

2019-08-25  本文已影响6人  豹豹君

FROM THE MIXED-UP FILES OF MRS.BASIL E. FRANKWELLER这本书名实在是太长了,就用中文名替代了。直译过来,套个流行说法就是--《从法兰威勒太太的杂乱文件中我们能够得到什么》,因为没通读全书,所以书名暂时这么给个直译。故事很有趣,两个孩子(一个12岁,一个9岁)离家出走,“流浪”在大都会博物馆,偶然邂逅了一座天使雕像,后追寻线索与雕像主人法兰威勒太太结识等一些列的事。人名又译“芭瑟·伊·福兰克威尔”,豹豹一般对人名地名不过度追究,不影响阅读。



It was obvious that you had too much on your mind to pay any attention to what I was trying to say.


too…to... 太…以至于…

That last visit was the worst bore. I wont risk another dull visit for a while, so I’m having Sheldon, my chauffeur, deliver this account to your home.

bore n.(令人讨厌的)事物,此处为乏味。

chauffeur 是个法语词汇,在盖茨比中大量出现,司机。


见面会谈除了pay/make a visit还可用后文出现的句子I don’t come in until much later, but never mind. 最近别见面了。

Chapter 1

CLAUDIA KNEW THAT SHE COULD NEVER PULL OFF the old-fashioned kind of running away. That is, running away in the heat of anger with a knapsack on her back.


pull off:

1.If you pull off something very difficult, you succeed in achieving it.成功完成

2、If a vehicle or driver pulls off the road, the vehicle stops by the side of the road.(车或驾车者)停靠(路边) (停车时也可用pull over)

小主人公是一个追求细节和舒适的人,所以做任何事情都有计划有打算,开篇就描写出主人公性格。后文也有体现 Besides, once she made up her mind to go, she enjoyed the planning almost as much as she enjoyed spending money.

To a large place,a comfortable place, an indoor place, and preferably a beautiful place. And that’s why she decided upon the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.





She planned very carefully; she saved her allowance and she chose her companion.


一般说零花钱大家首想pocket money,或者pin money但也可用allowance,虽然它常表达意思是津贴补助。在亚马逊上就有一个Amazon Allowance,相当于微信的红包功能吧。

But Claudia waited to tell Jamie that she had decided upon him. She couldn’t count on him to be that quiet for that long. And she calculated needing that long to save her weekly allowances.


count on=depend on

count on sb to do sth 指望某人去做某事

She was the oldest child and the only girl and was subject to a lot of injustice.



After all, Greenwich was considered an actual suburb of New York, a commuting suburb.



commute通勤n. v.这个词还是在懂你英语学的,啧。顺便补一个知识点:commute or commute time?

The word "commute" is used more than "commute time." It can also mean the time it takes to get home. Some examples: "My commute time to work is 30 minutes. The commute home is worse, taking one hour." "How long is your commute to college?" "It is about 45 minutes both ways." Or even, "Do you commute to college?" "No, I live there."


Claudia also decided that she must get accustomed to giving up things. Learning to do without hot fudge sundaes was good practice for her. She made do with the Good Humor bars her mother always kept in their freezer.


甜蜜使者冰激凌(Good Humor)是美国一家超过90年历史的冰激凌制造商,总部位于俄亥俄州;他们的冰激凌闻名美国东岸与中西部各州,最有名的冰品叫做“爱斯基摩派”(Eskimo Pie),产品包装上有个可爱的爱斯基摩男孩图样。(此段取自网络)

一说冰棍英文常用ice lolly 或者popsicle

get/ be customed to doing sth 习惯于做某事


What a find! From a litter of lipstick kisses, Claudia had plucked a free ride. She regarded it as an invitation. They would leave on Wednesday.


the four Kincaid children neither waited for each other nor walked together, except for Kevin, who was somebody’s charge each week.


后文小主人公就吐槽Kevin was only six and in the first grade and was made much over by everyone, especially by Mrs. Kincaid, Claudia thought. Claudia also thought that he was terribly babied and impossibly spoiled.  小弟弟太被照顾了,他就跟个长不大的婴儿一样,被宠坏了。

说到宠坏想起学到的口语句子:Some children are terribly possessive of their parents.


He sat slumped in his seat with his lips pooched out and his eyebrows pulled down on top of his eyes. He looked like a miniature, clean-shaven Neanderthal man.



slump in有一种一屁股坐那的赌气感。with后面两个短句表伴随状态。

Neanderthal man 类似中国的北京猿人,虽然不大恰当。感兴趣的友友自行查询

尼安德特人(Homo neanderthalensis),简称尼人,也被译为尼安德塔人,常作为人类进化史中间阶段的代表性居群的通称。因其化石发现于德国尼安德特山谷而得名。(此段出自百度百科)

“What’s the matter with you, Claude? First you bust up my card game, then you don’t tell me. It’s undecent.”

“Break up, not bust up. Indecent, not undecent,” Claudia corrected.


Despite himself, Jamie felt flattered.

哈哈,男孩子就是受不了别人恭维,其实男人也一样。所以法兰威勒女士写到Flattery is as important a machine as the lever, isn’t it, Saxon-berg? Give it a proper place to rest, and it can move the world.

Despite oneself出现过多次 :can't help情不自禁

Jamie squinted his eyes and said, “Make it complicated, Claude. I like complications.”

Claudia laughed. “It’s got to be simple to work...."



“I’ll eat it. I like complications,” Jamie said.

“You must also like wood pulp,” Claudia said. “That’s what paper is made of, you know.”

wood pulp就是木浆,纸浆。




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