就业市场,职业能力 job market, vocational skill
稳定,高薪 job security, higher pay
工作满足感,归属感 job satisfaction, sense of belonging to a team
成就感 a sense of fulfillment/frustration
带薪休假paid holidays
职业道德parameters of ethics
人才流失/用工荒, 工作负担重/活太多 brain drain/loss, excessive workload
工作地点/单位 workplace
职业操守/道德/业界良心,工作前景/职业前景 work ethic, job prospects
弹性工作制/工作安排/工作日程 flexible arrangement
体力活,脑力劳动 manual work/labor, mental work
工作危险,职业病 occupational hazard, occupational disease
压力病 stress induced diseases
起得比鸡早,干的比牛都累 a stressful and time consuming Job
工作节奏,动力积极性 the pace of work, incentive/motivation
玻璃天花板 glass ceiling
工作能力体现 an indicator of ability
工作压力大 work under enormous stress
干得比驴都累挣得比..少 work long hours for low pay
人才济济,人手不够 be well staffed,
be short staffed
态度有问题 have an attitude problem
工作积极主动的人 be an eager beaver