A little change in my life
We meet thousands of people every day, but few of them can really make a difference to us, my project manager is one of them.
Two years ago, I joined Teach for China project after graduating from university and became a volunteering teacher. I was so immature that time, and have little experience in teaching. Although I thought I exerted all my effort to teach, I still couldn't get the recognition from my project manager. Each time she came to my class, she always spoke about my flaws and didn't see any progress of me. After almost a year, I was still criticized by her, and finally I cracked. I cried out till late-night, and lost my voice. What's worse, I started to doubt my value. I didn't know why I was there, what kind of change I could take to my students. I needed to take a rest. So I got off work for 5 days, and stayed with my boyfriend. In company with him, I gradually realized I just cared about her opinion too much. I was determined to make peace with myself. Right, I was not as good as my friends maybe, I accepted this, but I still tried my best to teach my students and effect teachers around me at the same time. No one could deny me. What's more, what I should concentrate on is coming along and achieving to my goal step by step rather than others' opinion. Thanks to her, I became more mature. As the old saying goes, life gives us a lemon , and we could make the lemonade.