30天英语口语训练笔记 (第二天)
1.As ··· is to····,so is····to正如…之于…一样,…之于…也是如此。
As food is to the body,so is learning to the mind.学习对于大脑与食物对于身体同等重要
2.muscles 肌肉
3.intake 摄取
4.likewise 因为 in the same way 同样的方式
5.mental power 脑力
6.maintain 保持 expand 增加
7. intellectual capacity智力
intelligence quotient 智商(IQ) [ˈkwoʊʃnt]
8.supplies/provide/offer 提供····supply sb with sth = provide = offer
9.fuel 燃料
10.sharpen our power of 使···变得更加敏锐
11.reasoning 推理 analysis 分析 judgement 判断
12.constant learning 持续学习 continuous learning 持续学习
13.keep pace with the times 与时俱进
14.live to learn 活到老学到老
15.positive energy 正能量
16.driving force 动力
17.as sth.to sth 就像····之于····一样
18.misconce 错误的概念
19.misunderstanding 误会
20.acqure 获得
21.on the contrary 与之相反
22.cradle 摇篮
23.grave 坟墓
24.with the world changing so fast 随着世界的快速发展
26. inevitably 不可避免地
27.lead to /result in 导致
28.stagnation 停止/停滞 slow down 放缓 booming经济繁荣
29.boost/stimulate 刺激
30.inflation 通货膨胀
31.depression 经济萧条
32.insider 业内的
33.fossilezation 化石化/僵硬
34.stay mentally/physically young 保持思想上/身体上的年轻
35.from the cradle to the grave 从生到死,一辈子
36.make a person lag behind 使人落后
37.take sth. as sth. 把····当作···
supply sb with sth = provide = offer
supply us with fuel for driving us 为我们提供驾驶燃料
driving force 动力
sharpen our power of reasoning 对推理更加敏锐 v.锐化
reasoning n.v.推理
analysis 分析
judgement 判断
continuous 连续不断的
keep pace with the times 与时俱进 (两个p,前面keep的p音不用发出来了)times 时代
in the information age 在信息时代 age 时代
regard sth as sth = equiate sth with sth
把什么看做什么 = 什么等同于什么
acquire v.获得
acquisition n.获得
the only place for the acquisition of knowledge 获取知识的唯一场所
On the contrary 与之相反
from the cradle to the grave 从坟墓到摇篮
cradle [ˈkreɪdl] n.摇篮 vt.轻轻抱着
Greece was the cradle of the western civillization. 古希腊是西方文明的摇篮。
With sth changing so fast, … 某物变化如此之快
to do sth will make sb do sth. to do sth 做主语
lag behind 落后
To stop learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. 仅仅停止学习几天就会使人落后。
people 通常指某群人。指定的对象范围更大,而且多于一个人。
person 通常指特定的人。复数是 persons。
Lack of learning 缺少学习
inevitable 不可避免的
lead to = result in = cause 导致
stagnation (经济)停滞
经济发展 grow = booming
经济放缓 slow down
depression 经济消停
boost 刺激;促进 = stimulate
inflation 通货膨胀
brunch 早午餐
stagflation 即 又膨胀又停滞
insider 业内的
fossilization 化石化 = 僵化
to stay mentally young 保持思想上的年轻 adv 修饰 adj
to stay phisically young 保持身体上的年轻
take sth as sth 把什么当做什么
take learning as a lifelong career. 把学习当作终身职业。