fabric v1.4.2
- 客户端构造提案信息并发送给背书节点
- 背书节点检提案的合法性
- 背书节点调用lscc容器
- lscc容器进行链码安装(操作statedb)
- 链码容器启动
- 链码发送注册信息到peer节点
- 提案背书返回
- client提交签名交易给orderer节点进行广播
以下是在客户端执行"peer chaincode instantiate ..."

2. 客户端构造提案信息并发送给背书节点
#-n 实例化链码的名称。 -c --ctor,链码的具体执行参数,为json格式。 -P --Policy 指定实例化策略。 -C 通道
peer chaincode instantiate -n mycc -v 0 -c '{"Args":["a","10"]}' -C myc
mainCmd.AddCommand(chaincode.Cmd(nil)) // chaincode命令入口
// Cmd returns the cobra command for Chaincode
func Cmd(cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory) *cobra.Command {
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(installCmd(cf)) // 执行链码的安装
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(instantiateCmd(cf)) // 链码的实例化
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(invokeCmd(cf)) // 链码的调用,具体调用什么方法要看链码是怎么写的
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(packageCmd(cf, nil)) // 链码的打包
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(queryCmd(cf)) // 对链码数据进行查询,这个只是向指定的Peer节点请求查询数据,不会生成交易最后打包区块的
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(signpackageCmd(cf)) // 对已打包的链码进行签名操作
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(upgradeCmd(cf)) // 更新链码,之前提到过 -v是指定链码的版本,如果需要对链码进行更新的话,使用这条命令,比较常用
chaincodeCmd.AddCommand(listCmd(cf)) // 如果已指定通道的话,则查询已实例化的链码,否则查询当前Peer节点已安装的链码
return chaincodeCmd
的 instantiateCmd
// instantiateCmd returns the cobra command for Chaincode Deploy
func instantiateCmd(cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory) *cobra.Command {
chaincodeInstantiateCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: instantiateCmdName,
Short: fmt.Sprint(instantiateDesc),
Long: fmt.Sprint(instantiateDesc),
ValidArgs: []string{"1"},
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return chaincodeDeploy(cmd, args, cf)
flagList := []string{
attachFlags(chaincodeInstantiateCmd, flagList)
return chaincodeInstantiateCmd
// chaincodeDeploy instantiates the chaincode. On success, the chaincode name
// (hash) is printed to STDOUT for use by subsequent chaincode-related CLI
// commands.
func chaincodeDeploy(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory) error {
if channelID == "" {
return errors.New("The required parameter 'channelID' is empty. Rerun the command with -C flag")
// Parsing of the command line is done so silence cmd usage
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
var err error
if cf == nil {
// 初始化ChaincodeCmdFactory结构,这里可以看peer链码安装部分的说明
cf, err = InitCmdFactory(cmd.Name(), true, true)
if err != nil {
return err
defer cf.BroadcastClient.Close()
// 链码实例化
env, err := instantiate(cmd, cf)
if err != nil {
return err
if env != nil {
// 给Orderer节点发广播信息
err = cf.BroadcastClient.Send(env)
return err
//instantiate the command via Endorser
func instantiate(cmd *cobra.Command, cf *ChaincodeCmdFactory) (*protcommon.Envelope, error) {
spec, err := getChaincodeSpec(cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 返回ChaincodeDeploymentSpec结构体
cds, err := getChaincodeDeploymentSpec(spec, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting chaincode code %s: %s", chaincodeName, err)
// 取一个用于发起提案与签名的creator
creator, err := cf.Signer.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error serializing identity for %s: %s", cf.Signer.GetIdentifier(), err)
// 从ChaincodeDeploymentSpec中创建一个用于实例化链码的Proposal
prop, _, err := utils.CreateDeployProposalFromCDS(channelID, cds, creator, policyMarshalled, []byte(escc), []byte(vscc), collectionConfigBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating proposal %s: %s", chainFuncName, err)
var signedProp *pb.SignedProposal
// 对创建的Proposal进行签名
signedProp, err = utils.GetSignedProposal(prop, cf.Signer)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating signed proposal %s: %s", chainFuncName, err)
// instantiate is currently only supported for one peer
// 这里实例化链码调用了主要的方法ProcessProposal
proposalResponse, err := cf.EndorserClients[0].ProcessProposal(context.Background(), signedProp)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error endorsing %s: %s", chainFuncName, err)
if proposalResponse != nil {
// assemble a signed transaction (it's an Envelope message)
env, err := utils.CreateSignedTx(prop, cf.Signer, proposalResponse)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not assemble transaction, err %s", err)
return env, nil
return nil, nil
// CreateDeployProposalFromCDS returns a deploy proposal given a serialized
// identity and a ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
func CreateDeployProposalFromCDS(
chainID string,
cds *peer.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec,
creator []byte,
policy []byte,
escc []byte,
vscc []byte,
collectionConfig []byte) (*peer.Proposal, string, error) {
if collectionConfig == nil {
return createProposalFromCDS(chainID, cds, creator, "deploy", policy, escc, vscc)
return createProposalFromCDS(chainID, cds, creator, "deploy", policy, escc, vscc, collectionConfig)
// createProposalFromCDS returns a deploy or upgrade proposal given a
// serialized identity and a ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
func createProposalFromCDS(chainID string, msg proto.Message, creator []byte, propType string, args ...[]byte) (*peer.Proposal, string, error) {
// in the new mode, cds will be nil, "deploy" and "upgrade" are instantiates.
var ccinp *peer.ChaincodeInput
var b []byte
var err error
if msg != nil {
b, err = proto.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
switch propType {
case "deploy":
case "upgrade":
cds, ok := msg.(*peer.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec)
if !ok || cds == nil {
return nil, "", errors.New("invalid message for creating lifecycle chaincode proposal")
Args := [][]byte{[]byte(propType), []byte(chainID), b}
Args = append(Args, args...)
ccinp = &peer.ChaincodeInput{Args: Args}
case "install":
ccinp = &peer.ChaincodeInput{Args: [][]byte{[]byte(propType), b}}
// wrap the deployment in an invocation spec to lscc...
lsccSpec := &peer.ChaincodeInvocationSpec{
ChaincodeSpec: &peer.ChaincodeSpec{
Type: peer.ChaincodeSpec_GOLANG,
ChaincodeId: &peer.ChaincodeID{Name: "lscc"},
Input: ccinp,
// ...and get the proposal for it
return CreateProposalFromCIS(common.HeaderType_ENDORSER_TRANSACTION, chainID, lsccSpec, creator)
3. 背书节点检提案的合法性
4. 背书节点调用lscc容器
5. lscc容器进行链码安装(操作statedb)
,我们直接看case DEPLOY, UPGRADE
// Invoke implements lifecycle functions "deploy", "start", "stop", "upgrade".
// Deploy's arguments - {[]byte("deploy"), []byte(<chainname>), <unmarshalled pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec>}
// Invoke also implements some query-like functions
// Get chaincode arguments - {[]byte("getid"), []byte(<chainname>), []byte(<chaincodename>)}
func (lscc *LifeCycleSysCC) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
args := stub.GetArgs()
if len(args) < 1 {
return shim.Error(InvalidArgsLenErr(len(args)).Error())
function := string(args[0])
// Handle ACL:
// 1. get the signed proposal
// 获取签名提案
sp, err := stub.GetSignedProposal()
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed retrieving signed proposal on executing %s with error %s", function, err))
switch function {
... ...
// we expect a minimum of 3 arguments, the function
// name, the chain name and deployment spec
if len(args) < 3 {
return shim.Error(InvalidArgsLenErr(len(args)).Error())
// channel the chaincode should be associated with. It
// should be created with a register call
channel := string(args[1])
// 检查channel是否合法
if !lscc.isValidChannelName(channel) {
return shim.Error(InvalidChannelNameErr(channel).Error())
ac, exists := lscc.SCCProvider.GetApplicationConfig(channel)
if !exists {
logger.Panicf("programming error, non-existent appplication config for channel '%s'", channel)
// the maximum number of arguments depends on the capability of the channel
if !ac.Capabilities().PrivateChannelData() && len(args) > 6 {
return shim.Error(PrivateChannelDataNotAvailable("").Error())
if ac.Capabilities().PrivateChannelData() && len(args) > 7 {
return shim.Error(InvalidArgsLenErr(len(args)).Error())
depSpec := args[2]
cds := &pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(depSpec, cds)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("error unmarshaling ChaincodeDeploymentSpec: %s", err))
// optional arguments here (they can each be nil and may or may not be present)
// args[3] is a marshalled SignaturePolicyEnvelope representing the endorsement policy
// args[4] is the name of escc
// args[5] is the name of vscc
// args[6] is a marshalled CollectionConfigPackage struct
var EP []byte
if len(args) > 3 && len(args[3]) > 0 {
EP = args[3]
} else {
p := cauthdsl.SignedByAnyMember(peer.GetMSPIDs(channel))
EP, err = utils.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
var escc []byte
if len(args) > 4 && len(args[4]) > 0 {
escc = args[4]
} else {
escc = []byte("escc")
var vscc []byte
if len(args) > 5 && len(args[5]) > 0 {
vscc = args[5]
} else {
vscc = []byte("vscc")
var collectionsConfig []byte
// we proceed with a non-nil collection configuration only if
// we Support the PrivateChannelData capability
if ac.Capabilities().PrivateChannelData() && len(args) > 6 {
collectionsConfig = args[6]
cd, err := lscc.executeDeployOrUpgrade(stub, channel, cds, EP, escc, vscc, collectionsConfig, function)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
cdbytes, err := proto.Marshal(cd)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
return shim.Success(cdbytes)
... ...
// executeDeployOrUpgrade routes the code path either to executeDeploy or executeUpgrade
// depending on its function argument
func (lscc *LifeCycleSysCC) executeDeployOrUpgrade(
stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface,
chainname string,
cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec,
policy, escc, vscc, collectionConfigBytes []byte,
function string,
) (*ccprovider.ChaincodeData, error) {
chaincodeName := cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name
chaincodeVersion := cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Version
// 检查链码名字是否合法
if err := lscc.isValidChaincodeName(chaincodeName); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 检查链码版本是否合法
if err := lscc.isValidChaincodeVersion(chaincodeName, chaincodeVersion); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 从本地读取链码
ccpack, err := lscc.Support.GetChaincodeFromLocalStorage(chaincodeName, chaincodeVersion)
if err != nil {
retErrMsg := fmt.Sprintf("cannot get package for chaincode (%s:%s)", chaincodeName, chaincodeVersion)
logger.Errorf("%s-err:%s", retErrMsg, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s", retErrMsg)
// 返回ChaincodeData格式数据
cd := ccpack.GetChaincodeData()
switch function {
case DEPLOY:
return lscc.executeDeploy(stub, chainname, cds, policy, escc, vscc, cd, ccpack, collectionConfigBytes)
return lscc.executeUpgrade(stub, chainname, cds, policy, escc, vscc, cd, ccpack, collectionConfigBytes)
logger.Panicf("Programming error, unexpected function '%s'", function)
panic("") // unreachable code
// executeDeploy implements the "instantiate" Invoke transaction
func (lscc *LifeCycleSysCC) executeDeploy(
stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface,
chainname string,
cds *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec,
policy []byte,
escc []byte,
vscc []byte,
cdfs *ccprovider.ChaincodeData,
ccpackfs ccprovider.CCPackage,
collectionConfigBytes []byte,
) (*ccprovider.ChaincodeData, error) {
//just test for existence of the chaincode in the LSCC
chaincodeName := cds.ChaincodeSpec.ChaincodeId.Name
// 检查实例是否存在
_, err := lscc.getCCInstance(stub, chaincodeName)
if err == nil {
return nil, ExistsErr(chaincodeName)
//retain chaincode specific data and fill channel specific ones
cdfs.Escc = string(escc)
cdfs.Vscc = string(vscc)
cdfs.Policy = policy
// retrieve and evaluate instantiation policy
cdfs.InstantiationPolicy, err = lscc.Support.GetInstantiationPolicy(chainname, ccpackfs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// get the signed instantiation proposal
// 获取签名提案
signedProp, err := stub.GetSignedProposal()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = lscc.Support.CheckInstantiationPolicy(signedProp, chainname, cdfs.InstantiationPolicy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 在链上创建链码
err = lscc.putChaincodeData(stub, cdfs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// collectionConfigBytes上链
err = lscc.putChaincodeCollectionData(stub, cdfs, collectionConfigBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cdfs, nil
6. 链码容器启动
// ExecuteLegacyInit is a temporary method which should be removed once the old style lifecycle
// is entirely deprecated. Ideally one release after the introduction of the new lifecycle.
// It does not attempt to start the chaincode based on the information from lifecycle, but instead
// accepts the container information directly in the form of a ChaincodeDeploymentSpec.
func (cs *ChaincodeSupport) ExecuteLegacyInit(txParams *ccprovider.TransactionParams, cccid *ccprovider.CCContext, spec *pb.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec) (*pb.Response, *pb.ChaincodeEvent, error) {
ccci := ccprovider.DeploymentSpecToChaincodeContainerInfo(spec)
ccci.Version = cccid.Version
// 启动链码
err := cs.LaunchInit(ccci)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// 注册链码,就是添加个记录
cname := ccci.Name + ":" + ccci.Version
h := cs.HandlerRegistry.Handler(cname)
if h == nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "[channel %s] claimed to start chaincode container for %s but could not find handler", txParams.ChannelID, cname)
resp, err := cs.execute(pb.ChaincodeMessage_INIT, txParams, cccid, spec.GetChaincodeSpec().Input, h)
// 处理链码返回结果
return processChaincodeExecutionResult(txParams.TxID, cccid.Name, resp, err)
// LaunchInit bypasses getting the chaincode spec from the LSCC table
// as in the case of v1.0-v1.2 lifecycle, the chaincode will not yet be
// defined in the LSCC table
func (cs *ChaincodeSupport) LaunchInit(ccci *ccprovider.ChaincodeContainerInfo) error {
cname := ccci.Name + ":" + ccci.Version
if cs.HandlerRegistry.Handler(cname) != nil {
return nil
// 启动函数,定位到fabric/core/chaincode/runtime_launcher.go/Launch
return cs.Launcher.Launch(ccci)
func (r *RuntimeLauncher) Launch(ccci *ccprovider.ChaincodeContainerInfo) error {
var startFailCh chan error
var timeoutCh <-chan time.Time
startTime := time.Now()
cname := ccci.Name + ":" + ccci.Version
launchState, alreadyStarted := r.Registry.Launching(cname)
// 容器是否已经存在
if !alreadyStarted {
startFailCh = make(chan error, 1)
timeoutCh = time.NewTimer(r.StartupTimeout).C
codePackage, err := r.getCodePackage(ccci)
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
// 启动的地方,定位到fabric/core/chaincode/container_runtime.go
if err := r.Runtime.Start(ccci, codePackage); err != nil {
startFailCh <- errors.WithMessage(err, "error starting container")
exitCode, err := r.Runtime.Wait(ccci)
if err != nil {
launchState.Notify(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to wait on container exit"))
launchState.Notify(errors.Errorf("container exited with %d", exitCode))
var err error
select {// 阻塞,等待启动完成
case <-launchState.Done():
err = errors.WithMessage(launchState.Err(), "chaincode registration failed")
case err = <-startFailCh:
r.Metrics.LaunchFailures.With("chaincode", cname).Add(1)
case <-timeoutCh:
err = errors.Errorf("timeout expired while starting chaincode %s for transaction", cname)
r.Metrics.LaunchTimeouts.With("chaincode", cname).Add(1)
success := true
if err != nil && !alreadyStarted {
success = false
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("stopping due to error while launching: %+v", err)
defer r.Registry.Deregister(cname)
if err := r.Runtime.Stop(ccci); err != nil {
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("stop failed: %+v", err)
"chaincode", cname,
"success", strconv.FormatBool(success),
// 容器到此启动完成
chaincodeLogger.Debug("launch complete")
return err
// Start launches chaincode in a runtime environment.
func (c *ContainerRuntime) Start(ccci *ccprovider.ChaincodeContainerInfo, codePackage []byte) error {
cname := ccci.Name + ":" + ccci.Version
// 读取peer的配置文件,关于docker engine的
lc, err := c.LaunchConfig(cname, ccci.Type)
if err != nil {
return err
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container: %s", cname)
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container with args: %s", strings.Join(lc.Args, " "))
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("start container with env:\n\t%s", strings.Join(lc.Envs, "\n\t"))
// 这里是设置容器的启动配置
scr := container.StartContainerReq{
Builder: &container.PlatformBuilder{
Type: ccci.Type,
Name: ccci.Name,
Version: ccci.Version,
Path: ccci.Path,
CodePackage: codePackage,
PlatformRegistry: c.PlatformRegistry,
Args: lc.Args,
Env: lc.Envs,
FilesToUpload: lc.Files,
CCID: ccintf.CCID{
Name: ccci.Name,
Version: ccci.Version,
// 启动的地方,ccci.ContainerType又两种sys和docker,用户链码是docker启动,接下来会构造docker client向docker engine请求启动容器
// 定位到fabric/core/container/controller.go/Process
if err := c.Processor.Process(ccci.ContainerType, scr); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "error starting container")
return nil
func (vmc *VMController) Process(vmtype string, req VMCReq) error {
v := vmc.newVM(vmtype)
ccid := req.GetCCID()
id := ccid.GetName()
defer vmc.unlockContainer(id)
// 启动虚拟机
return req.Do(v)
func (vmc *VMController) newVM(typ string) VM {
v, ok := vmc.vmProviders[typ]
if !ok {
vmLogger.Panicf("Programming error: unsupported VM type: %s", typ)
return v.NewVM()
func (si StartContainerReq) Do(v VM) error {
// 调用core/container/dockercontroller/dockercontroller.go
return v.Start(si.CCID, si.Args, si.Env, si.FilesToUpload, si.Builder)
// Start starts a container using a previously created docker image
func (vm *DockerVM) Start(ccid ccintf.CCID, args, env []string, filesToUpload map[string][]byte, builder container.Builder) error {
imageName, err := vm.GetVMNameForDocker(ccid)
if err != nil {
return err
attachStdout := viper.GetBool("vm.docker.attachStdout")
containerName := vm.GetVMName(ccid)
logger := dockerLogger.With("imageName", imageName, "containerName", containerName)
// 通过VM获得docker客户端
client, err := vm.getClientFnc()
if err != nil {
logger.Debugf("failed to get docker client", "error", err)
return err
// 停止容器和虚拟机
vm.stopInternal(client, containerName, 0, false, false)
// 创建容器
err = vm.createContainer(client, imageName, containerName, args, env, attachStdout)
if err == docker.ErrNoSuchImage {
// 如果没有镜像,则使用builder来创建相关容器
reader, err := builder.Build()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to generate Dockerfile to build %s", containerName)
// 部署镜像
err = vm.deployImage(client, ccid, reader)
if err != nil {
return err
// 创建镜像后,再创建容器
err = vm.createContainer(client, imageName, containerName, args, env, attachStdout)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("failed to create container: %s", err)
return err
} else if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("create container failed: %s", err)
return err
// stream stdout and stderr to chaincode logger
if attachStdout {
containerLogger := flogging.MustGetLogger("peer.chaincode." + containerName)
streamOutput(dockerLogger, client, containerName, containerLogger)
// upload specified files to the container before starting it
// this can be used for configurations such as TLS key and certs
// 处理容器需要的证书相关的文件
if len(filesToUpload) != 0 {
// the docker upload API takes a tar file, so we need to first
// consolidate the file entries to a tar
payload := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
gw := gzip.NewWriter(payload)
tw := tar.NewWriter(gw)
for path, fileToUpload := range filesToUpload {
cutil.WriteBytesToPackage(path, fileToUpload, tw)
// Write the tar file out
if err := tw.Close(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error writing files to upload to Docker instance into a temporary tar blob: %s", err)
// 上传数据
err := client.UploadToContainer(containerName, docker.UploadToContainerOptions{
InputStream: bytes.NewReader(payload.Bytes()),
Path: "/",
NoOverwriteDirNonDir: false,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error uploading files to the container instance %s: %s", containerName, err)
// start container with HostConfig was deprecated since v1.10 and removed in v1.2
err = client.StartContainer(containerName, nil)
if err != nil {
dockerLogger.Errorf("start-could not start container: %s", err)
return err
dockerLogger.Debugf("Started container %s", containerName)
return nil
7. 链码发送注册信息到peer节点
// chaincodes.
func Start(cc Chaincode) error {
// If Start() is called, we assume this is a standalone chaincode and set
// up formatted logging.
// 对链码的Log进行设置
// 从输入中获取用户定义的链码的名称
chaincodename := viper.GetString("chaincode.id.name")
// 如果获取不到链码名称则报错退出
if chaincodename == "" {
return errors.New("error chaincode id not provided")
err := factory.InitFactories(factory.GetDefaultOpts())
if err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "internal error, BCCSP could not be initialized with default options")
//mock stream not set up ... get real stream
// 将链码数据以流的方式读取进来
if streamGetter == nil {
streamGetter = userChaincodeStreamGetter
stream, err := streamGetter(chaincodename)
if err != nil {
return err
// 跟peer节点创建连接
err = chatWithPeer(chaincodename, stream, cc)
return err
func chatWithPeer(chaincodename string, stream PeerChaincodeStream, cc Chaincode) error {
// Create the shim handler responsible for all control logic
// 新建Handler对象
handler := newChaincodeHandler(stream, cc)
defer stream.CloseSend()
// Send the ChaincodeID during register.
// 获取链码名称
chaincodeID := &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: chaincodename}
// 将获取的链码名称序列化为有效载荷.
payload, err := proto.Marshal(chaincodeID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error marshalling chaincodeID during chaincode registration")
// Register on the stream
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("Registering.. sending %s", pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTER)
// 链码容器通过handler开始通过gRPC连接向Peer节点发送第一个消息了,链码容器向Peer节点发送REGISTER消息,并附上链码的名称
if err = handler.serialSend(&pb.ChaincodeMessage{Type: pb.ChaincodeMessage_REGISTER, Payload: payload}); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "error sending chaincode REGISTER")
// holds return values from gRPC Recv below
// 定义一个接收消息的结构体
type recvMsg struct {
msg *pb.ChaincodeMessage
err error
msgAvail := make(chan *recvMsg, 1)
errc := make(chan error)
receiveMessage := func() {
in, err := stream.Recv()
msgAvail <- &recvMsg{in, err}
// 开启线程接收由Peer节点返回的响应消息
go receiveMessage()
for {
select {
case rmsg := <-msgAvail:
switch {
case rmsg.err == io.EOF:
err = errors.Wrapf(rmsg.err, "received EOF, ending chaincode stream")
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("%+v", err)
return err
case rmsg.err != nil:
err := errors.Wrap(rmsg.err, "receive failed")
chaincodeLogger.Errorf("Received error from server, ending chaincode stream: %+v", err)
return err
case rmsg.msg == nil:
err := errors.New("received nil message, ending chaincode stream")
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("%+v", err)
return err
chaincodeLogger.Debugf("[%s]Received message %s from peer", shorttxid(rmsg.msg.Txid), rmsg.msg.Type)
// 处理接收到的信息
err := handler.handleMessage(rmsg.msg, errc)
if err != nil {
err = errors.WithMessage(err, "error handling message")
return err
// 当消息处理完成后,再次接收消息
go receiveMessage()
case sendErr := <-errc:
if sendErr != nil {
err := errors.Wrap(sendErr, "error sending")
return err
8. 提案背书返回
9. client提交签名交易给orderer节点进行广播
Fabric 链码安装及实例化详解
实战-超级账本 fabric 编写部署调用第一条链码