The most surprising thing that c
Dreams and vision for our future are wonderful things to have. They can inspire us , keep us motivated and help us to do great things. But what happens when we don’t achieve our dreams ? What happened when you wake up in the middle of your life and realize you have not done the things you thought or hoped you would?
I used to think I will be happy when I get degree , or be a famous people , but if my happiness often depends on these big life events, the happiness was short . I did not realize that happiness isn’t always found in these concrete achievements or milestones. Happiness is more often found on the way there.
Finding joy in the day to day monotony is important , degree or famous , there will always be laundry to fold and dishes to wash, if we cannot find true joy in our everyday ordinary life, then it’s unlikely we will find it in the extraordinary. I like to cultivate joy in the simple things.