- 本文有参考知乎网友的回答,只是一个私人booklist的整理和Mark,对推荐者表示衷心感谢
- 作者:知乎用户 这里是原文链接
How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded 2011 Joshwa Schimel!
English for Writing Research Papers 2011 Adrian Wallwork
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition 2007
Science Research Writing-A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English (2010) Hilary Glasman-Deal
- 中级篇第一本How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded 2011 Joshwa Schimel
- 中级篇第二本English for Writing Research Papers 2011 Adrian Wallwork
- 中级篇第三本A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition 2007
- 中级篇第四本Science Research Writing-A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English 2010 Hilary Glasman-Deal
- 中极篇第五本How to write and publish a scientific paper 1998 Robert A. Day
- 中级篇第六本 附加本Hedging in Scientific Research Articles 1998 Ken Hyland
- 中级篇第七本 附加本Stylish Academic Writing-Harvard University Press (2012)Helen Sword
- 中级篇第八本 附加本The Development of Scientific writing Linguistic Features and Historical Context 2008 David Banks
- 中级篇第九本,必备手册。The Hodges Harbrace Handbook-Cengage Learning (2012) Cheryl Glenn and Loretta Gray
- 高级篇第一本How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded 2011 Joshwa Schimel
- 高级篇第二本English for Writing Research Papers 2011 Adrian Wallwork
- 高级篇第三本A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Seventh Edition 2007
- 高级篇第四本Science Research Writing-A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English 2010 Hilary Glasman-Deal
- 高极篇第五本How to write and publish a scientific paper 1998 Robert A. Day
- 高级篇第六本Hedging in Scientific Research Articles 1998 Ken Hyland
- 高级篇第七本Stylish Academic Writing-Harvard University Press 2012 Helen Sword
- 高级篇第八本 The Development of Scientific writing Linguistic Features and Historical Context 2008 David Banks
- 高级篇第九本The Hodges Harbrace Handbook-Cengage Learning (2012) Cheryl Glenn and Loretta Gray
- 高级篇第十本 通用版核心Style- Toward Clarity and Grace 1990 Joseph M. Williams and Gregory G. Colomb
- 高级篇第十一本 通用版核心Line by line how to edit your own writing 1985 Houghton Mifflin
- 高级篇第十二本 通用版核心Artful Sentences Syntax as Style 2007 Virginia Tufte
- 高级篇第十三本 通用版大道至简The Elements of Style 1999 William Strunk Jr., E.B. White
- 高级篇第十四本 学术版大道至简They Say I Say The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (Third Edition) 2014 Gerald Graff Cathy Birkenstein
1、English for Writing Research Papers 2011 Adrian Wallwork
2、How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded 2011 Joshwa Schimel
3、They Say I Say The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing (Third Edition) 2014 Gerald Graff Cathy Birkenstein
4、Line by line how to edit your own writing 1985 Houghton Mifflin
5、Style- Toward Clarity and Grace 1990 Joseph M. Williams and Gregory G. Colomb
- 前二者按照由表及里地讲学术写作,后二者从基本功上讲通用写作,中间的They say介于两者之间,主要针对essay的学术写作。
- 由于上面的第三本,They say I Say 之前提到不多,这里补下。这本书是书目里最关注整体的。其将写作视为一段对话,交流的思维可以理解为“以人为本”。用较为浅显的道理阐明了修辞学和说服术在学术写作中的具体应用。
- 如果说Writing science讲解学术故事结构最好,那么They say讲解essay读者-作者心理交互最好。