
01_1走遍美国《46 Linden Street》

2017-01-05  本文已影响0人  软件测试技能栈

Richard: Excuse me?My name is Richard Stard.I'm a photographer.May I take a picture of your little boy?
Richard: Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer.May take a picture of you and your little boy?
始终没听出来you and ,但从视频中说话者说话的时间长度上总感觉听出来的又少点什么。

Mrs.Vann: What's for?
Mrs.Vann: What's it for?

Richard: That's for a book.
Richard: It's for a book.
it's for a book 听上去it's感觉是that's,但的确和别的句子中的it's 听起来不一样。我看网上有人发问过同样的疑问。

Mrs.Vann: You're writing a book?

Richard: It's book pictures.I call it "family album,USA".
Richard: It's a book of pictures. I call it Family Album,U.S.A.

Mrs.Vann: That's a nice idea.// take your picture.I'm Masvan.
Mrs.Vann: Oh, that's a nice idea.Well,it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha Vann.
“Well,it's fine if you”这句话听了无数遍,完全找不到北。即便是看着原文也只是感觉能听出来而已。但只要是不经意听到这句,就始终如一地找不到北。Well,it's fine if you take our picture. 这句话翻译为:如果你想为我们拍照就请吧。

Richard: Thank U.I'm preciate your help.I'm Richard.What's your name.
Richard: Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Richard.What's your name?

Gerald: Joel.
Gerald: Gerald.
如美国职业篮球选手Gerald Wallace,中文名为杰拉德·华莱士。

Richard: How old are you,Gerald?
Gerald: Five.

Richard: And where do you live?
Mrs.Vann: We live in California.
Richard: Well, welcome to New York.OK, just a second. I'm almost ready here.
Alexadra: Can I help you?
just a second.等一下
I'm almost ready here.我马上就好了。

Richard: Oh,Please.Hold your hands,please.Great.Now point to the buildings.Teriffic.Give momi a kiss,Joel.Nice.Thank U,Joel.And Thank U,Mrs Masvan.
Richard: Oh, please.Hold Gerald's hand, please.Great! Now point to the buildings.Terrific! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you,Mrs Vann.
Terrific,[təˈrɪfɪk],了不起的; 极好的; 异乎寻常的; 很大的;
Vann,[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 范恩 Fenn的变体;[地名] 水(挪威语)

Mrs.Vann: Oh, my pleasure.We'll be looking for your book.
Richard: Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald.Thanks again.
Alexandra: Oh, you're welcome.

Richard: Let me take you a picture.
Richard: Hey, let me take your picture!
Hey [he]
n. 干草(等于hay)
int. 喂!(引起注意等);你好!(表示问候)
n. (Hey)人名;(法)埃;(柬)海;(德、英)海伊
let me take your picture.我帮你照张相。

Alexandra: Wonderful.Please.
Richard: Are you from New York?
Alexandra: No, I'm from Greece. I'm an exchange student.
exchange student,交换生,交换的留学生,注意前面的不定冠词要用an。
“exchange student”,又称学校间学生交流计划,“学生交换”是以提高不同地区、国家人民间的相互理解、尊重,培养青少年的世界观为宗旨的项目。

Richard: When do you come here?
Richard: When did you come here?

Alexandra: Three month ago.
Alexandra: Three months ago.

Richard: Your English is very good.
Alexandra: Thanks. I studied English in school.
Richard: Would you like some coffee?
Alexandra: No, thank you. Tell me about your book.

Richard: Oh,It's not finished yet.But I have some of the pictures.Would you like to see it?
Richard: Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them?

Alexandra: Yes,I like that.
Alexandra: Yes, I'd like that.

Richard: Here you are.Family Album,USA.It's about pictures of United States.The cities,The special places and people.And this picture is people working.The steal workers,bankers,police,street venders,and //mulen drivers.Docters.And this is my father.He is a doctor.This is my mother.
Richard: Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special places, and the people. And these are pictures of people working: steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother.
steelworkers,['stilwɝkɚ], 炼钢工人
vendor,['vɛndɚ], 卖主;小贩;[贸易] 自动售货机
street vendors,街头小贩,街头摊贩,路边摊
ambulance,['æmbjələns],[车辆][医] 救护车;战时流动医院

Alexandra: What's her name?

Richard: Ellen.My young brother Robbie.He goes to the high school.This is my sister Susan.She works for toy company.Here is my grandfather.He was a provider//.And this is my wife,Mellen.
Richard: Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy company.Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn.
younger brother,弟弟,固定用法。

Alexandra: Oh, she's very pretty.
Richard: Thanks.And what about your family?

Alexandra: They are in Deslonik.Deslonik city is in Northern Greece.But now I'm living in the Branks.
Alexandra: They're in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northem Greece. But now I'm living in the Bronx.

Richard: With a Greek American // family?
Richard: With a Greek-American family?
Greek-American family,希裔美国家庭

Alexandra: It's Spneek.
Alexandra: No. Hispanic.
hispanic,[hɪˈspænɪk],西班牙的; 西班牙和葡萄牙的; 西班牙及其他说西班牙语国家的; 拉丁美洲的;

Richard: Oh,no!It's five thirty.We Excuse me.I met my wife.
Richard: Oh no! It's thirty.Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife.
Will you excuse me = excuse me
meet sb,接某人,见某人

Alexandra: It's nice meeting you.
Alexandra: It was nice meeting you.

Richard: It's a pleasure meeting you,too.Thanks for your help.And Good luck.I've got go.By the way,I'm Richard.What's your name?
Richard: It was a pleasure meeting you, too.Thanks for your help.And good luck! I've got to go. By the way. I'm Richard. What's your name?

Alexandra: A//.
Alexandra: Alexandra.
Alexandra [ˌælɪɡ'zændrə]

Richard: Bye-bye, Alexandra.Thanks.
Alexandra: Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag.

Focus In.
Family Album,USA

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