routinely 通常、常规、经常
2019-01-13 本文已影响14人
title: routinely
date: 2019-01-13 17:17:59
NO_sents: 994
NO_references: 456
- Maximization of a binomial likelihood is required when a logistic regression model is fitted, but this operation is routinely carried out by all statistical packages. (Wakefield, 2009)
- These method functions are used in the following sections to show how models with tensor splines and structured residuals models can be fitted and examined routinely using asreml in R. (Verbyla et al., 2018)
- These statistical tools are still routinely used in comparative biology, although with a few notable exceptions (Lynch, 1991; Felsenstein, 2005; Naya et al, 2006) the connection with quantitative genetics seems to have been largely lost. (Hadfield, Nakagawa, 2010)
- Our preliminary data suggest that early embryonic cleavage is 20-fold more mutation-prone than cell divisions occurring later in development and that this increased rate of DNM might be due, in part, to reproductive technologies routinely used in livestock, such as the combination of oocyte pick-up, in vitro oocyte maturation and in vitro oocyte fertilization (C.C., unpublished observations). (Georges, Charlier, Hayes, 2018)
- Androgenesis is routinely applied in breeding programmes to important crops such as cereals and rapeseed. (Touraev, Forster, Jain, 2009)
- Many complex disease syndromes consist of a large number of highly related clinical phenotypes, and the patient cohorts are routinely surveyed with a large number of traits, such as hundreds of clinical phenotypes and genome-wide profiling of thousands of gene expressions, many of which are correlated. (Kim, Xing, 2009)