HBR|Being a Parent Made Me a Bet

2019-05-19  本文已影响0人  胖艺

很多职场同学都有一个担忧,为人父母后还可以成为一个好的管理者吗?特别是职场中的女性,担心自己成为母亲后会影响自己的工作。还有一部分管理者也存在这样的偏见,认为已经做了爸爸妈妈的同学的职场表现会下降。而今天为大家带来这样一篇文章,英文标题是《Being a Parent Made Me a Better Manager》,中文翻译为《为人父母使我成为更好的管理者》。

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文章作者是Jelena Zikic,是约克大学的助理教授。通过她的研究和实践,探索各个职业人群如何将自己的职业生涯与人生转变进行结合。



Over the last 10 or 15 years those of us who work for organizations have gotten more and more comfortable talking about work-life balance as a business issue; about making the workplace more human, authentic, and compassionate; and about discussing work as something that deserves passion, meaning, even love.(在过去的10到15年里,我们越来越自在地讨论工作与生活的平衡,并把它视为一个商业问题,讨论如何使工作环境更人性、更真诚、更有同情心,把工作当作热情、富有意义、值得去爱的事业。)

And yet when we go home at the end of the day, how much of what we learn at work about prioritizing, communicating, and managing conflict gets left at the office? And even more important, when we go back into work the following morning, how much of what we’ve learned from our families about patience, empathy, and so on gets left behind?(然而,当工作结束回到家时,我们在工作中所学到的轻重缓急、沟通和冲突管理有多少能被带回家呢?进一步说,我们第二天上班时,又有多少在家庭生活中的耐心、同理心等被抛在脑后了呢?)

Becoming a parent has made me realize just how absurd and wasteful this lack of spillover is. Who we are as parents matters to who we are at work. The skills we learn as we engage in parenting ought to transfer into our work, and vice versa.(为人父母让我意识到,这两者无法相互影响是很荒唐的,而且造成浪费。作为父母的我们,对工作时的我们影响颇大。作父母获得的技巧应被转化到工作中,反之亦然。)

As a researcher, I have approached my parenting role similarly to how I’ve approached research topics — with true passion and curiosity to fully understand all of its intricacies. This has meant reading parenting literature, talking to other parents (in my research mind I was “interviewing” them), and attending parenting workshops, all while noticing how effective (or not) my various approaches to parenting may be. Children, unlike many managers, are very quick and direct with feedback.(身为学者,我借鉴研究课题的方法,带着热情和好奇心理解所有育儿问题。其中包括:阅读育儿书籍、与其他父母交谈(从学者角度“采访”他们)、参加亲子工作坊。与此同时,观察自己多样的育儿方式究竟多有效(或是无效)。与经理不同,孩子们的反馈非常迅速直接。)

My research is ongoing, but below I describe three skills I’ve learned from parenting that have helped me in my work life:(我的研究还在继续,下面我会描述三个对我工作有所帮助的育儿技巧):

Adapting to change. As a parent, I find myself constantly adapting to new situations. My “family team” constantly challenges me with new “parenting dilemmas,” just as things at work are never static. Our parenting journeys evolve as we see our children learn their first words, make their first steps, make friends, and face disappointments. The moment you feel you’ve got everyone on board and things seem to be going smoothly, the situation quickly changes; a new growth spurt or developmental milestone comes along, and suddenly new questions need to be addressed.

Dealing with this routine chaos makes us better at creating our own “dynamic capabilities.” Raising children teaches us how to become more adaptive to change — to cope with change while learning from it. Children challenge us to accept that stability is not normal and that developing the readiness to deal with uncertainty and accept new daily challenges will make us perform better as parents. As our children grow, we grow with them. In this process parenting allows us to reflect and adapt together with our children, and sometimes even learn from our mistakes. The same sets of skills are an asset in today’s workforce.



Respecting psychological safety as a universal human need. How often do you think about making your coworkers feel safe? If you’re like most people, it’s not that often. And yet as a parent how often do you think about making your kids feel safe? If you’re like most parents, it’s every day.

As parents, we seek to create an environment where children can learn and grow, challenge themselves and feel safe to explore, ask questions and share their fears and uncertainties. The more we’re able to create a positive, open family environment, the stronger our relationships with our children become.

In the same way, when we open our office door we’re faced with one of the hardest and most important management tasks: managing relationships. The more open and psychologically safe our team environment is, the better our team dynamics will be. The more we can adopt a nurturing, open mindset with our colleagues or protégés, the stronger the bonds we build. As we strive to make our children resilient and capable of finding their own solutions, we can do the same with our team members. This means creating a culture at work where psychological safety comes first, where your coworkers feel comfortable and willing to share their concerns, needs, and ideas.




Self-reflecting and continually improving. Becoming a parent is one of the toughest jobs we can undertake. The “hours” are 24/7 yet it is often our most gratifying role. As in any role that motivates and challenges us, we want to be good at it. But while we may question our skill at parenting or at work, we may have trouble getting past self-doubt.

Like leadership coaches, parenting experts would encourage us not only to question our parenting approaches but also to learn from our mistakes and our children’s feedback. Authentic parenting, like authentic leadership, invites us to be true to our values, open to feedback, experts at active listening, and willing to experiment with new approaches.

This last point is what the “positive spillovers” idea rests upon. For positive spillovers between parenting and work to happen, we must reflect on how we operate and who we are in each domain. If we don’t question our existing ways of doing things, we can’t learn, and we can’t improve.





Our children are probably our best and most honest judges; they provide the most direct, trusting performance evaluation we’ll ever get. We can reflect on what they teach us to be better leaders, and we can use what we learn at work to be better parents.(孩子也许是我们最好、最诚实的评审。他们提供给我们最直接、也最值得信赖的业绩评估。通过反思他们教给我们的东西,我们能够成为更好的领导者。同时,我们也能够运用工作中学到的东西,成为更好的父母。)


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