
2018-12-23  本文已影响0人  文都dudu


21. A enhance banker's sense of responsibility

22. D "short-termism" in economic activities

23. B adverse

24. C the approaches to promoting "long-termism"

25. B Patience as a Corporate Virtue

21.【A】 enhance banker's sense of responsibility;题目中明确出题段落(According to Paragraph 1)及相应的信息点(one motive in imposing the new rule),因此,答案来源句则为第一段的第三句(The main purpose of this “clawback” rule is to hold bankers accountable for harmful risk-taking and to restore public trust in financial institution这个规则主要目的是让银行家为不良风险负责以及修复公众对金融机构的信任),那么答案基本就很容易提取出来。选项中的“sense of responsibility”则对应到句中的“enhance banker's sense of responsibility(增加银行的责任感)”;而其他的选项则与最佳选项无缘,在定位区间中没有相应的对应信息。

22.【D】 "short-termism" in economic activities;题干中的定位信息在“Alfred Marshall”上,直接定位到第二段的第二句“He quotes a giant of classical economies, Alfred Marshall, in describing this financial impatience as acting...”,定位信息里的“this financial impatience”则是回指第二段首句的“Short-termism”,故信息点则为“Short-termism”,所以最佳选项则为"short-termism" in economic activities,而其他选项在定位信息中未提及;

23.【B】 adverse;此题的定位信息为题干的“transient investment”,直接定位到第三段的第二句“Transient investors, who demand high quarterly profits from companies, can hinder a firm’s efforts to invest in long-term research or to build up customer loyalty”,从四个选项的褒贬正负来看indirect、minimal 和temporary为中性的表述,只有B选项的adverse为明确的负面表达,意思为“不利的”,与原文中的“hinder”(阻碍打扰)对应上。

24.【C】the approaches to promoting "long-termism" ;根据题干的具体信息定位,美国和法国的例子是用来支撑什么论点。原文的第五、六段则提供了具体的信息,第五段中美国延迟发放才上任一年左右的高管绩效津贴,继而促进缓解“短期主义”盛行的现状;第六段则提及在法国持股两年以上者拥有更大的选票权。所以,最佳选项应为“促进长期主义的方法”,与原文一致;

25.【B】Patience as a Corporate Virtue;题干中的title为标题题的信息,所以此题考查的是文章的主旨大意;B 选项里的patience可以对应到全文中反复出现的主题词“short-termism”和“long-termism”,corporate本身在文章中出现多次,所以B 选项则为最近标题,体现主旨大意;其余选项均不能概括全文,故排除。

Section I Use of English

1. C few

2. C run

3. B If

4. D literally

5. A back

6. B off

7. D unfamiliar

8. C way

9. A so

10. D eventually

11. A surprised

12. B option

13. D For example

14. C spot

15. B through

16. D breaks

17. A artificial

18. A Finally

19. B mark

20. C lead

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1

21. A enhance banker's sense of responsibility

22. D "short-termism" in economic activities

23. B adverse

24. C the approaches to promoting "long-termism"

25. B Patience as a Corporate Virtue

Text 2

26. D The influence of consumer culture

27. A To help freshmen adapt to college learning

28. A obtain more financial support

29. C to be identical with each other

30. C analyzing the causes behind it

Text 3

31. C involves some concerns raised by AI today

32. D is too limited for us to reproduce it

33. B is still beyond our capacity

34. A affirmation

35. B Frankenstein, the Novel predicting the Age of AI

Text 4

36. C make more online shopper pay sale tax

37. D were considered unfavorable by states

38. C harmed fair market competition

39. B big-chain owners

40. A gives a factual account of it and discuss its consequences

Part B


41. E

42. D

43. G

44. B

45. A

Part C


46. 医学期刊中存在大量由广播公司和新闻媒体报道的这种无稽之谈,这会导致健康恐慌和短暂的饮食狂热。

47. 如今,任何申请研究职位的人都必须发表两倍于10年前同一职位所需的论文数量。



46. 如果我们想认真确保科学既有意义又可再生,那么我们必须确保我们的制度可以激励这种科学的发展。

Part D




You are working for Aiding Rural Primary School Program and supposed to write a reply for the application of one international student who is interested and asking for the requirement of this volunteer work. In your letter, you should conclude the basic details for the program and other information you think relative.

You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.


Dear Sir ,

It is appreciated to know from your letter of Dec.18 that you applied for our Aiding Rural Primary School program. Thanks for your interest in teaching application. Following is a brief introduction of this program and some detailed instructions which may help you have a clear clue. (我们在第一段的时候要简单回复来信,说明写着封信的目的是介绍项目的一些细节。)译文:您好:


This international program aims to help the students in the distant areas. It has been 10 years since it was set up. Now we have more than 10000 volunteers for over 30 schools, ranging from Asia to Europe. First, volunteer teachers are expected to have a plan for his or her teaching. Second, each teacher is required to have office hours for questions from students, four hours a week, from Monday to Friday. (第二段,我们要具体描述一下这个项目的内容和必要的细节。)译文:这次国际项目旨在帮助偏远山区的孩子学习。我们的项目已经有了10年的历史,现在发展扩展到了30个学校,包括亚洲和欧洲的一些地区。现在已经有10000名志愿者,我们对于执教者的要求是:老师要准备有自己的教学计划,并且在工作日有4个小时的答疑时间,为学生解决问题。

I am sure that you would have a good time and make many new friends here. All of the teachers here are caring persons and this experience is expected to be an enjoyable journey and a good memory for you later. Please contact me immediately if there is any question. Best wishes to you.









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