
2017-12-27  本文已影响0人  yzw0921

Customization is rather a vague concept so there are a few articles about it.

Customization done through data stream.

They are most about data-related stuff. Those customizations are done through datafeed configuration response. The example of configuration response:

    supports_search: true,
    supports_group_request: false,
    supports_marks: true,
    exchanges: [
        {value: "", name: "All Exchanges", desc: ""},
        {value: "XETRA", name: "XETRA", desc: "XETRA"},
        {value: "NSE", name: "NSE", desc: "NSE"}
    symbolsTypes: [
        {name: "All types", value: ""},
        {name: "Stock", value: "stock"},
        {name: "Index", value: "index"}
    supportedResolutions: [ "1", "15", "30", "60", "D", "2D", "3D", "W", "3W", "M", '6M' ]

One may find more detailed description of this parameters on [[JS API page|JS-Api#onreadycallback]].

Customizations done on client-side.

These ones allow you to affect most of UI/UX. These customizations are done through chart widget constructor arguments. The example of widget constructor call:

var widget = new TradingView.widget({
    fullscreen: true,
    symbol: 'AA',
    interval: 'D',
    toolbar_bg: '#f4f7f9',
    allow_symbol_change: true,
    container_id: "tv_chart_container",
    datafeed: new Datafeeds.UDFCompatibleDatafeed(""),
    library_path: "charting_library/",
    locale: "en",
    drawings_access: { type: 'black', tools: [ { name: "Regression Trend" } ] },
    disabled_features: ["use_localstorage_for_settings", "volume_force_overlay"],
    enabled_features: ["move_logo_to_main_pane"],
    overrides: {
        "": 0,
        "symbolWatermarkProperties.color" : "#944",
        "volumePaneSize": "tiny"
    studies_overrides: {
        "bollinger bands.median.color": "#33FF88",
        "bollinger bands.upper.linewidth": 7
    debug: true,
    time_frames: [
        { text: "50y", resolution: "6M" },
        { text: "1d", resolution: "5" },
    charts_storage_url: '',
    client_id: '',
    user_id: 'public_user',
    favorites: {
        intervals: ["1D", "3D", "3W", "W", "M"],
        chartTypes: ["Area", "Line"]

See the details in [[Widget Constructor Arguments article|Widget-Constructor]].

See Also

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