B4. Scheduler View-1
B4 调度视图
若要了解详细信息,请参阅“APC Builder”使用说明书。
表B 4.2调度视图项目
| 项目名称| 描述|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| 任务信息|
| Task Name(任务名称)| 显示了Exasmoc,Exarqe,Exaitg应用程序名称。|
| Status(状态)| 显示了任务状态。Stop : 任务已停止;Startup(启动) : 任务被初始化;Running(正在运行): 任务处于等待或运行状态;Shutdown(关闭): 任务正处于关闭状态;ErrStop:任务因出现错误而停止。|
| Type(类型)| 显示任务类型。smoc : SMOC控制器;rqe : RQE预估器;itg :集成应用;app : 用户定义的应用。|
| Counter(计数器)| 显示定时器的计数。|
| Period(周期)| 任务的执行周期以秒的形式显示。在仿真模式下,它以浅色显示。|
| Start Time(开始时间) | 当任务以区域设置格式启动时显示的日期和时间。|
| Comment(注释)| 仅以英语显示在PCTP中注册的任务注释。|
| PID | 显示执行流程中的PID编号。|
| Group Information(组信息)|
|Group Name(组名) |显示组名称。|
|Status(状态)| 显示组状态。Stop : 任务已停止;Startup(启动): 任务被初始化;Running: 任务处于等待或运行状态;Shutdown(关闭):任务正在被关闭;Startup (Error) 启动(错误): 任务启动时发现错误;Running (Error)运行(错误): 任务运行时发现错误;ErrStop : 任务已停止,但出现错误;Shutdown (Error) Sub Controller(关闭错误的子控制器):子控制器处于关闭状态;|
|Period(周期)| 任务的执行周期以秒的形式显示。在仿真模式下,它以浅色显示。|
|Start Time(开始时间)| 当任务以区域设置格式启动时显示的日期和时间。|
|Comment(注释) |仅以英语显示在PCTP中注册的任务注释。|
B4. Scheduler View
The Scheduler view is displayed by clicking "Scheduler" of the browser bar. The registered tasks and groups are listed and their operating conditions are observed.
In the scheduler view, registered tasks and groups are listed and their operating conditions are observed.
The task and the group are displayed in the order which was set on the builder.
As to the detail, refer to the “APC Builder” instruction manual.
■ View configuration
■ Description of items on Scheduler view
The items on the view can be changed directly by selecting the item and input a new value.
Please refer to the following table for the range that can be displayed and set.
Fig. B 4.2 Items on the scheduler View
|Item Name |Description|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|Task Information|
|Task Name| Exasmoc, Exarqe, Exaitg application name are displayed.|
|Status| Task status is displayed.Stop : Task is stopped.Startup : Task is initialized.Running : Task is waiting or runningShutdown : Task is under shutdown.ErrStop : Task was stopped with error |
|Type| Task type is displayed. smoc : SMOC controller; rqe : RQE estimator; itg : Integration Application;app : User defined application;
|Counter| Timer counter is shown.|
|Period| The execution period of the task is shown by second. In the simulation mode. It is shown in the light color.|
|Start Time| The date and time is shown when the task started in the locale format.|
|Comment| Task comment registered in PCTP is shown. Only English.|
|PID |PID number of the execution process is shown.|
|Group Information|
|Group Name| Group name is shown.|
|Status |Group status is displayed. Stop : Task is stopped. Startup : Task is initialized. Running : Task is waiting or running.Shutdown : Task is under shutdown. Startup (Error) : The task started with error. Running (Error) : The task is running with error. ErrStop : Task was stopped with error. Shutdown (Error) Sub Controller : The sub-controller is under shutdown.|
|Period |The execution period of the task is shown by second. In the simulation mode. It is shown in the light color.|
|Start Time |The date and time is shown when the task started in the locale format.|
|Comment| Task comment registered in PCTP is shown. Only English.|