
Game of Thrones S1-1-1

2017-01-23  本文已影响63人  雪木兰


大约五年前,参加“品味”英语角,认识了一个从事成人英语教育的年轻人Carlos,用的教材都是他自己编的,是从《绝望的主妇》Desperate Housewives的剧本中选些片段,放视频或音频给学员,然后让大家分饰其中的角色,练习口语、体会语境,效果着实不错。

一直都觉得这些是很好的方式,有很多人也都是一边看《老友记》 Friends一边学英语的,后来是《越狱》Prison Break 、《生活大爆炸》The Big Bang Theory、《绝望的主妇》Desperate Housewives等等,数不胜数。而我是从《迷失》Lost开始的。

而近期美剧迷们热捧的莫过于《权力的游戏》Game of Thrones了,Snow已经复活,龙母已经归来,精彩仍将继续……不多说,先来一段台词:

——Easy boy .

——What do you respect? They’re savages.

——One lot steals a goat from another lot , before you know it they’re ripping each other to pieces.

——I’ve never seen wildings do a thing like this.

——I never seen a thing like this,not ever in my life.

——How close did you get?

——Close as any man would. We should head back to the wall.

——Do the dead frighten you?

——Our orders were to track the wildings. We​ tracked them. They won’t trouble us no more.

——You don’t think he’ll ask us how they died? Get back on your horse.

——Whatever did it to them could do it to us. They even killed the children.

——It’s a good thing we’re not children. You want to run away south, run away. Of course they will behead you as a deserter, if I don’t catch you first. Get back on your horse. I won’t say it again.

这是全剧开场的一段,雪景很美,画风却诡异,加上配乐与音效,一下子就可以吸引观众。逃兵最后虽被斩首,但还是带回了消息:消失几千年的The White Walkers出现了。


Game of Thrones S1-1-2

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