2018-07-30 本文已影响54人
function lazyLoadView (AsyncView) {
const AsyncHandler = () => ({
component: AsyncView,
// A component to use while the component is loading.
loading: require('./Loading.vue').default,
// A fallback component in case the timeout is exceeded
// when loading the component.
error: require('./Timeout.vue').default,
// Delay before showing the loading component.
// Default: 200 (milliseconds).
delay: 400,
// Time before giving up trying to load the component.
// Default: Infinity (milliseconds).
timeout: 10000
return Promise.resolve({
functional: true,
render (h, { data, children }) {
// Transparently pass any props or children
// to the view component.
return h(AsyncHandler, data, children)
const router = new VueRouter({
routes: [
path: '/foo',
component: () => lazyLoadView(import('./Foo.vue'))