

2017-11-28  本文已影响543人  陈子弘


1、Appreciate that person in your life that stays with your dumbass through all the bullshit you put them through and loves you despite your faults. /  应该感激你生活中那个人,人家一直在你那些狗屁事情上容忍你的愚蠢,尽管你有过错仍然爱你。

2、If you can't get somebody off your mind, they are probably supposed to be there.  / 如果你脑海中的某人一直挥之不去的话,他们多半就是应该在那里了。

3、I know well that only words, that words alone, like the high mountains, have no fear of age or death. ~ Nikos Kazantzakis  /我深知那些言语,那些孤独的言语,就像高山无惧岁月和死亡。~(希腊)卡赞扎基斯 ​​​​

4、Love is so often a wish to have our wants seen and met, without our having to ask.  The heart is a callous repo man. - Melissa Febos  /爱情是那种让我们的需要被看到被认识到,而同时无需我们要求的愿景,这太常见了。心却是无情的回购商人。 ---梅丽萨·菲博斯

5、Who has not sat nervously before the stage curtain of his heart? - Rainer Maria Rilke/ 谁又没有在自己内心的舞台大幕前焦躁不安地坐着过呢?  -里尔克

6、The worst of that uncertainty can't be avoided. We can't know if a given treatment will work, will keep working, will work long enough. /  最可怕的是那种不确定性避免不了。我们不知道一个特定的疗程是否能够奏效,是否持续有效,是否在足夠长时间内有效。

7、 Don't mold yourself to what society appears to reward. It's not only ineffective, but it also takes time, effort, and value away from working on yourself. That's where the magic happens. /切莫按照似乎社会所赏识的那样塑造自己。这不仅是无效的, 而且还会耗费掉你自己努力所需的时间、精力和价值。这就是魔力发生的地方。

8、The opposite of loneliness, it's not togetherness. It is intimacy.(-Richard Bach, The Bridge Across Forever: A Lovestory)/ 与孤独对立的一面,不是亲密无间,而是亲密关系。

9、Sleep doesn't help if it's your soul that's tired.  /  如果是你的灵魂累了,睡觉也是不解决问题的。

10、Never be a prisoner of your past, it was just a lesson not a life sentence. Life goes on … /  切勿为过往所困。你仅仅是被教训了一下,而不是被终身囚禁,生活还是生活。

11、A woman is like a tea bag -you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water. / 女人就宛若一只茶包――如果不是陷入麻烦的滚水,你永远也不会知道她有多强大。[注:get in hot water意为陷入复杂或麻烦的境地] ​​​​

12、If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.  /  如你仅读常人所读之书,则仅能如常人所思之思。

13、Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. / 走自己的路,说自己的话,相信你自己,不要刻意去追寻成功人士的脚步并亦步亦趋。

14、A poet's work is to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, take sides, start arguments, shape the world, & stop it from going to sleep. / 诗人的工作就是为难名之名命名,指出欺诈之事,介入,发起争论,为世界赋形和阻止它睡去。 ​​​​

15、Self confidence is a small lamp in a dark tunnel. It does not show everything at once, but gives enough light for the next step./ 自我信赖是黑暗洞穴里的一盏小灯。它无法同时照亮所有的物事,但对前行的脚步却是足够的光亮。 ​​​​

16、"Death is when the heart does not beat and the clock beats. / Love is when the heart beats and the clock does not beat." - Mohsen Emadi /  “死亡是心脏不再跳动时而时钟仍滴答作响。爱是心脏跳动时钟摆却停滞不动。” ——穆赫辛 · 伊马迪 (伊朗当代诗人和翻译家) ​​​​

17、We revisit old feelings for the same reson, we re-read books comfort in words familiar even though we know the endings.  / 我们再览群书并享受字里行间,即便我们知道结局;我们重拾旧情也是同理。 ​​​​

18、If you do that with the intent to evade, it’s ill-considered. / 如果你为了逃避而这样做, 那是很欠考虑的。 ​​​​

19、A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes while everyone else believes the smile on your face./ 真朋友能够在所有别的人认为你的脸上应该是微笑时读出你的苦痛。

20、And I'm still hoping that maybe one day I'll get that drunk text from you saying how much you miss me. Not because I miss you,but because I hope you regret letting it end the way it did./我仍然希望或许某一天会收到你说你十分想念我的醉话。不是因为我想念你,而是因为我希望你为之前那样分手而后悔。

21、Fear of failure (or even fear of success) often prevents us from taking an action and putting our creation out there in the world. But a lot of opportunities will be lost if we wait for the things to be right./害怕失败 (甚至害怕成功) 常常阻碍我们采取行动, 灭掉我们创造的火苗。如果我们总是要等到看清楚了才行动, 那么很多机会就失去了。

22、Just because you’re lonely doesn't mean you should invite someone toxic back into your life. /恰恰不能因为你寂寞,你就可以让那有毒的某人回到你的生活中来。

23、If they want to, they will. And if they wanted to, they would have. But the want should always be from both the sides./如果他们想,他们将得偿所愿。如果他们想过,他们会得偿所愿。但这个愿望应总是来自双方才行。

24、Is it just me or was this year like … really fucking overwhelming? Like everything's that's happened to you this year has shaped you into a completely different person that you were at the beginning of this year. / 我或者今年是否真的变得令人措手不及?就像今年所有发生在你身上的事已经把你塑造成了与年初相比的一个完全不同的人。

25、When I'm your girlfriend I don't even be wanting shit, but your attention, effort, and for you to not have me looking stupid./ 我是你的女朋友,我越发不需要胡扯吧啦,而需要你的关注、努力,还有就是要你不要让我看起来傻乎乎的。

26、有时候有些人看起来像是原谅你了,但实际上却是因为你已经不那么重要了。/Sometimes,some people forgive you on the face of it, but actually you are less important. ​​​​

27、You are going to be okay. Even when you feel unsure or confused about things, still believe that everything will make sense soon. / 你会很好的。就算有啥搞不定或乱七八糟的事,你也要相信任何路都立马会走通的。 ​​​​

28、Honestly I have the biggest heart so if you've driven me to the point of not caring, just know you really messed up./ 讲真,我不是小心眼的人。但如果你把我逼到满不在乎的地步,你就会明白你真的把事情搞砸了。

29、 I'm surrounded by people, but I've never felt so alone. / 我身旁人流如织,但我从未感到这么孤单过。 ​​​

30、This year I've become so opened to people I've never imagined knowing and lost people who I thought would've been there for me forever./ 今年对于我从来没有想到过会认识的人,我如此敞开胸怀,也失去了我自认为会永远对我好的人。 ​​​​

31、I'm done trying. If you want me in your life, let me know.Just because I don't start the conversation, doesn't mean I'm not dying to speak to you. / 我已经尽力了,如果在你的生命中还需要我,一定要让我知道。我没有说,并不意味着不期盼向你说出来。

32、Be strong now, because it will get better. It may be stormy now, but it can't rain forever. / 应该要坚强,情况会越来越好。现在可能是暴风雨, 但雨不会永远都下。

33、Love isn't finding someone you can live with...It's finding someone you can't live without./爱不是去找个一起生活的人,而是找到一生也离不开的人。

34、 I learned that people leave. Even if they have promised a thousand times that they won't.  / 我领悟了人的离去。尽管他们承诺了千百遍,但不会照做。 ​​​​

35、There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part. So just give me a happy middle. And a very happy start. 幸福不会终结,终结是最悲伤的部分。所以给我一个幸福的中段吧,再给我一个非常幸福的开始。 ​​​​


