
Ain't No Mountain High Enough

2020-02-09  本文已影响0人  冬日浮云


这首歌的词和曲作者是 Valerie Simpson 和 Nick Ashford。Valerie第一次遇到 Nick 是1962年。当时,Valerie 在纽约一家教会的唱诗班,而 Nick 是常常到这个教会讨要一碗热饭的流浪汉。Nick 每次来教会总是跟着唱诗班哼唱。Valerie感觉他很有点唱歌的天赋,就拉他加入了唱诗班。二人从1963年开始为教会创作赞美诗歌。1965年二人成功合作了第一首流行歌曲 “Let’s Go Get Stoned“。1966年,Nick 有一天走过纽约中央公园的时候,看到周围的高楼大厦,突然感到这些高楼就像一座座山峰一样。他想到了自己五年前从密西根来到纽约,顽强奋斗,就像是在努力翻越这一座座山峰。于是在大脑中写下了《Ain't No Mountain High Enough》这首歌的歌词初稿。Nick兴奋不已,立刻找到 Valerie Simpson。二人经过几次修改,一首励志歌变成了爱情歌。

这首歌第一次录音是Tammi Terrell 的独唱。录完之后,制作人感觉应该改成男女对唱更有感染力,于是邀请 Marvin Gaye 加盟,一曲经典就这样诞生了。遗憾的是大约半年之后的一次演唱会上,Tammi 突然晕倒,随后被诊断为脑癌。三年之后不幸去世,这首经典对唱成为绝唱。

1971年这首歌被改写为独唱版本,由当时著名的女子合唱组合 Supremes 的成员之一 Diana Ross 演唱,荣登流行歌曲榜第一名。虽然Tammi 和 Marvin 的对唱当年只列在歌曲榜第19名,但是,几十年以来,这个对唱远比Diana的独唱流行得广,百听不厌,很多影视剧引用。下面是两个熟知的电影。一个是《Stepmom》,另一个是《Sisters Act 2》片尾曲。

Ain't No Mountain High Enough 歌词

Listen baby, ain't no mountain high

Ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby

If you need me call me no matter where you are

No matter how far don't worry baby

Just call my name I'll be there in a hurry

You don't have to worry

'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough

To keep me from getting to you babe

Remember the day I set you free

I told you you could always count on me darling

From that day on, I made a vow

I'll be there when you want me

Some way, some how

'Cause baby there ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough

To keep me from getting to you babe

Oh no darling

No wind, no rain

Or winters cold can stop me baby, na na baby

'Cause you are my goal

If you're ever in trouble

I'll be there on the double

Just send for me, oh baby, ha

My love is alive

Way down in my heart

Although we are miles apart

If you ever need a helping hand

I'll be there on the double

Just as fast as I can

Don't you know that there

Ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough

To keep me from getting to you babe

Don'tcha know that there

Ain't no mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough

Ain't no river wide enough

Ain't mountain high enough

Ain't no valley low enough


