

2019-07-06  本文已影响8人  郑宝童
  1. ComplexHeatmap学习笔记①Introduction to ComplexHeatmap package
  2. ComplexHeatmap学习笔记②Making A Single Heatmap
  3. ComplexHeatmap学习笔记③Making A List of Heatmaps

Heatmap Annotations 热图注释


Column annotation 列注释

Simple annotation 简单注释

简单注释被定义为包含离散或连续值的向量。 由于简单注释被表示为向量,因此可以将多个简单注释指定为数据框(data frame)。 简单注释的颜色可以通过带有a vector或颜色映射函数的col指定,具体取决于简单注释是离散的还是连续的。


HeatmapAnnotation类有一个draw()方法。 draw() is used internally and 在这里我们只是用它来演示。


df = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)))
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df)
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 1 annotation.
## An annotation with discrete color mapping
## name: type 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE
draw(ha, 1:10)

应将简单注释的颜色指定给一个具有名称的list(颜色list中的名称,它对应于数据框中的名称)(这里就是指以下示例中的type)【注:下方颜色list的a,对应于数据df里的a】。 每个颜色向量应该更好地具有名称以映射到注释的级别。--给注释自定义颜色

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" =  "red", "b" = "blue")))

## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 1 annotation.
## An annotation with discrete color mapping
## name: type 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE

draw(ha, 1:10)


ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = data.frame(age = sample(1:20, 10)),
    col = list(age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 1 annotation.
## An annotation with continuous color mapping
## name: age 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE
draw(ha, 1:10)


df2 = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)),
                age = sample(1:20, 10))
df2$type[5] = NA
df2$age[5] = NA
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df2, 
  col = list(type = c("a" =  "red", "b" = "blue"),
             age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))),
  na_col = "grey")
draw(ha, 1:10)

在数据框(data frame)中放置多个注释。.

df = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)),
                age = sample(1:20, 10))
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df,
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red")))
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 2 annotations.
## An annotation with discrete color mapping
## name: type 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE 
## An annotation with continuous color mapping
## name: age 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE
draw(ha, 1:10)

Also individual annotations can be directly specified as vectors:

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(type = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)),
                       age = sample(1:20, 10),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red")))

## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 2 annotations.
## An annotation with discrete color mapping
## name: type 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE 
## An annotation with continuous color mapping
## name: age 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE

draw(ha, 1:10)


ha1 = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df,
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red")))
ha2 = HeatmapAnnotation(df = data.frame(age = sample(1:20, 10)),
    col = list(age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))

mat = matrix(rnorm(80, 2), 8, 10)
mat = rbind(mat, matrix(rnorm(40, -2), 4, 10))
rownames(mat) = paste0("R", 1:12)
colnames(mat) = paste0("C", 1:10)

Heatmap(mat, top_annotation = ha1, bottom_annotation = ha2)

Complex annotations 复杂的注释

除了简单的注释,还有复杂的注释。复杂的注释总是被表示为自定义的图形函数。实际上,对于每个列注释, there will be a viewport created waiting for graphics。这里的注释函数定义了如何将图形放到这个viewport中。函数的唯一参数是列的索引,该索引是已经通过列聚类进行了调整的列索引 .

在下方的例子中, 将创建点的注释,请注意我们如何定义xscale,以便如果将注释添加到heatmap中,点的位置对应于列的中点.

value = rnorm(10)
column_anno = function(index) {
    n = length(index)
    # since middle of columns are in 1, 2, ..., n and each column has width 1
    # then the most left should be 1 - 0.5 and the most right should be n + 0.5
    pushViewport(viewport(xscale = c(0.5, n + 0.5), yscale = range(value)))
    # since order of columns will be adjusted by clustering, here we also 
    # need to change the order by `[index]`
    grid.points(index, value[index], pch = 16, default.unit = "native")
    # this is very important in order not to mess up the layout
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(points = column_anno)  # here the name is arbitrary
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 1 annotation.
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: points 
## position: column
draw(ha, 1:10)


这些 anno_* 函数的输入值很简单. 可以是数值向量(e.g. for anno_points() and anno_barplot()), a matrix or list (for anno_boxplot(), anno_histogram() or anno_density()), or a character vector (for anno_text()).

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(points = anno_points(value))
draw(ha, 1:10)
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(barplot = anno_barplot(value))
draw(ha, 1:10)

anno_boxplot() 为矩阵中的每一列生成箱线图。.

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(boxplot = anno_boxplot(mat))
draw(ha, 1:10)


ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, 
                       points = anno_points(value),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 3 annotations.
## An annotation with discrete color mapping
## name: type 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE 
## An annotation with continuous color mapping
## name: age 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE 
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: points 
## position: column
draw(ha, 1:10)


ha = HeatmapAnnotation(type = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)),
                       points = anno_points(value),
                       age = sample(1:20, 10), 
                       bars = anno_barplot(value),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 4 annotations.
## An annotation with discrete color mapping
## name: type 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE 
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: points 
## position: column 
## An annotation with continuous color mapping
## name: age 
## position: column 
## show legend: TRUE 
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: bars 
## position: column
draw(ha, 1:10)

对于一些 anno_*函数, 图形参数可以由gp设置. 也请注意我们如何在anno_barplot()中指定 baseline(基线).

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(barplot1 = anno_barplot(value, baseline = 0, gp = gpar(fill = ifelse(value > 0, "red", "green"))),
                       points = anno_points(value, gp = gpar(col = rep(1:2, 5))),
                       barplot2 = anno_barplot(value, gp = gpar(fill = rep(3:4, 5))))
## A HeatmapAnnotation object with 3 annotations.
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: barplot1 
## position: column 
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: points 
## position: column 
## An annotation with self-defined function
## name: barplot2 
## position: column
draw(ha, 1:10)


# set annotation height as relative values
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, points = anno_points(value), boxplot = anno_boxplot(mat),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))),
    annotation_height = c(1, 2, 3, 4))
draw(ha, 1:10)
# set annotation height as absolute units
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, points = anno_points(value), boxplot = anno_boxplot(mat),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))),
    annotation_height = unit.c((unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "cm"))*0.5, (unit(1, "npc") - unit(4, "cm"))*0.5, 
        unit(2, "cm"), unit(2, "cm")))
draw(ha, 1:10)




ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, points = anno_points(value),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))
ha_boxplot = HeatmapAnnotation(boxplot = anno_boxplot(mat, axis = TRUE))
Heatmap(mat, name = "foo", top_annotation = ha, bottom_annotation = ha_boxplot, 
    bottom_annotation_height = unit(3, "cm"))

每个注释下面的间隔可以通过"HeatmapAnnotation()"中的"gap"来指定Gaps below each annotation can be specified by gap in HeatmapAnnotation().

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, points = anno_points(value), gap = unit(c(2, 4), "mm"),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))
Heatmap(mat, name = "foo", top_annotation = ha)


ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, show_legend = c(FALSE, TRUE),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))))
Heatmap(mat, name = "foo", top_annotation = ha)



ha_mix_top = HeatmapAnnotation(histogram = anno_histogram(mat, gp = gpar(fill = rep(2:3, each = 5))),
    density_line = anno_density(mat, type = "line", gp = gpar(col = rep(2:3, each = 5))),
    violin = anno_density(mat, type = "violin", gp = gpar(fill = rep(2:3, each = 5))),
    heatmap = anno_density(mat, type = "heatmap"))
Heatmap(mat, name = "foo", top_annotation = ha_mix_top, top_annotation_height = unit(8, "cm"))

文本也是注释图形的一种。anno_text()支持添加文本作为热图注释。 使用此注释函数,可以轻松地使用旋转来模拟列名称。 请注意,您需要手动计算文本注释的空间,并且包不能保证所有旋转的文本都显示在图中(在下图中,如果不绘制行名称和图例,'C10C10C10'将被完全显示 ,一些使用技巧你可以在[** Examples **]vignette中找到.

long_cn = do.call("paste0", rep(list(colnames(mat)), 3))  # just to construct long text
ha_rot_cn = HeatmapAnnotation(text = anno_text(long_cn, rot = 45, just = "left", offset = unit(2, "mm")))
Heatmap(mat, name = "foo", top_annotation = ha_rot_cn, top_annotation_height = unit(2, "cm"))

Row annotations 行注释

行注释也由HeatmapAnnotation class定义,但是需要将Row赋给which

df = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 6), rep("b", 6)))
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")),
    which = "row", width = unit(1, "cm"))
draw(ha, 1:12)

有一个叫做rowAnnotation()的函数可以实现HeatmapAnnotation(..., which = "row")相同的功能.

ha = rowAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")), width = unit(1, "cm"))

anno_* 含住在 row annotations中也同样有效,不过你需要给函数添加which = "row"参数. 例如:

ha = rowAnnotation(points = anno_points(runif(10), which = "row"))

rowAnnotation()类似, there are corresponding wrapper anno_* functions. 除了预先定义的' which '参数到' row '之外,函数几乎与原始函数相同:


ha_combined = rowAnnotation(df = df, boxplot = row_anno_boxplot(mat), 
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")),
    annotation_width = c(1, 3))
draw(ha_combined, 1:12)

Mix heatmaps and row annotations 混合热图和行注释

从本质上讲,行注释和列注释是相同的图形,但在实践中有一些区别. 在ComplexHeatmap包中, 行注释与热图具有相同的地位,而列注释就像热图的附属组件。有这样的看法是因为行注释可以对应于列表中的所有热图,而列注释只能对应于它自己的热图。类似于heatmap,对于行注释,您可以将行注释附加到heatmap或heatmap列表,甚至行注释对象本身。行注释中的元素顺序也可以通过热图的聚类进行调整.

ha = rowAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")),
    width = unit(1, "cm"))
ht1 = Heatmap(mat, name = "ht1")
ht2 = Heatmap(mat, name = "ht2")
ht1 + ha + ht2

如果再在热图中设置了 kmsplit, 行注释也将陪同被拆分.

ht1 = Heatmap(mat, name = "ht1", km = 2)
ha = rowAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")),
    boxplot = row_anno_boxplot(mat, axis = TRUE), 
    annotation_width = unit(c(1, 5), "cm"))
ha + ht1

当应用行分割时,graphical parameters for annotation function can be specified as with the same length as the number of row slices.

ha = rowAnnotation(boxplot = row_anno_boxplot(mat, gp = gpar(fill = c("red", "blue"))), 
    width = unit(2, "cm"))
ha + ht1


由于只保留主热图的行聚类和行标题,因此可以通过设置row_hclust_side and row_sub_title_side将它们调整到图的最左边或右边:

draw(ha + ht1, row_dend_side = "left", row_sub_title_side = "right")

Self define row annotations 自定义行注释

If row annotations are split by rows, the argument index will automatically be the index in the 'current' row slice.自定义行注释与自定义列注释相同。 唯一的区别是切换了x坐标和y坐标。 如果行注释按行分割,则参数 index 将自动成为'current'行切片中的索引。

value = rowMeans(mat)
row_anno = function(index) {
    n = length(index)
    pushViewport(viewport(xscale = range(value), yscale = c(0.5, n + 0.5)))
    # recall row order will be adjusted, here we specify `value[index]`
    grid.points(value[index], seq_along(index), pch = 16, default.unit = "native")
ha = rowAnnotation(points = row_anno, width = unit(1, "cm"))
ht1 + ha


row_anno = function(index, k) {
    n = length(index)
    col = c("blue", "red")[k]
    pushViewport(viewport(xscale = range(value), yscale = c(0.5, n + 0.5)))
    grid.points(value[index], seq_along(index), pch = 16, default.unit = "native", gp = gpar(col = col))
ha = rowAnnotation(points = row_anno, width = unit(1, "cm"))
ht1 + ha


Heatmap with zero row 零行的热图

如果只想可视化矩阵的元数据(meta data),你可以设置矩阵的行数为零。在这种情况下,只允许是一个热图(In this case, only one heatmap is allowed.)

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = data.frame(value = runif(10), type = rep(letters[1:2], 5)),
    barplot = anno_barplot(runif(10)),
    points = anno_points(runif(10)))
zero_row_mat = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 10)
colnames(zero_row_mat) = letters[1:10]
Heatmap(zero_row_mat, top_annotation = ha, column_title = "only annotations")

如果您想比较多个指标(metrics),这个特性非常有用。下图中的坐标轴和标签由[heatmap decoration]添加。还请注意,我们是如何调整绘图区域的,以便为hte坐标轴标签提供足够的空间。

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = data.frame(value = runif(10), type = rep(letters[1:2], 5)),
    barplot = anno_barplot(runif(10), axis = TRUE),
    points = anno_points(runif(10), axis = TRUE),
    annotation_height = unit(c(0.5, 0.5, 4, 4), "cm"))
zero_row_mat = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 10)
colnames(zero_row_mat) = letters[1:10]
ht = Heatmap(zero_row_mat, top_annotation = ha, column_title = "only annotations")
draw(ht, padding = unit(c(2, 20, 2, 2), "mm"))
decorate_annotation("value", {grid.text("value", unit(-2, "mm"), just = "right")})
decorate_annotation("type", {grid.text("type", unit(-2, "mm"), just = "right")})
decorate_annotation("barplot", {
    grid.text("barplot", unit(-10, "mm"), just = "bottom", rot = 90)
    grid.lines(c(0, 1), unit(c(0.2, 0.2), "native"), gp = gpar(lty = 2, col = "blue"))
decorate_annotation("points", {
    grid.text("points", unit(-10, "mm"), just = "bottom", rot = 90)

Heatmap with zero column 零列的热图


ha_boxplot = rowAnnotation(boxplot = row_anno_boxplot(mat), width = unit(3, "cm"))
ha = rowAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")), width = unit(2, "cm"))
text = paste0("row", seq_len(nrow(mat)))
ha_text = rowAnnotation(text = row_anno_text(text), width = max_text_width(text))
nr = nrow(mat)
Heatmap(matrix(nrow = nr, ncol = 0), split = sample(c("A", "B"), nr, replace = TRUE)) + 
    ha_boxplot + ha + ha_text


dend = hclust(dist(mat))
Heatmap(matrix(nrow = nr, ncol = 0), cluster_rows = dend) + 
    ha_boxplot + ha + ha_text


Use heatmap instead of simple row annotations 使用热图而不是简单的行注释


df = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 6), rep("b", 6)))
Heatmap(mat) + rowAnnotation(df = df, col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")), 
    width = unit(1, "cm"))
Heatmap(mat) + Heatmap(df, name = "type", col = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"), 
    width = unit(1, "cm"))

Axes for annotations 注释的坐标轴

对于复杂的注释,坐标轴对于显示数据的范围和方向非常重要。anno_*函数提供axis and axis_side参数来控制坐标轴.

ha1 = HeatmapAnnotation(b1 = anno_boxplot(mat, axis = TRUE),
    p1 = anno_points(colMeans(mat), axis = TRUE))
ha2 = rowAnnotation(b2 = row_anno_boxplot(mat, axis = TRUE),
    p2 = row_anno_points(rowMeans(mat), axis = TRUE), width = unit(2, "cm"))
Heatmap(mat, top_annotation = ha1, top_annotation_height = unit(2, "cm")) + ha2


pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(nr = 1, nc = 2)))
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
ha = rowAnnotation(boxplot = row_anno_boxplot(mat, axis = TRUE), width = unit(3, "cm"))
ht_list = ha + Heatmap(mat)
draw(ht_list, column_title = "normal axis direction", newpage = FALSE)

pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 2))
ha = rowAnnotation(boxplot = row_anno_boxplot(mat, axis = TRUE, axis_direction = "reverse"), 
    width = unit(3, "cm"))
ht_list = ha + Heatmap(mat)
draw(ht_list, column_title = "reverse axis direction", newpage = FALSE)

Stacked barplots 堆叠barplots

如果输入是列大于1的矩阵,则Barplot注释可以是堆积条形图。 在这种情况下,如果将图形参数指定为向量,则其长度只能是1或者矩阵的列数。 由于条形图是堆叠的,因此每行只能包含所有正值或所有负值。

请注意,堆积条形图的缺点是没有图例,您需要手动生成它(请参阅 [this section])

foo1 = matrix(abs(rnorm(20)), ncol = 2)
foo1[1, ] = -foo1[1, ]
column_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(foo1 = anno_barplot(foo1, axis = TRUE))
foo2 = matrix(abs(rnorm(24)), ncol = 2)
row_ha = rowAnnotation(foo2 = row_anno_barplot(foo2, axis = TRUE, axis_side = "top",
    gp = gpar(fill = c("red", "blue"))), width = unit(2, "cm"))
Heatmap(mat, top_annotation = column_ha, top_annotation_height = unit(2, "cm"), km = 2) + row_ha

Add annotation names 添加注释名

从版本1.11.5开始,HeatmapAnnotation() 支持将注释名称直接添加到注释中。 但是,由于包的设计,有时名称将位于图形之外或与其他热图组件重叠,因此,默认情况下它将被关闭.

df = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 5), rep("b", 5)),
                age = sample(1:20, 10))
value = rnorm(10)
ha = HeatmapAnnotation(df = df, points = anno_points(value, axis = TRUE),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))),
    annotation_height = unit(c(0.5, 0.5, 2), "cm"),
    show_annotation_name = TRUE,
    annotation_name_offset = unit(2, "mm"),
    annotation_name_rot = c(0, 0, 90))
Heatmap(mat, name = "foo", top_annotation = ha)

Or the row annotation names:注意我们手动调整padding以完全显示points的文本。

df = data.frame(type = c(rep("a", 6), rep("b", 6)),
                age = sample(1:20, 12))
value = rnorm(12)
ha = rowAnnotation(df = df, points = row_anno_points(value, axis = TRUE),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue"),
               age = colorRamp2(c(0, 20), c("white", "red"))),
    annotation_width = unit(c(0.5, 0.5, 2), "cm"),
    show_annotation_name = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE),
    annotation_name_offset = unit(c(2, 2, 8), "mm"),
    annotation_name_rot = c(90, 90, 0))
ht = Heatmap(mat, name = "foo") + ha
draw(ht, padding = unit(c(4, 2, 2, 2), "mm"))

Adjust positions of column names 或者行注释名称:注意我们手动调整padding以完全显示“points”的文本。

在热图组件的布局中,列名称直接放在热图主体下方。 当注释放在热图的底部时,这将导致问题:--注意列名和列注释的位置

ha = HeatmapAnnotation(type = df$type,
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")))
Heatmap(mat, bottom_annotation = ha)


ha = HeatmapAnnotation(type = df$type, 
    colname = anno_text(colnames(mat), rot = 90, just = "right", offset = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "mm")),
    col = list(type = c("a" = "red", "b" = "blue")),
    annotation_height = unit.c(unit(5, "mm"), max_text_width(colnames(mat)) + unit(2, "mm")))
Heatmap(mat, show_column_names = FALSE, bottom_annotation = ha)

添加文本注释时,应计算文本的最大宽度并将其设置为文本注释viewport的高度,以便所有文本都可以在图中完全显示。 有时,您还需要设置rotjustoffset以将文本与正确的锚位置对齐。.

Mark some of the rows/columns 标记一些行列

从版本1.8.0开始,添加了一个新的注释函数anno_link(),它通过链接连接标签和行的子集。 当有许多行/列并且我们想要标记某些行时(例如在基因表达矩阵中,我们想要标记一些重要的感兴趣的基因),这是有帮助的。--标记特定行

mat = matrix(rnorm(10000), nr = 1000)
rownames(mat) = sprintf("%.2f", rowMeans(mat))
subset = sample(1000, 20)
labels = rownames(mat)[subset]
Heatmap(mat, show_row_names = FALSE, show_row_dend = FALSE, show_column_dend = FALSE) + 
rowAnnotation(link = row_anno_link(at = subset, labels = labels),
  width = unit(1, "cm") + max_text_width(labels))

# here unit(1, "cm") is width of segments

还有两个快捷函数: row_anno_link() and column_anno_link().

Session info


## R version 3.5.1 Patched (2018-07-24 r75008)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 (build 9600)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=C                           LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    
## attached base packages:
##  [1] stats4    parallel  grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [10] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] dendextend_1.9.0      dendsort_0.3.3        cluster_2.0.7-1       IRanges_2.16.0       
##  [5] S4Vectors_0.20.0      BiocGenerics_0.28.0   HilbertCurve_1.12.0   circlize_0.4.4       
##  [9] ComplexHeatmap_1.20.0 knitr_1.20            markdown_0.8         
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] mclust_5.4.1           Rcpp_0.12.19           mvtnorm_1.0-8          lattice_0.20-35       
##  [5] png_0.1-7              class_7.3-14           assertthat_0.2.0       mime_0.6              
##  [9] R6_2.3.0               GenomeInfoDb_1.18.0    plyr_1.8.4             evaluate_0.12         
## [13] ggplot2_3.1.0          highr_0.7              pillar_1.3.0           GlobalOptions_0.1.0   
## [17] zlibbioc_1.28.0        rlang_0.3.0.1          lazyeval_0.2.1         diptest_0.75-7        
## [21] kernlab_0.9-27         whisker_0.3-2          GetoptLong_0.1.7       stringr_1.3.1         
## [25] RCurl_1.95-4.11        munsell_0.5.0          compiler_3.5.1         pkgconfig_2.0.2       
## [29] shape_1.4.4            nnet_7.3-12            tidyselect_0.2.5       gridExtra_2.3         
## [33] tibble_1.4.2           GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.0 viridisLite_0.3.0      crayon_1.3.4          
## [37] dplyr_0.7.7            MASS_7.3-51            bitops_1.0-6           gtable_0.2.0          
## [41] magrittr_1.5           scales_1.0.0           stringi_1.2.4          XVector_0.22.0        
## [45] viridis_0.5.1          flexmix_2.3-14         bindrcpp_0.2.2         robustbase_0.93-3     
## [49] fastcluster_1.1.25     HilbertVis_1.40.0      rjson_0.2.20           RColorBrewer_1.1-2    
## [53] tools_3.5.1            fpc_2.1-11.1           glue_1.3.0             trimcluster_0.1-2.1   
## [57] DEoptimR_1.0-8         purrr_0.2.5            colorspace_1.3-2       GenomicRanges_1.34.0  
## [61] prabclus_2.2-6         bindr_0.1.1            modeltools_0.2-22
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