Get新知识:手指上的倒刺|Are we all in this

2021-11-22  本文已影响0人  来而不可失者时也


Are we all in this together?

  Mobile lies in to confront the pandemic and eventually to reconstruct the shattered economic requires not only medical and economic expertise but moral and political renewable. We need to ask a basic question that we have invaded over these last decades. What do we own one another as  Citizens?

This corona virus pandemic has suddenly focused forced us to reconsider what social and economic rules matter most.

Many of the essential workers during these crisis are performing jobs that do not require college degree they along with the doctors and nurses, nurses are the ones who are putting their health at risk. So the rest of us can seek refuge refuge from contagion contagion.

Beyond thanking them for their services, we should reconfigure our economic and society too called such workers, the compensation compensation and recognition that reflects the true value of their contributions, Not only in an emergency but in our everyday lives.

Such a reconfiguration requires deliberating as democratic citizens about what can see constitutions a contribution to the common good and how such contributions should be rewarded without assuming assuming that markets can decide these questions on their own.

We need to ask whether reopening the economy means going back to a system that over the past four decades pulled us apart or whether we can emerge from this crisis with an economy that enables us to say and to believe that we are all in this together

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