right or happy?
We've been married for 32 years, and i got...My father gave me one really wise piece of advice before I got married. And it's held true for 32 years. On my wedding day, my father said to me, "before you argue with your new wife, and you're gonna argue with her, before you do, take some time, step back, ask youself two questions, do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?" "right", And then he broke down and sobbed right in front of me, i had no idea what that man was talking about. 32 years later, I can tell you i am a happy, happy, happy man. I ain't been right in 12 years now.
Sometimes i even have to ask her:"am i happy?" "oh, you better believe you're happy." "I was just checking with you, buttercup". I call my friends up, I can't go golfing, but i am a happy happy happy man.
And don't get me wrong, we argue. You've got to argue in your marriage. You don't argue in your marriage, it'll build up in your brain over time and fries your brain. Yeah, then you wind up like those babbling mumbling couples like you've seen in Arizona, Florida...It's 50+ years of marriage, they're kind of walking down the street. The wife is fine, it's the poor husband eight feet behind her that scares me to death. this poor man's all hunched over. He's vibrating mumbling. "Always telling me what to do, starting telling me what to do. I'm a man, you can't tell, i am a man, i'm a man" This poor guy's starting to trying to win back all the argument he's been throwing away for firty years. you know he was 63 when he got married. now he's 4 foot 1, look at the poor man. weighed down by a half a century of apathy. "leave a toilet set up when i want to leave a toilet seat up. tell me what do do. i hope you sit in the water over night, i dont' care"And that's when she turns around, what'd you just say to me?" "i did not say nothing to you!", scary!