

2015-04-17  本文已影响884人  暮春小友

前一篇:iOS 8人机交互指南(8)

9. 品牌(Branding)

Successful branding involves more than adding brand assets to an app. The best apps integrate existing assets with a unique look and feel to give users a delightful, memorable experience.

成功的品牌并不仅仅是把商标资产加入 app。最好的 app 会将已存在的资产与独特的界面外观整合起来,带给用户一种令人喜欢的、易留下印象的体验。

iOS makes it easy to use custom icons, colors, and fonts to create a distinctive UI that sets your app apart from the rest. As you design these elements, keep two things in mind:

(1)Each custom element should look good and function well by itself, but it should also look like it belongs with the other elements in the app, whether they’re custom or standard.

(2)To feel at home in iOS, an app doesn’t have to look like the built-in apps but it does need to integrate deference, clarity, and depth (to learn more about these themes, see Designing for iOS). Take the time to figure out what deference, clarity, and depth mean in your app and then express this meaning in your custom elements.

iOS 支持使用自定义图标、颜色和字体来创建一个与众不同的 UI,以此来区别于其他 app。在设计这些元素时,要牢记两点:

(1)每一个自定义元素都应该看上去不错、也能良好运行,但它同时也应该看上去与 app 中其他元素比较相似,无论它们是自定义的还是标准的。

(2)在 iOS 中并不严格要求 app 必须看上去很像内置 app,但这并不是说不需要将遵从、清晰、深度这些原则整合起来(了解更多,详见 Designing for iOS)。花点时间找出 app 中哪些元素意味着遵从、清晰、深度,然后在自定义元素中继续传达这些含义。

When you need to remind users of an existing brand within your app, follow these guidelines.

Incorporate a brand’s assets in a refined, unobtrusive way. People use your app to get things done or be entertained; they don’t want to feel as if they’re being forced to watch an advertisement. For the best user experience, you want to quietly remind users of the brand identity through your choice of font, color, and imagery.

当需要在 app 中提醒用户注意品牌时,遵循下面的原则:

采用优雅的、不唐突的方式来融合品牌资产。人们使用 app 来完成任务或者享受娱乐;他们不想感觉好像正在被迫去看广告。对最好的用户体验而言,应该通过合适的颜色、字体和图像来安静地提醒用户 app 的品牌标识。


Don’t take space away from the content people care about. For example, displaying a second, persistent bar at the top of the screen that does nothing but display brand assets means that there’s less room for content. Instead, defer to the user’s content and consider less intrusive ways to display pervasive branding, such as using a custom tint or font, or subtly customizing the background of a screen.

Resist the temptation to display your logo throughout the app. Mobile device screens are relatively small, and every occurrence of a logo takes space away from the content that users want to see. What’s more, displaying a logo in an app doesn’t serve the same purpose as displaying it in a webpage: It’s common for users to arrive on a webpage without knowing its owner, but it’s much less likely that users will open an iOS app without seeing its app icon.


不要在 app 中到处显示 logo。移动设备的屏幕相对较小,每一次 logo 的出现都占据了用户想看的内容区域。而且,app 中显示 logo 并不能像在 web 页面那样达到同样的目的:用户访问网页却不知其属于什么公司或个人的情况很常见,但 iOS 中用户不太可能打开了一个 app 却没有看到它的 app 图标。


后一篇:iOS 8人机交互指南(10)


