
python 神经网络学习

2018-12-16  本文已影响0人  追寻内心的梦想










import numpy

# scipy.special for the sigmoid function expit

import scipy.special

# neural network class definition

import matplotlib.pyplot

import time

import datetime

# 2018年12月16日对《python神经网络编程》一书代码进行优化,并进行测试,lucoaixi

class neuralNetwork:

#initialise the neural network

    def __init__(self,inputnodes,hiddennodes,outputnodes,learningrate):

#set number if nodes in each input,hidden,output layer

        self.inodes = inputnodes

self.hnodes = hiddennodes

self.onodes = outputnodes

# link weight matrices,wih and who

# weight insides the arrays are w_i_j,where link is fron node i to node j in the next layer

# w11 w21

#w12 w22 etc

        self.wih = numpy.random.normal(0.0,pow(self.hnodes,-0.5),(self.hnodes,self.inodes))

self.who = numpy.random.normal(0.0,pow(self.onodes,-0.5),(self.onodes,self.hnodes))

# learning rate

        self.lr = learningrate

#activation funtion is the sigmoid function

        self.activation_function  =lambda x:scipy.special.expit(x)


    #train the neural network

    def train(self,inputs_list,targets_list):

# convet inputs list to 2d array

        inputs = numpy.array(inputs_list,ndmin=2).T

targets = numpy.array(targets_list,ndmin=2).T

#calculate signals into hidden layer

        hidden_inputs = numpy.dot(self.wih,inputs)

#calculate the signals emerging from hidden layer

        hidden_outputs =self.activation_function(hidden_inputs)

#calculate signals into final output layer

        final_inputs = numpy.dot(self.who,hidden_outputs)

#calculate the signals emerging from final output layer

        final_outputs =self.activation_function(final_inputs)

# putput layer error is the (target-actual)

        output_errors = targets - final_outputs

#output layer error is the output_errors,split by weights,recombined at hidden nodes

        hidden_errors = numpy.dot(self.who.T,output_errors)

#update the weights for the links between the hidden and output layers

        self.who +=self.lr * numpy.dot((output_errors*final_outputs*(1.0-final_outputs)),numpy.transpose(hidden_outputs))

#update the weights for the links between the input and hidden layers

        self.wih +=self.lr * numpy.dot((hidden_errors*hidden_outputs*(1.0-hidden_outputs)),numpy.transpose(inputs))


    #query the neural network

    def query(self,inputs_list):

#convet inputs list to 2d array

        inputs = numpy.array(inputs_list,ndmin=2).T

#calculate signals into hidden layer

        hidden_inputs = numpy.dot(self.wih,inputs)

#calculate the signals emerging from hidden layer

        hidden_outputs =self.activation_function(hidden_inputs)

#calculate signals into final output layer

        final_inputs = numpy.dot(self.who,hidden_outputs)

#calculate the signals emerging from final output layer

        final_outputs =self.activation_function(final_inputs)

return final_outputs

#begin process 进程开始


#load the mnist training data CSV file into a list

training_data_file =open("C:/test/mnist_train.csv",'r')

training_data_list = training_data_file.readlines()


#load the mnist test data CSV file into a list

#test_data_file = open("C:/test/mnist_train_100.csv",'r')

test_data_file =open("C:/test/mnist_test.csv",'r')

test_data_list = test_data_file.readlines()


#初始化 输入点数、隐藏层节点数、输出节点数

#number of input,hidden and output nodes

input_nodes =784

hidden_nodes1= ['10','20','40','80','100','200','300','400','500','600','700','800','900','1000']

#hidden_nodes2= ['10','20','40','80','100','120','150','200']

hidden_nodes2= ['200','300','400','500','600','700','800','900','1000' ]#测试200-1000个隐藏节点

hidden_nodes =100

output_nodes =10

# 初始化学习率 is 0.3

#learning_rate = ['0.1','0.2','0.3','0.4', '0.5', '0.6','0.7','0.8','0.9']

learning_rate = ['0.1','0.2','0.3']#测试学习率0.1、0.2、0.3

#dataSet = dataSet.astype('float64')


epochs =10


start = time.time()

print('begin:',time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))


for iin range(len(hidden_nodes2)):

for ein range(epochs):

for lrin range(len(learning_rate)):

start = time.time()

n = neuralNetwork(input_nodes,int(hidden_nodes2[i]), output_nodes,float(learning_rate[lr]))

# go through all records in the training data set

            for recordin training_data_list:

# split the record by the ',' connas

                all_values = record.split(',')

# scale and shift the inputs

                inputs = (numpy.asfarray(all_values[1:]) /255.0 *0.99) +0.01

                # create the target output values(all 0.01,except the desired label which is 0.99)

                targets = numpy.zeros(output_nodes) +0.01

                # all_values[0] is the target lable for this record

                targets[int(all_values[0])] =0.99

                n.train(inputs, targets)



            # 测试这个神经网络

# 计分卡记录网络运行情况,初始值为空

            scorecard = []

# 在测试数据集中计算所有的记录值

            for recordin test_data_list:

all_values = record.split(',')

correct_lable =int(all_values[0])

# print(correct_lable,'correct_lable')

                inputs = (numpy.asfarray(all_values[1:]) /255.0 *0.99) +0.01

                outputs = n.query(inputs)

lable = numpy.argmax(outputs)

# print(lable,"networks's answer")

                if (lable == correct_lable):






            end = time.time()

seconds = end - start

# print(scorecard)

            scorecard_array = numpy.asarray(scorecard)


scorecard_array.sum() / scorecard_array.size)



end = time.time()

seconds = end - start


print('end:',time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))


begin: 2018-12-16 13:36:10

世代次数cs, 学习率lr, 隐藏层节点数hn, 执行时长tm, 执行结果out

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 154 ,out= 0.9593

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 152 ,out= 0.9568

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 148 ,out= 0.9519

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 147 ,out= 0.9582

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 145 ,out= 0.9581

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9541

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9583

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9573

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9507

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 145 ,out= 0.9595

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 145 ,out= 0.9554

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9513

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9599

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 144 ,out= 0.9562

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 146 ,out= 0.9421

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 147 ,out= 0.9556

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 147 ,out= 0.9591

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 147 ,out= 0.9552

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 192 ,out= 0.959

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 202 ,out= 0.9577

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 198 ,out= 0.9506

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 192 ,out= 0.9601

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 195 ,out= 0.9534

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 192 ,out= 0.9583

cs= 9 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 1010 ,out= 0.9571

cs= 9 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 185 ,out= 0.9558

cs= 9 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 186 ,out= 0.9522

cs= 10 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 190 ,out= 0.9586

cs= 10 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 191 ,out= 0.9594

cs= 10 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 200 ,tm= 189 ,out= 0.9467

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 264 ,out= 0.9613

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 260 ,out= 0.9607

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 261 ,out= 0.9561

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 264 ,out= 0.9602

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 277 ,out= 0.9587

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 282 ,out= 0.9498

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 281 ,out= 0.9608

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 2198 ,out= 0.9569

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 248 ,out= 0.9446

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 256 ,out= 0.9601

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 256 ,out= 0.9599

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 293 ,out= 0.956

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 308 ,out= 0.9586

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 220 ,out= 0.9566

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 220 ,out= 0.9559

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 218 ,out= 0.9586

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 217 ,out= 0.9576

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 217 ,out= 0.9551

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 205 ,out= 0.9594

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 207 ,out= 0.96

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 232 ,out= 0.9581

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 223 ,out= 0.958

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 221 ,out= 0.9528

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 222 ,out= 0.9537

cs= 9 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 222 ,out= 0.9589

cs= 9 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 219 ,out= 0.9574

cs= 9 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 219 ,out= 0.9563

cs= 10 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 218 ,out= 0.9598

cs= 10 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 217 ,out= 0.9558

cs= 10 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 300 ,tm= 218 ,out= 0.956

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 288 ,out= 0.9609

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 297 ,out= 0.9598

cs= 1 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 298 ,out= 0.9562

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 294 ,out= 0.9597

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 281 ,out= 0.959

cs= 2 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 312 ,out= 0.9561

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 300 ,out= 0.9598

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 304 ,out= 0.9603

cs= 3 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 292 ,out= 0.9507

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 290 ,out= 0.9603

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 307 ,out= 0.9619

cs= 4 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 302 ,out= 0.9498

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 292 ,out= 0.9599

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 297 ,out= 0.9588

cs= 5 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 285 ,out= 0.9544

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 296 ,out= 0.9608

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 277 ,out= 0.9608

cs= 6 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 281 ,out= 0.9466

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 272 ,out= 0.9579

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 325 ,out= 0.9622

cs= 7 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 288 ,out= 0.9515

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.1 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 289 ,out= 0.96

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.2 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 288 ,out= 0.9607

cs= 8 ,lr= 0.3 ,hn= 400 ,tm= 287 ,out= 0.9556

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