书名称:The China Mobile SEO Book
作者: Gordon Choi 蔡维东

一本200多页的英文书,适合从事站长、SEO、网络营销、等工作的人士。 内容主要包括:
- 做中文市场移动网站与SEO的策略和正确方法
- H5网站的网页加载速度优化技巧
- 通过分析工具监测移动网站SEO数据的正确方法
- 书的作者是E-Bizcamp联合创始人Gordon Choi(蔡维东)。
张国平, 光年/Shop123 创始人& CEO, 中国的SEO大神
Stephen Noton, SEO veteran since 1996 and 1st in Asia Qualified by Google, Microsoft & Yahoo! 1996年就开始做SEO的大神
"This book takes the often overlooked factual and scientific approach to doing SEO in China."
Eric Ye, CTO of Ctrip.com(携程CTO,叶亚明)
"Gordon covers unique SEO techniques and methods in this book. In mobile internet, SEO performance takes a very different spinning. Furthermore, are your websites tuned to work well with Chinese Search Engines like Baidu and 360? This book takes you into the inner circle of SEO where you can learn must-have knowledge of driving up SEO performance for your mobile websites in China. For readers who are serious about acquiring new users in Chinese market or who are curious about different SEO techniques tuned for Chinese Search Engine, you will learn how-to details of SEO-expertise illustrated in this book."
王晓恒, 中科九峰移动医疗VP (前中国平安金融科技有限公司搜索营销副总监)
王玉翔, 拍拍贷移动业务总经理 (前百度移动产品负责人)
黄捷, 携程国际业务事业单位业务产品组运营经理
Lawrence Wang, Digital Director of AIG & Director of TEDtoChina
"This is a comprehensive and well-written guide that covers many aspects of mobile SEO today, and it is a really excellent source of information on the rapid changes in China’s SEO industry. A must-read book for internet marketers."
嵇林海, 腾讯QQ高级产品经理
"看到The China Mobile SEO Book的书稿时,我这一年的第22次飞行已经延误了6个小时,这本书让我想起了多年前Gordon和我一起做SEO的时光,那些往日的成就感治愈了航班延误的疲惫。我想,在这本书之前,很少有人知道中国的大网站是如何吃进搜索引擎的流量,并且获得用户和订单的;也很少有人知道在中国的大网站,那些战斗在一线SEOers,在使用什么样的战略和战术。Gordon是一位很好的导师,他永远能告诉我们最简单的方法去解决问题,从业16年来,他教导过的人在中国互联网各大企业里负责数据分析、产品管理、流量购买等等工作;Gordon是一位很专注的作者,从业16年来,他从南非到香港再到上海,从广告公司到电子商务再到在线旅行,他从未离开过搜索引擎。在中国的SEO/SEM领域,他是我们所有的历史和现在,他是我们的传奇人物。"
安琦, 携程旅行网无线营销产品负责人
Chi-Yu Lian, Taiwan's SEO veteran and Co-founder of Search Marketing and Web Data Analysis Expo (SDX) (台湾的SEO专家)
"Gordon's innovative book The China Mobile SEO Book is to help webmasters design and optimize their websites well so as to complete in the fast-growing China mobile search market. With depth and breadth coverage of overall strategies, hands-on web optimization ideas, practical SEO tactics, useful website performance tips, erudite web and SEO data analytics insights, the China SEO heavyweight’s new masterpiece is a must-read."
岳占仁, 中国CMO俱乐部秘书长
Ye Wang, CEO of AppAdhoc.com (Formerly Engineer of Google’s Ads Quality Team)
"The popularity of mobile websites in China is growing exponentially, and so is their competition in search engine rankings. This book covers the up-to-date domain knowledge and best practices that you should know for you to win the SEO battle in China, or to at least stay relevant in the game."
Xuefeng Zhang, CTO of Ele.me & Alex Xu, Digital Technology Director of Ele.me
"This book presents a valuable technology i.e. mobile SEO. The book covers diverse tactics and skills that range from practical to strategic. It is required reading for anyone who wants to get into the world of search engine optimization."
Neo Su, CTO of Hupu.com
"This book provides very good and deep knowledge on search engine optimization and site speed optimization which are necessary for web app. This is really precious knowledge for mobile web developers and webmasters."
Robin Chen, Product Director of Ctrip.com
"Gordon delivers very practical and comprehensive methods of creating SEO friendly mobile websites that are especially for the China's Internet environment."
王静秋, 途风网高级总监 (前百度战略产品经理)
"This book will help you understand the foundation of running a mobile website in China and how to achieve high ROI from mobile SEO on Baidu & other major search engines in China."
Rob Garner, Author of Search and Social: The Definitive Guide to Real-time Content Marketing
"If you think your-US based optimization strategies and techniques will work for the China market, think again. Searches in China are quickly outpacing the usual suspects like Google and Bing, and internationally focused marketers need to understand the nuances of SEO and analytics for these users. Gordon has created a very thorough guide that should be on every marketer’s book shelf."
Jim Sterne, Founder of eMetrics Summit and Board Chair of Digital Analytics Association
"A mobile website strategy is crucial now that information has gone mobile-first. But chapters 4 and 5 of (this book) are the most important of all. This is how you determine if your strategy is working. This book can ensure your digital marketing success."
Mel Carson, Founder & Principal Strategist of Delight Communications
"The China Mobile SEO Book gets right to the heart of what it means to optimize your website for the age of mobile devices. It's packed full of detailed and helpful tips on how to make your brand more discoverable to Chinese searchers, and gives next –generation tips on how to measure your success."
Eliot Shin, CEO of NEOply China
"Best guide on how to build and maintain your mobile website to enable it to smartly connect with your customers. Strongly recommend to all Internet
business CEOs."