2018-08-07 本文已影响0人

/** The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the
* genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple
* candidates to be the next block. A blockindex may have multiple pprev pointing
* to it, but at most one of them can be part of the currently active branch.
class CBlockIndex
//! pointer to the hash of the block, if any. Memory is owned by this CBlockIndex
const uint256* phashBlock; //区块hash
//! pointer to the index of the predecessor(前任) of this block
CBlockIndex* pprev; //前一个CBlockIndex
//! pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block
CBlockIndex* pskip;
//! height of the entry in the chain. The genesis block has height 0
int nHeight;
//! Which # file this block is stored in (blk?????.dat)
int nFile;
//! Byte offset within blk?????.dat where this block's data is stored
unsigned int nDataPos;
//! Byte offset within rev?????.dat where this block's undo data is stored
unsigned int nUndoPos;
//! (memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this block
arith_uint256 nChainWork;
//! Number of transactions in this block.
//! Note: in a potential headers-first mode, this number cannot be relied upon
unsigned int nTx;
//! (memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block.
//! This value will be non-zero only if and only if transactions for this block and all its parents are available.
//! Change to 64-bit type when necessary; won't happen before 2030
unsigned int nChainTx;
//! Verification status of this block. See enum BlockStatus
uint32_t nStatus;
//! block header
int32_t nVersion;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
uint32_t nTime; //A timestamp recording when this block was created
uint32_t nBits;
uint32_t nNonce;
//! (memory only) Sequential id assigned to distinguish order in which blocks are received.
int32_t nSequenceId;
//! (memory only) Maximum nTime in the chain up to and including this block.
unsigned int nTimeMax;
void SetNull()
phashBlock = nullptr;
pprev = nullptr;
pskip = nullptr;
nHeight = 0;
nFile = 0;
nDataPos = 0;
nUndoPos = 0;
nChainWork = arith_uint256();
nTx = 0;
nChainTx = 0;
nStatus = 0;
nSequenceId = 0;
nTimeMax = 0;
nVersion = 0;
hashMerkleRoot = uint256();
nTime = 0;
nBits = 0;
nNonce = 0;
explicit CBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block)
nVersion = block.nVersion;
hashMerkleRoot = block.hashMerkleRoot;
nTime = block.nTime;
nBits = block.nBits;
nNonce = block.nNonce;
CDiskBlockPos GetBlockPos() const {
CDiskBlockPos ret;
if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) { //BLOCK_HAVE_DATA:full block available in blk*.dat
ret.nFile = nFile;
ret.nPos = nDataPos;
return ret;
CDiskBlockPos GetUndoPos() const {
CDiskBlockPos ret;
if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO) { //BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO:undo data available in rev*.dat
ret.nFile = nFile;
ret.nPos = nUndoPos;
return ret;
CBlockHeader GetBlockHeader() const
CBlockHeader block;
block.nVersion = nVersion;
if (pprev)
block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
block.nTime = nTime;
block.nBits = nBits;
block.nNonce = nNonce;
return block;
uint256 GetBlockHash() const
return *phashBlock;
int64_t GetBlockTime() const
return (int64_t)nTime;
int64_t GetBlockTimeMax() const
return (int64_t)nTimeMax;
static constexpr int nMedianTimeSpan = 11;
int64_t GetMedianTimePast() const //Median:中间的
int64_t pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
int64_t* pbegin = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
int64_t* pend = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
const CBlockIndex* pindex = this;
for (int i = 0; i < nMedianTimeSpan && pindex; i++, pindex = pindex->pprev)
*(--pbegin) = pindex->GetBlockTime();
std::sort(pbegin, pend);
return pbegin[(pend - pbegin)/2];
std::string ToString() const
return strprintf("CBlockIndex(pprev=%p, nHeight=%d, merkle=%s, hashBlock=%s)",
pprev, nHeight,
//! Check whether this block index entry is valid up to the passed validity(有效性) level.
bool IsValid(enum BlockStatus nUpTo = BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) const
assert(!(nUpTo & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK)); // Only validity flags allowed.
if (nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
return false;
return ((nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= nUpTo);
//! Raise the validity level of this block index entry.
//! Returns true if the validity was changed.
bool RaiseValidity(enum BlockStatus nUpTo)
assert(!(nUpTo & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK)); // Only validity flags allowed.
if (nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
return false;
if ((nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < nUpTo) {
nStatus = (nStatus & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK) | nUpTo;
return true;
return false;
//! Build the skiplist pointer for this entry.
void BuildSkip();
//! Efficiently find an ancestor(祖先) of this block.
CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height);
const CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height) const;