讲解:CSE 535、MATLAB、MATLABHaskell|
CSE 535: Mobile ComputingHealth Monitoring UIAssignment 1Purpose:Figure 1: MATLAB UI for Android PhonesDevelop a UI similar to the MATLAB UI shown in Figure 1: MATLAB UI for Android Phones. UseAndroid Studio to display the UI if you do not have an Android smartphone. For graphing, usethe provided GraphView class.Technology Requirements:● Android Studio● Either MatLab or PythonProject Description:First, generate a sample array of floats using the random library. Whenever the RUN button isclicked, the array is plotted into the canvas. On clicking the STOP button, drawing on the graphshould stop and the view should be cleared. If you click the RUN button again, drawing on thegraph should restart continuously without clearing the previous graph.In addition, the graph should have been drawn and moved (updated without cleaning the wholegraph) continuously before the STOP button was clicked. In other words, you should design andsimulate the graph of a real heart rate monitor (HRM) used in hospitals.Demo VideoThere are two parts required for the demo video submission: (1) the application demonstrationand (2) the source code description. Submit only one (1) video link – both parts should beincluded in one video.1. Application demonstration (maximum 2 minutes in length)a. Begin recording from when you start the application. Show all of the requiredfunctions including the exception handling, such as clicking the RUN buttonmultiple times.2. Source description (maximum 5 minutes in length)a. Show the overall UI.b. Describe each UI component functionality by showing your java source code (notXML). Explain how it works based on the source code. Then describe the reasonwhy you chose the functionality (i.e. it takes less time and space complexitycompared to another method, or it is a unique way to avoid some specific cases,etc.).Submission:● Individual submission● Please upload (1) the zipped source code folder from your Android Studio workspaceand (2) the readme.txt file.○ In the readme.txt file, you should include the demo video link (YouTube) andyour name.○ In the source code of your app, acknowledge any reu代写CSE 535留学生作业、代做MATLAB程序语言作业、MATLAB课程设计作业代写 帮做Haskell程序|调试Msed code and mark what isyour own code. These comments are required.● Before submitting your assignment, please double-check whether the “app-debug.apk”file is within the project folders as follows: app > build > output > apk. If the file is notwithin the project folders, please build your project at least one time before zipping. After2building your project, you will be able to see the apk file. Do not change anything for the“app-debug.apk” file (e.g. do not change the name of the file).● All of the source code files should be attached to the specific comments acknowledgingany reused code and your own code.● The application and Android Studio project name should be your first initial andlast name.○ E.g. Alice Jones would be “AJones” for the application and project name.● To submit the demo video link, you should create a YouTube account and upload therequired video for the assignment to that account.Grading Rubric:Testing Environment for GradingIf possible, please use one of the environment settings listed below to avoid receiving the wronggrade. Occasionally, a source code will not work correctly when the development environment isdifferent from the listed environments. If this occurs, we are not able to give you the correctgrade because it is not easy to find the reason why your application failed.● Pixel 8● API 29This assignment is worth a total of 100 points. The “Grade Deductions” column represents thenumber of points that will be deducted based on the condition in the “Condition” column.ConditionGradeDeductions● The app runs without being unresponsive● The app can fill patient data● The graph updates continuously afterclicking RUN button one (1) time● The graph clears on hitting the STOPbutton0The app is unresponsive at any stage 503The graph does not show 50The app cannot fill patient data 30Unable to hit the RUN button multiple times 30Unable to hit the STOP button multiple times 30The graph has the correct layout but no data 40The graph contains data but it does not update 25The graph is missing axis labels 20Student did not follow the submission method 704转自:http://www.6daixie.com/contents/12/4774.html