
HUMAnN2 宏基因组分析 | 小白版

2020-09-05  本文已影响0人  胡童远


使用 HUMAnN2(The HMP Unified Metabolic Analysis Network 2)进行宏基
因组学分析。 HUMAnN2 在宏基因组研究中非常有用,通过这个分析,不仅能获

HUMAnN2 SOP:Metagenomics standard operating procedure v2
HUMAnN2 GitHub:https://github.com/biobakery/humann





下载并安装配置所需要的所有软件,包括 FastQC、 HUMAnN2、 MetaPhlAn2、
Bowtie2、 Diamond、 MinPath、 Python、 perl、 cutadapt 等,安装环境为 redhat/ubuntu/centos操作系统,为了避免部分软件安装不成功,需要使用系统的 root 账户进行安装。


# 安装过程见: http://huttenhower.sph.harvard.edu/humann2
pip install humann2 #下载软件
humann2 --version #测试安装是否成功
humann2_databases --download chocophlan full $DIR #下载 chocophlan 数据库
humann2_databases --download uniref uniref90_diamond $DIR # 下载 full UniRef90 database (approx. size = 11 GB)
humann2_databases --download uniref uniref90_ec_filtered_diamond $DIR # 下 载 UniRef90 EC filtered database (RECOMMENDED, approx. size = 846 MB)

# cutadapt
# 安装过程见: https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html
pip install --user --upgrade cutadapt #下载并安装软件HUMAnN2 

# metaphlan2
# 软件安装过程见:https://bitbucket.org/biobakery/metaphlan2#markdown-header-installation
wget https://bitbucket.org/biobakery/metaphlan2/get/default.zip #下载
unzip default.zip #解压
mv biobakery-metaphlan2-5175d8783801 metaphlan2
cd metaphlan2/
export PATH=`pwd`:`pwd`/utils:$PATH #设置路径
export mpa_dir=`pwd` #设置路径
metaphlan2.py #测试



1 质控和质检

# 切除引物序列:
cutadapt -g read1_5’primer -G read2_5’primer -o R1_cut.fastq -p R2_cut.fastq R1.fastq R2.fastq

# 质量检查:
fastqc *_cut.fastq

kneaddata -i R1_cut.fastq -i R2_cut.fastq -o output_dir(kneaddata_out) \
-db /hg19/ --trimmomatic /soft_route/ \
-t n --trimmomatic-options "SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:50" \
--bowtie2-options "--very-sensitive --dovetail" --remove-intermediate-output

# 质检结果统计
kneaddata_read_count_table –input input_dir(kneaddata_out) --output file.txt

2 数据整理

# 合并宿主污染序列到指定目录:
mkdir kneaddata_out/contam_seq
mv *_contam_*fastq contam_seq

# 合并正反义链:使用 perl 脚本,脚本下载于 github
perl concat_paired_end.pl -p 4 --no_R_match \
-o output_dir cat_reads kneaddataout/*_paired_*.fastq

3 使用 HUMAnN2 进行微生物分类单元、基因家族、通路注释


humann2 --threads n --protein-database /route/humann2_full_uniref90/ \
--input /route/cat_reads/*.fastq \
--output /route/humann2_out_full/

humann2 --threads n /route/humann2_ec_uniref90/ \
--input /route/cat_reads/*.fastq \
--output /route/humann2_out_ec/

Creating output directory: /data/huty/Anno73/humann2_out/332
Output files will be written to: /data/huty/Anno73/humann2_out/332

  1. 物种注释:
    Running metaphlan2.py ........
    Found g__Viruses_noname.s__Vibrio_phage_pYD38_A : 38.99% of mapped reads
    Found g__Bacteroides.s__Bacteroides_coprocola : 29.31% of mapped reads
    Total species selected from prescreen: 40
    Selected species explain 99.89% of predicted community composition
  1. 基因家族注释:
    Creating custom ChocoPhlAn database ........
    Running bowtie2-build ........
    Running bowtie2 ........
    Total bugs from nucleotide alignment: 33
    g__Bacteroides.s__Bacteroides_coprocola: 14754780 hits
    g__Roseburia.s__Roseburia_inulinivorans: 116636 hits
    Total gene families from nucleotide alignment: 81939
    Unaligned reads after nucleotide alignment: 50.0360338749 %
  1. 蛋白注释:
    Running diamond ........
    Aligning to reference database: uniref90.ec_filtered.1.1.dmnd
    Total bugs after translated alignment: 34
    g__Bacteroides.s__Bacteroides_coprocola: 14754780 hits
    g__Roseburia.s__Roseburia_inulinivorans: 116636 hits
    Total gene families after translated alignment: 92213
    Unaligned reads after translated alignment: 48.6624332243 %
  1. 统计基因家族,计算通路丰度和覆盖度
    Computing gene families ...
    Computing pathways abundance and coverage ...
    Output files created:

4 将每个样本的 humann2 输出导入到一个表中

mkdir humann2_final_out

humann2_join_tables -s --input humann2_out/ --file_name pathabundance \
--output humann2_final_out/humann2_pathabundance.tsv

humann2_join_tables -s --input humann2_out/ --file_name pathcoverage \
--output humann2_final_out/humann2_pathcoverage.tsv

humann2_join_tables -s --input humann2_out/ --file_name genefamilies \
--output humann2_final_out/humann2_genefamilies.tsv

5 重新标准化基因家族和通路的丰度(标准化为百分比)

humann2_renorm_table \
--input humann2_final_out/humann2_pathabundance.tsv \
--units relab \
--output humann2_final_out/humann2_pathabundance_relab.tsv

humann2_renorm_table \
--input humann2_final_out/humann2_genefamilies.tsv \
--units relab \
--output humann2_final_out/humann2_genefamilies_relab.tsv

6 分割 humann2 输出的丰度表为分层(unclassified)和非分层表


humann2_split_stratified_table \
--input humann2_final_out/humann2_pathabundance_relab.tsv \
--output humann2_final_out

humann2_split_stratified_table \
--input humann2_final_out/humann2_genefamilies_relab.tsv \
--output humann2_final_out

humann2_split_stratified_table \
--input humann2_final_out/humann2_pathcoverage.tsv \
--output humann2_final_out

7 合并 Metaphlan2 结果

mkdir metaphlan2_out
cp `find ./ -name "*_metaphlan_bugs*"` ./metaphlan2_out

# 需要进入 python2.7 环境
merge_metaphlan_tables.py metaphlan2_out/*metaphlan_bugs_list.tsv > metaphlan2_merged.txt

# 每个样本名字太长,需要精简一点
sed -i 's/_1_kneaddata_paired_1.assembled_metaphlan_bugs_list//g' metaphlan2_merged.txt

# 取出属水平的丰度数据,可以导入 R 进行下游分析
head -n1 metaphlan2_merged.txt >> genus.txt
grep "g__" metaphlan2_merged.txt | grep -v "|s__" | grep -v "unclassified" >> genus.txt

# 取出种水平的丰度数据,可以导入 R 进行下游分析
head -n 1 metaphlan2_merged.txt >> species.txt
grep "s__" metaphlan2_merged.txt | grep -v "unclassified" >> species.txt

8 Metaphlan2 结果的可视化

# 需要进入 python2.7 环境
# heatmap 按各样本丰度绘制热图,显示前 25 种高丰度菌种类,样品默认采用 bray_curtis 距离聚类,微生物采用相关性距离聚类;数值采用对数 10 进行变换
metaphlan_hclust_heatmap.py -c bbcry --top 25 --minv 0.1 -s log --in metaphlan2_merged.txt --out abundance_heatmap.pdf
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