What if SSI evolved into more freedom for Content creators and influencers that resulted in an Ad-free blockchain internet?
如果 SSI 能为内容创作者和相关影响者带来更多的自由从而导致无广告区块链互联网会怎样?
Instagram stories have become intercepted with Ad-spam, it's a pretty terrible user experience. As Facebook seeks to monetize Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram — since Facebook's flagship app is a dying app; the message is clear. Centralized Ads are polluting the internet.
Instagram 已经被垃圾广告所充满,这是一个非常糟糕的用户体验。 而 Facebook 正试图通过 Messenger、WhatsApp 和 Instagram 获利 - Facebook 的旗舰应用程序是一个垂死的应用程序; 因此事实已经很清楚。 中心化的广告正污染着整个互联网。
Whatever you believe self-sovereign-identity is, blockchain needs to decentralize identity systems on the internet to ensure consumer privacy, control and freedom.
The Emergence of the Next Web Based on Blockchain
基于区块链的下一代 Web 的出现
A digital identity that's accountable to human rights, is that so much to ask? Digital creators and influencers need to have full-rights to their creations just as consumers should have full rights to their data, which they can then barter or sell or trade via tokens with advertising platforms. Facebook and Google's model is all wrong, it's the past.
一个具有人权的数字身份,这个要求过份吗?数字创作者和有影响力的人需要对他们的创作拥有完全的权利,就像消费者应该拥有他们数据的完全权利一样,然后他们可以通过广告平台进行物物交换、出售或交易。 所以 Facebook 和谷歌的模式都是错误的,这已经是过去式。
I'm following a lot of crypto projects related to UBI and the decentralized identity systems that reward people better. One of the terms I like the most is called "self-sovereign marketing", where several startups are looking into creating more fairness in content and referral traffic for influencers in a more transparent way.
我正在关注许多与 UBI 相关的加密项目以及能更好地回报人们的去中心化身份系统。 我最喜欢的一个术语叫做“自我主权营销”,一些初创公司正在寻求以更透明的方式为影响者在内容和流量推荐上建立更多的公平性。
Everytime I post on LinkedIn, in the back of my mind I'm wondering why I don't get paid. On Medium, I can put my articles behind a paywall and make a living wage. Why would I ever post again on Instagram or Twitter without some measurable return on investment? I need social media to work for me. If I have 195,000 followers on LinkedIn, that has to mean something.
每次我在 LinkedIn 上发帖,在我的脑海背后,我总想为什么我没有得到报酬。 在 Medium 中,我可以把我的文章放在付费区赚点生活费。 如果没有可观的投资回报,为什么我会再次在 Instagram 或 Twitter 上发帖? 我需要的是社交媒体为我工作。 如果我在 LinkedIn 上有195,000名粉丝,那总该值点什么吧。
Human Rights on the Internet
What people do should matter, and their digital rights not just to privacy, but to empowerment is key for how we build the internet and restart it with blockchain.
SSI should not just serve Governments in how they track citizens on centralized blockchains. There must be an aspect of decentralization where the peer-to-peer aspect empowers people globally.
SSI 不应该仅仅是为政府跟踪中心化区块链上的公民服务。在去中心化方面,一定要能在点对点方面赋予全球人民权力。
Imagine if LinkedIn actually worked that way, and wasn't just a spin-off of Microsoft? Imagine if Facebook stood for something more than a "family of apps" that is just an advertising machine?
想象一下,如果 LinkedIn 真的以这种方式运作,而不仅仅是微软的衍生产品? 想象一下,想象一下,如果Facebook 不仅仅是一个“应用家族”,而是一个广告机器的话会怎样?
SSI should complement existing advertising and government digital identity systems, just as Bitcoin and over 2,000 digital assets already complements how fiat transactions, investment, trading and assets work.
SSI 应该补充现有的广告和政府数字身份系统,就像比特币和超过2,000 种数字资产已经实现了法币交易、投资、交易和资产间如何工作。
Decentralization is about bringing the internet a new era of freedom, stability and alternatives to what's not working.
Let's be honest, Google and Facebook should probably be broken up. (We don't need the inventor of the Internet to tell us that). They are too centralized and have become corrupt.
老实说,谷歌和 Facebook 应该被分拆。(我们不需要互联网的发明者告诉我们这个)。 因为他们过于集中,已经堕落腐烂。