'm Queen Peppa! You must bow when you speak to me.
爸爸:Oh! I'm most terribly sorry, your royal highness.
佩奇:And what do you do?
爸爸:I'm your daddy.
佩奇:Hmmm, that must be very interesting.
爸爸:Yes! It's very interesting!
佩奇:And what room is this?
爸爸:This is the dinosaur room.
佩奇:The dinosaur room? George! This is the dinosaur room!
佩奇:Where is the dinosaur?
爸爸:He's somewhere in the room.
佩奇:I can't see him. He must be very small.
爸爸:Actually, Peppa, he's very big!"
爸爸:These are the bones of a real dinosaur.
旁白:George imagines being a big dinosaur.
佩奇:It's a dinosaur! Help! Help!
妈妈:The dinosaur room is George's favorite room!
佩奇:My favorite room is the king and queen's room.
妈妈:And it looks as if Daddy Pig is already in his favorite room.
佩奇:Which room is that, Mummy?
妈妈:The room with the cakes in.
旁白:Daddy Pig's favorite room is the museum cafe.
爸爸:Come on, tuck in!
佩奇:Oh, yes! This is a very nice room!