招聘 | 三一重工招聘技术文档工程师

小伙伴们注意啦!分享一个招聘信息: 三一重工 · 履带起重机部正在招聘 Technical Writer,坐标浙江 · 湖州。如果你正在留意工作机会,不要错过哦~
三一重工 · 履带起重机部 · 招聘结构化技术文档工程师 Technical Writer
As Technical Writer you will be responsible for creating technical documentation for crawler crane. The documentation is targeted to different audiences like sales, installation, maintenance and engineering.
In your daily work you will collaborate with R&D Project Managers and Chief Design Engineers, Subject Matter Experts, Technical Writers and Illustrators locally and globally.
We offer you modern tools and methods, inspiring international working environment and skilled colleagues, challenging job in high technology business and a possibility to make the most of your skills and further develop yourself.
- Collaborate with technical SMEs (subject matter experts/engineers) and documentation professionals to develop technical documents and training materials that can be understood by non-technical individuals.
- Work closely with SMEs to gain the information required for the project being completed.
- Read blueprints and understand and converse in the technical terms associated with the products.
- Organize and complete documentation or training materials project according to set standards, guidelines and needs.
- Desire to continuously learn new features of development tools and software.
- Collaborate across team and business lines with the ability to prioritize, schedule and meet deadlines.
- Follow-up and ensure the quality of the outcome.
- Meet documentation users, interview them and collect their needs as development actions. Continuously improve product information according to customer needs.
- Research, test, and compare new technology, tools, and ways of working that support the development and deployment of training materials and product information.
- Contribute to terminology development and management.
- 3+ years of technical writing experience. We will also consider related experience.
- Good knowledge of technical writing best practices.
- Bachelor of mechanical, English or related majors.
- Fluency in English (spoken and written).
- Experience in using technical communication tools for writing and/or illustrating.
- Good project management skills and the ability to manage competing priorities in a fast-paced - environment.
Business Understanding:
(Specific Skills, Knowledge & Behavior)
Experience with Arbortext editor, Windchill or other content management systems, Indesign, Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator and the adaptability to learn additional software as required.
Knowledge of crawler crane products is plus.
Experience in the development and deployment of technical documentation for construction machinery or related.
Strong writing, editing and proofreading skills giving high attention to detail. Ability to take technical information and write clear, concise and step-by-step instructions.
Proficient in use of computer software including but not limited to Microsoft Office and SharePoint.
Excellent oral communication and interpersonal skills necessary to work effectively with all levels of employees.
工作地点:浙江 · 湖州
需求人数:3~5 人
薪资:年薪 10~30 万
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经验分享 | 来自 11 位 Technical Writer 前辈的职业发展建议(上篇)
经验分享 | 来自 11 位 Technical Writer 前辈的职业发展建议(下篇)
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技术写作实例解析 | 简洁即是美
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如何利用 GitHub Pages 和 Hugo 轻松搭建个人博客?
写在入职技术型创业公司 PingCAP 一个月之后
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