
2023-01-25  本文已影响0人  HellenJin

大展宏“兔”(大展宏图) May your grand plans unfold in 2023!

“钱”“兔”无量(前途无量)May your wealth multiply like rabbits!

“兔”飞猛进(突飞猛进) May you take leaps and bounds in the year of the rabbit!

“钱”“兔”似锦(前途似锦) May the new year bring you abundance and wealth!

“兔”步青云(徒步青云)May you make strides!

扬眉“兔”气(扬眉吐气) May you be free of old shackles and hold your head up high!

龙腾虎跃 raise like soaring dragon and leaping tiger

年年有余 may there be surplus year after year

龙马精神 as energetic as a dragon and a horse

鲤鱼跃龙门 get rapid promotion

龙凤呈祥 in extremely good fortune

吉星高照 may fortune smile upon you

新春快乐 happy Chinese New Year

百花齐放 all flowers bloom together


