
2017-10-26  本文已影响0人  程程百合

There was a moment in my life when i decided to live, to explore, to do just what i love to do...

I started to disbelieve in the goals that society proposed me: be obedient, respect the traditions, work, marriage, kids, richness...

I left my mother's home, her care, her protection...

I was 16 years old...

Buenos Aires became a big and noisy playground...

I travelled then one year around South America in auto stop, meeting all kind of remarkable people, seekers, Shamans,  Masters...

Since then i experience the care of life, of existence...

Since then I learn to live dangerously, to be ready to risk everything at every moment...

I didn't know what i wanted, but i knew perfectly well what i didn't wanted...

I decided then to don't compromise with anything but love, freedom, Truth...

I learn to accept and enjoy everything that life brings and to don't feel attached to anything, to anybody...

This is the heart of my teaching...


我的生命里曾经有一个时刻, 我决定要活着, 要探索,  要做我爱做的事...


要服从, 尊重传统, 工作, 结婚, 生子, 富有...

我离开了我妈妈的家, 她的照顾, 她的保护...



我以搭便车的方式环绕南美游历了一年, 遇见各种卓越的人, 寻道者, 萨满人, 大师...

从那以后, 我开始体验到了来自生命和存在的照顾...

从那以后我学会了活在危险中, 时刻都准备好豁出去...

我不知道我想要什么, 但是我非常清楚我不要什么...

然后我决定不向任何事物妥协, 除了爱, 自由, 真理...

我学会了接受和享受生命带给我的一切, 并且不感觉到对任何事物, 任何人的依附...



