英语笔记 | Level 12-Unit 4
Topic: Business communication

There's a 15-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Shanghai. 洛杉矶和上海之间有15个小时的时差。
We had some problems with the connection in the meeting. 我们在会议的线路连接上有些问题。
Sorry, but I'm hearing an echo. 对不起,但是我听到有一个回声。
Could you please mute your mike when you're not speaking? 请你不说话的时候把麦克静音好吗?
Excuse me, but I can hear someone typing. 对不起,但是我听见有人在打字。
Give me a minute while I adjust my headset. 请给我一分钟调整我的耳机。
Good afternoon. Who's on your end? 下午好。你那边都有谁?
Good morning, Karen. Who's in the room with you? 早上好,卡伦。谁和你在房间里?
Can everyone hear all right? 每个人都能听见吗?
Can everyone see all right? 每个人都能看见吗?
OK, so let's get started. 好吧,让我们开始吧。
We have three items on the agenda today. 今天我们的议程上有三个事情。
Does anyone have anything they'd like to add to the agenda? 有谁有事要加到议程上吗?
OK. So, point number one – the software project. 好吧。那么,第一点—软件项目。
Any other questions? 有别的问题吗?
Let's move on to the second point on the agenda. 让我们继续看议程上的第二点。
Did anyone have anything else? 有人还有别的事要说吗?
So, just to recap, we're looking for a new HR director. 那么,总结一下,我们要一招个新的人事主管。
I always enjoy speaking with you. 我总是喜欢和你说话。
I'll be talking with you soon. 我会很快与你再聊。
I am writing with regard to … 我写信是关于…
I'm Cc-ing Tom on this, as he will be in the meeting. 我抄送汤姆,因为他也要参加会议。
Please find attached this month's report. 请查收附件中这个月的报告。
I'm forwarding the email I received from the client. 我转发我从客户那里收到的邮件。
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 如果你有任何问题或者担心请尽管来联系我。

Cultural sensitivity is important any time you're operating in a different culture. 任何时候当你在一个不同的文化中运营时文化敏感度是很重要的。
In some cultures, it's considered rude to maintain eye contact. 在一些文化中,保持眼神交流被认为是粗鲁的。
People from that culture tend to gesture a lot with their hands. 那个文化中的人们往往用很多手势。
My host told me that pointing with my finger was rather impolite. 招待我的主人告诉我用我的手指指指点点是相当不礼貌的。
She was completely comfortable with the silence, but I wasn't. 她对沉默完全没有问题,但是我不行。
Indirect communication can be difficult to understand. 间接沟通可能很难理解。
We tend to avoid conflict in my culture. 在我的文化中我们往往避免冲突。
We have a tendency to think first and talk later. 我们有先想后说的倾向。
People here have a way of speaking with their hands. 这里的人们有一种用手说话的方式。
Some people are apt to be offended by that. 那容易冒犯一些人。
This ergonomic desk is top of the line. 这个符合人体工学原理的桌子是同类产品中的极品。
This model normally retails for $799. 这一款通常零售价为799美元。
A bulk discount applies to orders of 100 units or more. 100台或以上的订单享受批发价。
Just so you know, we are talking with other vendors. 只想让你知道,我们在和其他厂商谈。
That price would leave me with a razor-thin margin. 这个价格会让我们的利润微薄。
So, you're saying 285 dollars per unit? 那么,你是说一件285美元吗?
I'm sorry, but that's just too high. 对不起,但是那太高了。
Perhaps you'd consider another model. 你也许可以考虑另外一款。
Thanks, but I think we'll talk with other vendors. 谢谢,但是我想我们会和其他厂商谈谈。
What would you say to 200 per unit? 每件200你觉得怎么样?
You've got to help me out here. 你一定要帮我哦。
The best I can do is $225. 最多225美元。
Is that your final offer? 那是你的最后出价吗?
I'm afraid it is. I just can't go any lower. 恐怕是的。我们不能再低了。
In that case, I think we have a deal. 那样的话,我想我们成交了。