
Day1: 副词一

2018-06-05  本文已影响39人  换个名字再说



Sit quietly! (修饰动词 sit)

Irvine was rather quiet. (修饰形容词 quiet)

That week seemed to go by incredibly slowly. (修饰副词 slowly)

It takes quite a lot of courage to jump from a plane. (修饰名词短语 a lot of courage)

I'm going for a run later so I don't want to eat anything now. (修饰分句 I'm going for a run)

Personally, I don't like the plans. (修饰整个句子 I don't like the plan.)

*** ***
time I never get up early at the weekends.
manner Walk across the road carefully!
place When we got there, the tickets had sold out.
degree it's rather cold, isn't it?
frequency I'm always losing my keys.




Suddenly I felt afraid.

Yesterday I ate a cake.


Why do you always have to eat so fast.


You always do this.


The government has occasionally been forced to change its mind. (after the first auxiliary verb)

You can definitely never predict what will happen. (after a modal verb)

We mightn't ever have met. (after the modal verb and before the auxiliary verb)


Do you ever think about living there?


She's always late for everything.

Why should I have gone to see Madonna? I never was a fan of hers. (emphatic)


type position example
方式(manner) 通常在最后;如果副词不是很重要或宾语太长,有时也放中间 She ate quickly. / She quickly ate her dinner and ran out.
地点(place) 通常放最后;有时放前面,特别是在写作时 Can you come over here? / We'll be at that table there. / Here she sat. / Outside, there was a small pond.
时间(time) 通常放最后;有时放在前面,特别是在我们想强度动词时 I'm flying to Shanghai tomorrow. / Today, I'm going to clean the house.
持续时间(duration) 通常放最后 I'm not staying long.
频率(frequency) 通常放中间;有时放前面;也可以放最后;evernever通常不会在前面 We often have friends to stay. / I usually get up late on weenkends. / I could never swim fast. / Sometimes she wore a woollen hat. / We don't see them very often. / Not: Never I could swim fast
程度(degree) really, very, quite通常在中间;a lot, a bit 通常在最后 I really like those pink flowers. / We go to Ireland a lot. / I'd just like to change things a bit.
重点(focusing) 通常在中间 He simply walked out without saying a word.
确定(certainty) probably, possibly, certainly 通常在中间;maybe, perhaps通常在前面,或者在后面但要隔一个逗号 It'll probably rain. / Maybe Nick will know the answer. / Can I get you a drink, or something to eat, perhaps?
观点(viewpoint) 通常在句子外的前面;有时在中间,特别是正规写作时 Personally, I'd rather not go out. / This must, fankly, be the craziest idea anyone has ever had.
评估(evaluative) 通常在句子外的前面;有时在中间;在正规演讲时可以在最后 Unfortunately, I forgot my swimming costume so I had to sit on the side and watch. / We have stupidly forgotten the tickets. / They missed the bus, apparently.



He played brilliantly.

We made a decision quickly then left.

如果这三种副词有多于一种出现在句子中,通常按照这个顺序:1.方式 2.地点 3.时间

You start off slowly[1] in the beginning[3].

You start off in the beginning slowly.

James played brilliantly[1] in the match[2] on Saturday[3].


She paly the piano really well.

She play really well the piano.

I don't watch TV very often.



Actually, I think the meeting is on Wednesday, not Thursday.

Obviously, we can not tell you the result but we can give you an indication.


如果主语是代词(it/he/she/you 等等),主语直接放在herethere后面;如果主语是名词,主语直接放在动词后面:

Here she is.

Not: Here is she.

There it goes.

Not: There goes it.

Here comes the bus.

Not: Here the bus comes.




He usually goes to the park after school.

Not: He goes usually to the park after school.

We hardly ever go to Shanghai.

Not: We go hardly ever to Shanghai.


I will post the CDs to you tomorrow.

Not: I will post tomorrow the CDs to you.

通常不会把always, usually, never等放在句子或分句的开始:

She was always comparing herself to other people.

Not: Always she was comparing herself to other people.


