
《纽约客》精读 猫猫特辑| 第四期 论猫猫的优越性

2020-06-23  本文已影响0人  WordsWordsWords

「《纽约客》精读 」选取The New Yorker杂志的片段,介绍文章背景、精讲单词、词组和句式。这是一个固定栏目,更新频率为每周两次。「猫猫特辑」将不定期出现。

本期选段来自文章Defence of Cats, 刊登于1934年,作者Wolcott Gibbs是《纽约客》一名编辑,擅长幽默文风。一日,他读到一篇采访,受访人是一位作家+记者+爱狗人士,采访中有大量诋毁猫猫的言论,认为猫猫不像狗狗那样忠诚、不会从河中救出小孩,也不会学习表演鼻子顶球。这篇Defence of Cats正是用来反驳这位爱狗人士。

Cats vs. Dogs

Dogs, like all weak and sentimental characters, are highly susceptible to suggestion, and they, too, have come to accept this unfortunate conception of themselves. They have been quite willing to learn foolish tricks and run pointless errandsforfeiting their dignity and diffusing their personalities, until the average dog today is a sorry creature, functioning adequately neither as a guest in the house nor a servant.

Cats, on the other hand, have character and independence. They are realists, and they understand perfectly their position in domestic life, which is decorative and nothing else. Cats don’t work, and I suspect they look on dogs, who do, as scum.


1. are highly susceptible to suggestion

susceptible adj. 易受影响/感染的

likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing

常用结构 be susceptible to sth.

e.g. Are children less susceptible to coronavirus?


suggestion n. (心理)暗示

the action of calling up an idea in someone's mind by associating it with other things


2. unfortunate conception of themselves

conception n. 看法、认知

the way in which something is perceived or regarded


1)受孕、孕育: premarital conception 未婚先孕


a product's conception and launch 产品的构思和上线

3. forfeiting their dignity 

forfeit v. 丧失、被剥夺

lose or be deprived of (property or a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing

forfeit常见于法律语境,forfeit assets 剥夺财产

forfeiture 名词形式,没收、充公之意,the forfeiture of criminal assets 犯罪所得资产的没收

4. diffusing their personalities

diffuse v. 扩散、传播

spread over a wide area or between a large number of people

diffuse作为动词,是在人群中扩散、传播、散布之意。作形容词,意思为分散的、不清晰的(not concentrated, lacking clarity or conciseness)。

两类词性的意思结合能更好理解diffuse their personalities的含义,狗狗的个性容易随着与外部环境融合,性情不会很尖锐,diffuse这里可以翻译成「模糊」。

5. they look on dogs, who do, as scum

look on: 看待

regard in a specified way

who do: dogs do (work)

对应前面的Cats don't work

scum n. 可鄙、可怜之人

a worthless or contemptible person



“New York was lost to looters, thugs, Radical Left, and all others forms of Lowlife & Scum.”



“human scum” 「人渣」




1. learn fool tricks and run pointless errands


errand n. 差事

a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something

run an errand是常用搭配

2. a sorry creature


3. functioning adequately neither as a guest in the house nor a servant


4. have character and independence


character n. 品格、刚毅、骨气

strength and originality in a person's nature

5. understand perfectly their position in domestic life



1. They have been quite willing to learn foolish tricks and run pointless errands, forfeiting their dignity and diffusing their personalities, until the average dog today is a sorry creature, functioning adequately neither as a guest in the house nor a servant.


核心层级:learn foolish tricks and run pointless errands与the average dog is a sorry creature

修饰层级:两个现在分词结构, forfeiting their diginity and diffusing their peronalities 与 functioning adequately...丧失自尊和模糊个性,作为学愚蠢技能和跑无聊差事的结果。既不足以成为客人,又不是仆人的尴尬境地,解释a sorry creature的地位。


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