
2019-05-08  本文已影响0人  是肉丸子啊


1. What can I get for you? 客官来点啥?

2. meal (deal),combo 套餐

3. I'm going to pass on that. 我还是不要这个了。

4. side order of ... 点的配菜

      I'd like a side order of potato salad with my steak.

    ※想起on the side这个表达,可以表示配菜或者酱料:

          We were served salmon with rice and grilled vegetables on the side.


          She sells insurance on the side.


          He's married but he has a girlfriend on the side.

5. Please go light on... XXX别放太多

go easy on ... easy on...

放得多 heavy on...

Dongbei food is heavy on soy bean sauce.

This car is heavy on gas.

6. 堂吃还是外带?for here or to go?Eat in or take out?

7. 您总共消费XXX Your total comes to...

8. 破钱 break

    Can you break a $50 bill? I don't have anything smaller.

9. take up on 同意,接受...

      Since she'd offered to babysit, I took her up on it.

10. solid 除了固体的,也可以表示纯的,比如solid gold。也可以表示实实在在的,充分的,比如这课学的 booked solid。用来形容人还可以表示可靠的a solid citizen

11. come down with 得...病

      I hope he's not coming down with a cold.

12. have an openning 有空档

13. in luck=lucky

14. my hands are tied 我也无能为力

15. short-staffed 缺人手 short-handed

    ※联想 short-sighted 目光短浅的;short-tempered 暴脾气的

16. squeeze someone in 插进(预约名单)

17. What's the nature of your visit? 此来何为?

18. 超速罚单 a speeding ticket

19. 放...一马 give sb a break

20. back on one's feet 恢复健康 ,转危为安。restore/regain one's health,recover, pull through(大病)

21. drag on 拖得太久,没完没了

      The dispute has dragged on for months.

22. garden-variety 稀松平常的(只用在名词前做修饰,英式common-or-garden)

      He doesn't have the flu–just a garden-variety cold.

23. get around to 抽出时间去做... (英式get round to)(find/ make / spare time)

        I meant to call you, but somehow I never got around to it.

24. go around 传播

        There's a nasty sort of rumour going around about it.

25. magic bullet 联想panacea,silver bullet,antidote,godsend,elixir,

26. 比较高 on the high side

      I find your price is on the high side.

27. run its course 让...自然发展

Turn yourself in to the police and let justice run its course.

28. splitting headache 头痛欲裂

29. take a peek 稍微看一眼,留意一下

      Take a quick peek at your feet.

30. telltale signs 明显迹象

      He's exhibiting all the telltale signs.

31. 是哪儿的问题?What seems to be the trouble?What's wrong?

32. 蛋黄酱 mayo

33. On second thought 反悔的时候说(英式thoughts)

      I'd like a cup of coffee, please - actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.

34. Soda= soda pop 汽水


1. restaurant后面要快点读

2. I was just wondering if you could不要读断开

3. Let me try that. try是调核

4. vaccine 重音美音在后,英音在前


1. 点餐的时候不知道是什么可以问


